Soul echo

Chapter 632

Chapter 632

"Grandpa, are you home?"

The older male told the others to go home first, while he himself led Lilian out of a yard and yelled at the yard.

Soon, there was a shout from the yard: "What are you doing so loudly, I'm not deaf yet!"

Then an old man came out of the house on crutches, looked over the fence, and frowned slightly when he saw the man calling him and Lilian standing behind the man.

"what's up?"

The man pointed back at Lilian, "Grandpa, this little girl is from the west land. She wants to ask if there are any ancestors in our Yan family who have been to the west land but haven't come back."

"Oh?" Hearing this question, the old man's eyebrows trembled.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed the straight knife in Lilian's arms.

Now the light emitted by the blue bird was too dazzling, and Lilian couldn't use the light to judge the direction of the craftsman clan, so she chose to come to Yan's Village to inquire.

The scenery here is beautiful, but Lilian was not able to see the 'powerful forging skills' that people said.

"This matter... I have to go to the ancestral hall to check."

The old man stroked his beard, looked at Lilian, and said, "Little girl, come with me."

Lilian blinked, "Oh..."

"Then grandpa, I'll go home first?" The man pointed in his direction.

When the old man passed by him, he waved and took Lilian to the ancestral hall.

Glancing at Lilian, the old man said, "Leave your horse here, it's okay, no one in Yanjiazhuang dares to steal anything."

Having said that, the old man paused and asked, "You came here for the knife in your arms, right?"

Lilian pursed her lips slightly, hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"That knife looks a bit like it was made by our Yan family. If I'm not mistaken, there should be an engraving on the handle, which can be seen after untiing the rope."

The old man walked forward leaning on crutches without turning his head.

Lilian was stunned by his words. The scabbard of the straight knife was no longer the scabbard when Zhong Ye brought it out of Vitus. The old man didn't even look at the blade of the straight knife. How could he conclude that this Was the knife made by the ancestors of their Yan family?

Lilian looked down at the straight knife in her arms. The straight knife didn't have a handle, and half of the handle was inserted into the sheath to fix it.

Ordinary people can't play with this kind of weapon at all, and it is easy to hurt themselves in the process of fighting.

"This style, even hundreds of years ago, was only used by our Yan family. The swords made by other people need to serve actual combat. Therefore, the sword is a must."

As if aware of Lilian's doubts, the old man slowly explained: "But what our Yan family likes to do most is to add some abilities to weapons. If there is no accident, the ability of the knife is the flying knife, right?"

Hearing these words, Lilian felt a little more convinced about the old man.

Because the ability of the blue bird is the flying knife, after flying out, it can fly back under the control of the master, causing a second blow.

If it is not someone who knows about this, it is impossible not to check it all at once, but to know the ability of the blue bird after just a few glances.

The ancestral hall is not far from the old man's home, it takes only two or three minutes to walk there.

When he came to the door of the ancestral hall, the old man raised his crutches and knocked on the door.

"Open the door."

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps in the ancestral hall.

The door opened, and a young man poked his head out, "Huh? Great Master Zeng, why are you here at this time? Have you eaten yet?"

The old man snorted softly: "Eat, open the door quickly."

"Ah, oh, oh..." The young man froze for a moment, and hurriedly opened the door.

The old man stepped over the threshold, walked towards the ancestral hall, and asked, "Are you the third child of Qihong's family? Is it your turn to visit the ancestral hall these days?"

The young man was quietly looking at Lilian who was following behind the old man. He was slightly taken aback when he heard the question, nodded and said, "Yes, Great Master Zeng, I just arrived and I'm about to have dinner!"

"Damn things!"

The old man kicked the cane, which made the young man tremble and shrink his neck in fright.

The old man stared at him and scolded, "Who told you to eat in the ancestral hall? Take the food away, take it home to eat, and come back when you finish eating!"

The young man had a bitter face. He didn't expect Great Master Zeng to come here at this time. In fact, it was only him. The other people who came to guard the ancestral hall were also having dinner in the ancestral hall. How could he be bumped into when it was his turn?
Sighing, the young man packed up the lunch boxes in the ancestral hall, walked out of the ancestral hall dejectedly, but did not dare to leave the surroundings of the ancestral hall, and squatted outside to eat.

