Soul echo

Chapter 617 Hero (5)

Chapter 617 Hero (V)
Zhong Ye landed on the ground and smashed the floor tiles with his foot.

In the backyard, monks and monks have formed a large formation, protecting their abbot behind them.

"Namo Amitabha."

The abbot, with white beard and hair, stood behind many monks, clasped his hands together, and looked kindly.

"Why did the two benefactors come here?"

"You bald donkey! Don't you know why we came here?!" The sloppy man scolded.

The abbot glanced at him, and slowly shook his head: "If I knew, I wouldn't ask you guys. If monks don't tell lies, I really don't know."

Hearing his answer, the sloppy man twisted his nose angrily, and shouted hysterically: "You monster monks took away my wife and children, provided them to the rich and powerful, killed my parents, and took my land by force. And sold it to other people - isn't that what you guys did?"

"No." The abbot shook his head again, "Monks don't tell lies. I really have never done such a wicked thing, and I can guarantee that Lianshan Temple is a pure place and will not do such evil things."

"That's not necessarily the case." Zhong Ye said suddenly, attracting all the attention.

He clenched his fists when he heard the movement from the front yard of the temple.

"If you really didn't do those things, what's going on with the people hiding in those houses behind you now?"

Putting his finger on the wristband, Zhong Ye slowly pulled out the long knife, "Although I am a foreigner, passing through Jingzhou, I don't know the high-ranking officials and wealthy people in Jingzhou, but the believers in the front yard are all Jingzhou locals, as long as you ask them Once you do this, you can know the identities of those people hiding in the house, and the identities of the people suppressed by them, maybe there may be relatives of those believers among them."

The long knife was shiny, reflecting a cold light in the sun.

The cold light shone into the eyes of many monks, making them feel cold all over.

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, the scruffy man's eyes turned red instantly, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Sure enough, he did not find the wrong target, Lianshan Temple was his enemy!
"Namo Amitabha..." The abbot lowered his eyes and did not answer.

The monks surrounding Zhong Ye glanced at each other, suddenly clenched their sticks tightly and shouted loudly.


Zhong Ye swung the long saber around and swept the front of him, forcing the charging monks back. Then he turned around and kicked, the shadows of his legs were chained, and the tight encirclement was opened in an instant, and all the monks were kicked upside down. .

The monks in the periphery were knocked down one after another, and they wailed suddenly.

Those monks who were not knocked down by the monks hurriedly recited the incantation, and saw a little bit of golden light converge towards Zhong Ye, forming several chains around his body.

Zhong Ye ignored it, and took another step forward, and the golden chain shattered.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in place, and a strong wind suddenly rose.

The abbot, with his head down and eyebrows lowered, suddenly opened his eyes, Zhong Ye's figure rapidly enlarged in his eyes, and the snow-white shiny blade also approached his pupils.

The wind of the knife swirled wildly, peeling off the abbot's face, revealing a ferocious indigo face.


It let out a screech, and the flicker vanished in place.

The long knife fell into the air, but hovered three inches above the ground before hitting the ground.

Because the air was squeezed, a strong wind burst out from under the blade, and countless smoke and dust surged.

Zhong Ye looked back and saw the monks' bodies swelled and deformed.

They stared at their bodies in disbelief, screaming and cursing.

His eyes flicked past them, and finally fell on the sloppy man.

The sloppy man looked at his hands in shock, and under his gaze, his body also swelled like a monk.

Muscles continued to grow, supporting the skin, and pain was felt in fingers, arms, torso, and everywhere in the body.

The sloppy man suddenly changed his expression, raised his hands to cover his head, knelt down and cried out in pain.

"Revenge... Lian'er... Father, Mother... Revenge! Revenge!"

The eyeballs fluttered in their sockets, and his gaze swayed wildly, finally fixing on a tall figure.

At this time, the sloppy man's body has become like those monks, flushed all over, a thin layer of skin is tightly wrapped around the swollen muscles, and the muscle lines show through the body surface, it looks like a different color bark.


The monster let out a growl and charged with the monsters the monks had turned into.

Zhong Ye pursed his lips tightly, and suddenly waved the long knife in his hand.

A moment later, countless stumps and broken arms shot up into the sky, raining blood, and the head and torso fell to the ground and were trampled into pieces.

