Soul echo

Chapter 623

Chapter 623

Qin Tianjian is like a clock that has been wound up and started to run.

All warlocks and alchemists who are outside are recalled—no matter where they are, as long as they carry the tokens of Qin Tianjian with them, their tokens will be activated when the supervisor gives an order. They respond, and the token casts a portal that takes them back to Qin Tianjian.

Theoretically speaking, as long as there is no particularly urgent matter at hand, such as Dunlon, going to the toilet and the like, all summoned personnel must come back.

"One hundred and eight people were summoned, and one hundred and eight people actually arrived. The prison guard, everyone has arrived!"

Standing on the high platform, Qin Tianjian nodded slightly, and waved his hand towards the sky, and a golden light exploded from the dark and huge space dome.

The supervisor looked down at the alchemists and warlocks present again, and said, "The target for this time has already been sent to you before your arrival. I don't think you have any comments?"


Scattered voices resounded in the square, hearing these voices, the supervisor also felt quite helpless.

After all, only a few of the alchemists and warlocks present were cultivated by Qin Tianjian himself, and most of them were recruited from the schools that cooperated with Qin Tianjian.

However, if you are lazy, let's be lazy, as long as it is not bad!
"This time, the enemy is a false god enlightened by the King of Conspiracy. It is located in Jingzhou. Someone has held it there and will help clean up the mess. Therefore, we only need to drive that false god into Shenzhou. Sleep is enough, and the killing is handed over to the martial arts master who is now in Jingzhou."

After saying that, the supervisor coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"The facial features are correct!"

Five people stood up from below, "This subordinate is here!"

"I order you to calculate the time!"

"Subordinates obey orders!"

Jianzheng pointed again, "Lingtai Lang of the Five Senses!"

"The subordinate is here!" The four responded in unison.

"I order you to calculate the celestial phenomena in Jingzhou!"

"Subordinates obey orders!"

As the supervisor issued one order after another, Qin Tianjian began to operate.

The materials and instruments that have been sorted out have been sent to the doctors, and the doctors make calculations based on the information on the materials.

"Jingzhou is sunny today!"

"The nearest auspicious time is 8 minutes later. When the sun shines on Jingzhou, it will be the most active time for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

"Jingzhou Fucheng's luck is low at this time, but there is a burst of vitality that is raising the luck!"

Feedback came up one by one, the supervisor and the deputy supervisor thought for a while, and after discussing for a while, they decided on the 'weapon' to be used next.

"Go to the Nine Suns Sword Formation!"

After making the decision, the supervisor and deputy supervisor signed their names on the responsibility letter and stamped their seals.

After accepting the letter of responsibility, the master bowed to the two of them, gestured to the guards, and turned to leave.

The hundred guards standing by took a step forward and pushed down the gold piled up on the side.

The gold poured down like a waterfall, but it didn't attract anyone's attention. All the doctors present were focused on preparing for the next spellcasting.

The supervisor raised his hand and waved, a crystal ball flew out from the darkness and fell into the crowd of doctors. At this moment, the supervisor tapped the crystal ball, and a projection of mountains and rivers fell to the ground.

The accumulated gold rolled down and fell into the projection, and the magic circle on the dome flickered, and the gold melted, like flowing water, flowing along the projection, outlining mountains, rivers and cities on the ground.

The magic circle emitting golden light flickered again, and the flowing gold solidified.

When the mountains and rivers are all condensed, the prison is once again empty, and the projected mountains and rivers are receded, and a city is projected in the center, and all the activities of the people in the city are also projected.

At this time, the deputy supervisor who was waiting by the side reminded: "Everyone, get ready!"

Everyone bowed to the supervisor and deputy supervisor, and waited in full force.

Afterwards, Jianzheng took a deep breath: "The Prosperity of Kyushu—"

So, all the people shouted together: "Join the charity together!"

All the doctors of Qin Tianjian pointed at the center of the field and shouted in unison:

"go with!"

I saw the mountains and rivers on the ground roll up and fly over the projected city.

Countless golds were condensed and tempered in the air, forming a golden sword.

The body of the sword is engraved with stars, sun and moon on one side, mountains, rivers, grass and trees on the other side, farming and animal husbandry skills on the hilt, and the strategy of unifying the world on the other side.

The prisoner flew up, held the sword, pointed it down, and called, "Where is the deputy supervisor?"

"The subordinate is here!" The deputy supervisor bowed his hands and saluted.

"I order you to find the whereabouts of the demon!"

"Subordinates have orders!"

After saying that, the Deputy Superintendent took out a large pen from his sleeve, and pointed the pen at a distance away from the rest of the gold. When he lifted the tip of the pen, the gold flew to the city like flowing water. above.

Gold is the most precious metal in the world. Only by using gold can the figure of false gods be depicted.

I saw the strange image of a ghost whose upper body is a demon, but whose lower body covers the entire city like a network, and the deputy supervisor painted it.

As if aware of something, the abbot who was above Jingzhou raised his head, but he could only see a piece of clear sky in the sky.

The bright sun shines directly on the earth, without a cloud to cover it.

Looking at the bright and dazzling sunlight, the abbot exhaled and looked down at the ground again.

In the city, the rangers were rushing to kill, and Zhong Ye was also running back and forth, without showing any abnormalities.

However, the abbot had seen it before.

Not long ago, Zhong Ye held the talisman and said something to someone. At that time, he used a strange force to cover up his actions, and he knew there was a problem at a glance.

But what the problem is, it can't figure it out.

"It's auspicious time!"

Standing in the void, the prisoner nodded slightly, held the divine sword, and bowed to the doctors around him, "Please help me, colleagues!"

As soon as the words fell, the supervisor threw the divine sword upwards.

The golden light array on the dome suddenly shot out countless rays of light, condensing on the divine sword.

"Congratulations to the Excalibur—"

Everyone pinched their sword fingers at the same time, pointed at the demon in the center of the field, and shouted in unison: "Zhu Yaoxie!"

The divine sword, which gathered the beliefs of all beings and the power of mountains and rivers, suddenly descended and fell to the earth.

When touching the demon painted in gold, the figures of the divine sword and the demon suddenly flashed and disappeared into the field at the same time.

--it's time!

Seeing that the crises he created were resolved one by one, the abbot raised his hand indifferently, ready to detonate all the remaining seeds at once, and then his mind suddenly moved.

Above Jingzhou, the atmosphere was surging.

The abbot only had time to look up, and saw a long sword that pierced the sky descending from the sky.

When it raised its head, only the tip of the sword was reflected in its pupils, only an inch away from the pupils.

Everyone could see that the divine sword that descended from the sky directly cut off the demon's body!
Zhong Ye also looked up at the sky, and when he saw this scene, the corners of his mouth curled up.

He had always fought alone before, and rarely had the opportunity to get help from others. Therefore, he also forgot that he was not the only enemy of the devil in this world.

The whole Dan world stood with him, they were all full of hatred and killing intent towards the demon.

So, he is not a man without companions!
Many people in Jingzhou hid in their houses. Not everyone saw the scene where the abbot was beheaded, but there were quite a few who saw that scene.

Next, as long as the remaining officials and descendants of the aristocratic families are cleaned up, and the publicity is given to the people that 'the devil is dead', the abbot will never be able to come back to life.

Although it had transformed its image in just a few ten minutes, but because of this, after it was beheaded as a demon, no one would think it was still alive.

From this moment on, the false god is dead!
(End of this chapter)

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