If he goes home now, he will definitely meet his father. If his father finds out that he was kicked out by Great Zeng Ye, he will be in big trouble.

Lilian was not frightened, but was a little curious about the old man's attitude.

She didn't quite understand why the old man was angry. The young man was just having dinner here.

Because it was getting late, the lights in the ancestral hall were already on. To Lilian's surprise, the lights here were not oil lamps, but 'electric lights'!
Noticing Lilian's gaze, the old man stroked his beard, "This thing is an electric light, the principle of which is too complicated, so I won't go into details for you here."

In addition to the main hall where the ancestral tablets are placed, there are two rooms in the Yan family ancestral hall. The old man took out a key from under the altar and opened one of the doors.

After opening the door, the old man raised his hand to touch the side of the door, and immediately, the lights in the room were lit.

"It's dangerous to use oil lamps in places like this. Therefore, after the electric lamp was invented, we installed electric lamps in the ancestral hall as soon as possible."

Lilian followed the old man into the room, and found that there was nothing else in the room, only a large pile of vertical cabinets.

"Did Dongtu and Xilu sever contact hundreds of years ago?"

The old man walked among the cabinets, took out a pair of reading glasses from his arms and put them on, his eyes flicked over the marks pasted on the cabinet doors one by one.

Even though she knew that this kind of place was very important to the Yan family and that no evil should be seen, Lilian still couldn't hold back her curiosity and took a few glances.

Then she discovered that in addition to the mark of the Yellow Emperor's year, the marks on the cabinet doors also marked the major events that happened during the period.

"Oh, I found it..."

The old man raised his hand and opened the drawer, took out a booklet from it, and flipped through it a few times.

"There were three ancestors of the Yan family who stayed in the west land and failed to return, and two of them were not good at making swords. Therefore, your ancestors should be 'Yan'."

Lilian blinked her eyes, and finally realized - it turned out that the old man had always regarded her as a descendant of the Yan family!
"Ah, this knife is not mine, it is my master's weapon, and my master also got it from the Vitus giants. According to those giants, this knife is the last one made by their ancestors before their death Weapons, and then die in dismay.

"The last wish of that craftsman was to bring this knife back to Dongtu. The condition for my master to get this knife is to bring it back to Dongtu one day and send it to the clansmen of that craftsman. .

"Originally, my master was supposed to send the knife, but because of some things, he was dragged in Jingzhou and couldn't leave, so he asked me to bring the knife.

"Actually, I have nothing to do with the Yan family, really!"

After Lilian finished speaking, the room fell into silence, which lasted for a long time.

It wasn't until the young man finished dinner, returned to the ancestral hall, and glanced at this room, that the silence was broken.

"Grandpa Zeng, what are you doing?"

The old man took a deep breath, put the family tree back, and took off his reading glasses.


He also knew that he had misunderstood, and did not take his anger out on Lilian.

The old man silently led Lilian out of the room where the genealogy was stored, locked the door silently, then pointed at the young man, and pointed at Lilian, to be precise, at the straight knife in her arms.

"Bring a knife and pick the rope."

The young man glanced curiously, then turned and walked to the corner, dragged out a tool box from the corner, and took out a small knife specially used for cutting tangled ropes.

Pick up the rope near the head of the knife, and then wash off the dirt on it with water, and you can see two words appearing on the handle of the knife.

——'strict', 'bitter'.

As these two words reappeared in the world, the blue bird trembled, and the dull chirping sound also sounded from the scabbard.

The young man was stunned, and turned to look at the old man, "Master Zeng, this, this is..."

The old man's expression also became extremely solemn, he paused his crutches, and said to the young man: "Go! Call everyone!"

The young man nodded vigorously, turned around and ran out of the ancestral hall.

Immediately afterwards, the old man looked at Lilian again, and said in a deep voice: "Little girl, don't let go—don't worry, we won't make you work for nothing, as long as you do what I say now, no matter what you want later , we can give you all!"

Lilian didn't quite understand what happened, but since it's beneficial, let's agree!

(End of this chapter)

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