The monsters formed a torrent, constantly rushing towards Zhong Ye, while Zhong Ye was like a rock, standing firmly in the tide, no matter how the tide washed away, he remained motionless.

When the blade was close to a monster's neck, Zhong Ye recognized the monster's identity. He was the sloppy man, because among all the monsters, only he still kept his fragmented self-awareness and was still screaming.


As if sending a commission to Zhong Ye with death, after three hundred and three microseconds, Zhong Ye chopped off its head.

The sprayed blood penetrated into Zhong Ye's heart like tears.

"I promise you."

While speaking, Zhong Ye had already slaughtered all the monsters standing in front of him.

Flicking the long knife, the blood stained with the blade immediately felt the gravity, flowed towards the tip of the knife, swayed to the ground, merged into the pool of blood all over the ground, and rippled at the beginning.

"Not only Lianshan Temple, but everyone involved in this incident—must die!"

It was not the first time that sloppy man had brought people to Lianshan Temple. His body and mind had been distorted by the abbot long ago to look like those monks.

The body has been transformed into a monster, and the mind has been distorted and controlled.

Even so, he still remembers his past, and still remembers his hatred.

Unfortunately, he was too weak, so weak that he couldn't even control his own body and consciousness, and fell into the hands of the enemy.

[Can you finish killing? 】

Unreal voices came from nowhere, wandering around Zhong Ye in all directions.

[Who do you think drove him and his family to death?Is it my old man?No, it's everyone in Jingzhou...]

[The old monk is not a real thing. The old monk is the fantasy of all Buddhist believers and vested interests in Jingzhou. It is only the king of wisdom who gave the old monk life. 】

[The past abbot of the temple hoped that Lianshan Temple would grow and develop, the monks in the temple hoped to understand Buddhism and become rich and powerful, the high-ranking officials and wealthy people hoped for a place where they could have their lust and wanton behavior, and the believers hoped for a place A bigger and more effective Buddhist temple... The old monk just fulfilled their wishes. How could it be the old monk's fault in the end? 】

【—Old Monk, what’s wrong? 】

Zhong Ye listened silently, and after it finished speaking, he asked: "You mean, if you want to kill you, you have to kill all the monks in Lianshan Temple, all the high-ranking officials and wealthy people in Jingzhou, and all the Jingzhou lands?" believers of the Lianshan Temple?"

【Exactly. 】

Hearing this answer, Zhong Ye took a deep breath.

——This is the 'curse' of the Lord of War!
The more he doesn't want to kill, the curse will force him to keep killing, constantly making him choose between killing or not killing.

If you kill it, it is in line with the blood god's will. If you don't kill it, it doesn't matter. There are so many people and so many living things in the world. If you don't kill this time, don't kill it next time, and don't kill it next time... Then, After how many times, he can't help killing people?
Zhong Ye is still young, and he still has a lot of time. The Lord of War is even more immortal. He has enough time to wait. For him, a few years, decades, or hundreds of years are just small and short moments in his long life. a paragraph.

kill?do not kill?


This question only existed in Zhong Ye's mind for a moment. The next moment, he took a step forward, leaped from the mountain of corpses and blood, flew over a distance of more than ten meters, stepped on the top of a wall, and then jumped again, smashing through the wall. The roof of the Daxiong Palace.

Just about to walk out of the main hall, the Buddha statues chasing and killing 'food' suddenly stopped and looked back.

The thick fog concealed the figure of that powerful being, but their perception of things was never just with their eyes.

"Something like you..."

Angry voices came from behind the dust and mist, and the eyes of the Buddha statues suddenly widened, and they all uttered strange screams, turned and fled.

"I killed a lot!"

I saw the gust of wind rushing, a heavy fist broke through the smoke and dust, and hit a Buddha statue.

The place where the bronze Buddha statue touched the face of the fist was dented instantly, and then a huge force surged, pushing the body of the Buddha statue, which was heavier than a thousand jun, off the ground.

--rise!rise! !rise! ! !


Running on the mountain road, the believers who were fleeing in a hurry looked up in amazement, and saw a Buddha statue flying over their heads, like a meteor, falling into the woods at the foot of the mountain, destroying a large area of ​​trees, and countless smoke and dust rose immediately.

Zhong Ye let out a mouthful of turbid air, his eyes full of violence.

"It's just a false god!"

(End of this chapter)

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