Soul echo

Chapter 626

Chapter 626
Although the incident in Jingzhou was over, Zhong Ye couldn't just leave.

Because the officials in Jingzhou were almost completely killed by him, and now the people in Jingzhou Fucheng are quite chaotic, and they don't know what happened at all.

Zhong Ye got rid of the villain, but most of the gangsters and hooligans in Fucheng were unscathed.

Therefore, the emperor asked Zhong Ye to stay temporarily to help him stabilize the situation in Jingzhou so that the situation in Jingzhou would not get worse.

After thinking for a moment, Zhong Ye agreed.

Not only many officials in Jingzhou were killed by him, but many city guards and officers also died under Shang Fang's sword.

Now there are no officials in Jingzhou, and the power to guard it is gone.

If it's just the gangs grabbing benefits here, it's okay to say, but if some abyss believers come to Jingzhou to take advantage of the chaos and do something here, it may lead to the fall of Jingzhou.

It was precisely because of these considerations that Zhong Ye chose to stay.

When the conversation was about to end, Zhong Ye asked: "I killed so many patriarchs of the family this time, does it have any effect on you?"

[It does have some influence, but you don’t need to pay too much attention to it. After all, if it weren’t for you this time, Jingzhou would have fallen. It’s better to say that this is a good opportunity. If you use it well, I might not be able to get rid of a few A 'spies'. 】

After finishing speaking, the emperor stopped laughing and said seriously: [So, everything in Jingzhou is up to you! 】

Zhong Ye nodded, "Leave it to me!"

Although he didn't know how to govern a city, nor what he needed to learn to govern a city, he felt that he should be able to maintain order in a city.

Putting away the talisman, Zhong Ye walked out.

Halfway through the walk, Zhong Ye suddenly remembered something, and opened the system panel to take a look.

Although after he became a legend, the character panel no longer displayed his specific level, for the system, the legend was already at the top level.

However, soul debris still accumulated.

After he reached the tenth level, he never used soul fragments again, and climbed to the legendary realm entirely by his own strength.

After the tenth level, he participated in so many battles and beheaded so many powerful enemies, and the number of soul fragments he had accumulated had already exceeded 50.

Zhong Ye thought for a while, then suddenly asked the air: "Is anyone there?"

【...Here, what's the matter? 】

Zhong Ye raised his own question: "Can I issue a mission and distribute the accumulated soul fragments to other players?"

[We haven't considered this...but we can try it!Wait a minute, I'm going to learn the code of the system, don't worry, I'm a god, and I can learn quickly. 】

Then, the god disappeared.

Zhong Ye was a little speechless, but he didn't say anything, and continued to walk out of the yard.

Zhong Ye is now in the government office. Before that, he had sent someone to notify the remaining policemen and servants in the yamen. Now they should all gather in the open space in front of the yamen lobby.

After a while, Zhong Ye walked through a corridor and came to the lobby of the yamen. Looking out, he saw a large group of people standing in the open space outside the lobby.

He also saw some familiar figures, they once surrounded the prefect's office, and two policemen shot him.

However, the first police officer who shot him had been killed by him, and now the second police officer who shot him was standing in the front row with a face full of resentment.

He didn't seem to want to come very much, but was pulled by others.

Zhong Ye only glanced at him, then looked away and looked at everyone.

"From now on," Zhong Ye took out the supervisory censor order, "I will take charge of Jingzhou until His Majesty sends new officials to Jingzhou.

"Anyone who wants to quit, it's best to quit now, put down the things you got from the government and go, I won't stop you."

The second policeman who shot at Zhong Ye raised his head abruptly, then ruthlessly tore off his badge and threw it on the ground, then took off his coat symbolizing 'captain', turned and left without listening to other people's obstruction yamen.

Many people waited and watched, and when the arrester left the Yamen, and Zhong Ye did not stop them, they looked at each other, and soon many people made the same choice as the arrester.

Doing things under Zhong Ye is definitely not as easy as working under those officials before. Although they stayed in the Yamen before and did not leave, they also saw that Zhong Ye killed the Jingzhou government until blood flowed into rivers.

Any officials who participated in the evil deeds of Lianshan Temple, some officials who were 'not worthy of death' in their eyes, were also beheaded by Zhong Ye.

One can tell at a glance that Zhong Ye is a person who can't rub a grain of sand in his eyes. Working under such a person, he needs to be cautious and always pay attention to whether his behavior is out of line.

That's too tiring, it's better to leave now.

Zhong Ye waited for a long time, and when Lilian and Delilah came back, there were less than twenty people left in the open space in front of them.

Almost all the yamen servants have left, and there are only two arresters left, and the rest are gangsters.

Wu Zuo left the Yamen, and could hardly find any other way of survival, and they had no choice but to stay.

The [-] or so people in front of Zhong Ye are all the stability maintenance forces in the yamen. He is not very clear about how many other civil servants will stay, but it is estimated that there will not be many.

"Have all the civil servants been notified?" Zhong Ye turned his head and asked Dai Lila.

Delilah nodded, "I've gathered the rest of the officials and clerks into one room, but their not very good."

Obviously, the impression Zhong Ye gave them was too cruel, so that when Zhong Ye asked Lilian and Delilah to notify the officials to hold a meeting, almost all the officials' faces changed drastically, and the two sides fought.

"It's okay." After speaking, Zhong Ye turned his head to look at Lilian, "Take the talisman and go to Juyi Pavilion to issue a mission, just say to recruit arresters, civil servants and officials."

——Go to Juyi Pavilion to recruit officials?
Hearing Zhong Ye's words, the first thought that flashed in Dai Lila's mind was unbelievable, but then, she remembered the 'tacit understanding' between Zhong Ye and Lilian, so she remained silent.

Lilian took the talisman symbolizing the prefect of Jingzhou and blinked. Is this to recruit players?

"What about the recruitment criteria?" Lilian asked doubtfully.

Zhong Ye said in a deep voice, "Let them come to the yamen, and I will personally interview them."

Lilian was thoughtful, grabbed the talisman and ran away, then Zhong Ye let the twenty or so people who were still in the open space rest for a while, and took Dai Lila to the room where the officials gathered.

When he opened the door and entered, the people sitting in the room immediately stood up, and the people who were standing straightened up, their faces stiffened.

Zhong Ye glanced around the room and asked, "In the past, how many officials and officials were there in the Jingzhou government?"

Hearing this question, all the officials present were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect Zhong Ye to act so vigorously, so they directly entered the topic.

Regarding this point, the people present were not clear, and they hesitated and couldn't answer.

Seeing their appearance, Zhong Ye shook his head, "Forget it, I'll check later... From now on, I will take care of Jingzhou. If any of you want to rest, just say now, I will give you a rest Opportunity."

Hearing this, all the officials turned pale immediately, and then hurriedly shook their heads.

Zhong Ye also knew what they were thinking, and patiently explained it several times, but they still said that they were 'not tired', and he couldn't help it.

"Since you're not tired, then I hope that all of you here can work hard until His Majesty sends someone to take over Jingzhou."

Zhong Ye's words made everyone tense up in fright, "Yes! My lord! We will definitely work hard!"

Seeing their appearance, Zhong Ye was speechless, but he didn't know what to say.

He felt that the more he said now, the more scared they would be, so it was better not to say anything.

After giving them an order, Zhong Ye took Dai Lila back to the Yamen lobby to prepare for the next interview session.

It was also at this time that the gods who had disappeared for a long time finally answered.

[I'm back, find a quieter place later, and I'll help you install that plug-in. 】

Seeing this news, Zhong Ye got up calmly and walked to the toilet.

On the way, he couldn't help asking: "Didn't you say you learned quickly?"

[Of course I learn quickly, but other people made the system code too complicated, neither added comments nor wrote documents, it took me a long time to straighten out the logic, if I am not a god, I can't even understand this can't read! 】

Although Zhong Ye didn't learn programming, he also knew some programming knowledge, and was quite shocked by the barbarians who didn't comment or write documents.

——But having said that, it turns out that the player's system is really written in code?
The god didn't wait until Zhong Ye entered the latrine, but before that, a cloud-like hand appeared and touched Zhong Ye's head.

The installation process didn't last long, and the dreamy hand quickly disappeared.

Zhong Ye shook his head, feeling as if there was something more in his mind.

When I opened the system panel, I found that there was indeed an option of 'publishing tasks', but it was quite simple, and there was no way to compare it with other functions of the system.

However, it can be used.

(End of this chapter)

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