Soul echo

Chapter 614 Hero (2)

Chapter 614 Hero ([-])
【Zhong Ye, there is something...we feel the need to tell you. 】

Just a few steps after Zhong Ye left Juyi Pavilion with that disheveled man, a piece of news jumped in front of his eyes.

Because Lilian was still by his side, Zhong Ye controlled his facial muscles and asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

【Remember what happened to you in Bianliang? 】

How could you not remember?

It was only half a month since Zhong Ye and the others left Bianliang, half a month was not enough for him to forget one thing.

What's more, it is because of the plague incident in Bianliang that he can get Changuang Pavilion now.

"Has anything to do with that?"

[Thinking plague. 】

Hearing the mention of this matter by the gods, related memories immediately appeared in Zhong Ye's mind.

"That plague of thinking... I still want to ask you!"

[I know what you want to ask, and this is what we want to say now—] After a pause, the god continued, [After many confirmations, we found that the distance between the world of Dan and the earth may be longer than we imagined close. 】

Hearing these words, Zhong Ye felt the blood vessels on his forehead throbbing, and took a light breath, "...What do you mean?"

[Although the system we give players can protect the player's soul, but even us gods can't protect their believers well, how can they protect players?First of all, players come to this world through soul projection, and the bodies they use are all shaped by us using divine power; second, because the distance between the two worlds is far enough, many things cannot be passed through, and have not yet reached the earth , those effects dissipate. 】

[But the situation is a bit different now... The distance between the two worlds is too close now, and there are already some things that can reach the earth along the player's soul projection! 】

The gods say 'there are some', the plague of thought is just one of them, there are others...

"How could this be?"

This is definitely not intentional by the gods of the Dan world, there must be some reason.

[It may be that the evil god of the abyss blinded our senses and made us misjudge the distance between the two worlds, which led to such a thing...]

[But at the same time, this incident may have been leaked to us by the evil god of the abyss. 】

Zhong Ye was slightly taken aback, "How do you say it?"

[Ma Ming is a follower of the King of Conspiracy, and the evil god of the abyss who now holds the coordinates of the earth is the Lord of War. 】

As soon as Zhong Ye heard the title of 'Blood God', Zhong Ye immediately remembered the part of his awakening memory.

The reason why he came to the Dan world is entirely because the body is dead, and the soul is cursed by the war lord.

If he didn't come to Dan's world, but lived on the earth all the time, just like what he experienced in the Westland before, vicious incidents would continue to erupt around him.

The first demon sent to the earth was the believer of the Lord of War, which just confirmed the statement of the gods.

The Lord of War has mastered the coordinates of the earth, but now the earth should be blessed by the gods, so the devil cannot invade the earth for the time being.

Now that the gods know the news, they will definitely inform the earth, and the earth and the gods will also try to strengthen their defenses. In this way, even if the war lord can use the Dan world as a springboard to invade the earth, there is no way to cause too many casualties .

"...Wait!" Zhong Ye suddenly realized something.

"If it is said that the distance between the two worlds is closer than expected, does that mean that the time of intersection..."

[Yes, unfortunately, if there are no accidents, Dan's world and the earth may initially converge after a maximum of one year and a minimum of half a year. 】

At that time, the demons will be able to use the world of Dan as a springboard and enter the earth!
Suddenly, Zhong Ye thought about many things clearly.

Why the bloody tribe wanted to destroy the fleet connecting the east and west at this time, and why the Lord of Pleasure wanted the idea of ​​the demon hunter, all because of this—the time left for the earth is running out!
Zhong Ye was only flustered for a moment, but recovered quickly.

The intersection of Earth and Dan's world is inevitable, and now it's just a little bit earlier.

If the connection between Earth and Dan's world had been established decades ago, then the Earth must have planned it long ago.

Of course, in addition to the plan to fight, there should be a large number of surrender factions.

Even in the Dan world, there are powerful beings like the gods suppressing them, and many people will choose to fall into the abyss, let alone the earth.

Many countries on the earth have reached the point where it is hard to return. People there live in emptiness and cannot see any hope for the future. If falling into the abyss can make them feel happy, then these exquisite egoists will definitely be the first time or a little bit. After thinking about it, he fell into the abyss.

Compared with Bidan world, the earth is the biggest mine.

At the thought of such a thing happening, Zhong Ye shuddered.

"And then? For players, will this have any irreversible impact?"

【of course!The impact on memory and consciousness is secondary, and there may even be a risk of sudden death. 】

[However, "Soul Echo" can't stop. 】

Zhong Ye knows what the gods mean. Players have tasted the sweetness of 'accelerated learning', and "Echo of Soul" is the only way for players to understand the existence of the abyss. "Soul Echo" will make players feel uneasy and fearful.

It is impossible to judge whether launching the "Echo of Soul" project is a failure, and the fact has already happened, so it is meaningless to dwell on these issues.

"Is that all you want to say?"

[Yes, in addition to this, I want to remind you to be careful, your curse is still in effect, maybe you will encounter something next. 】

"Thank you for your blessings."

After sending this message, Zhong Ye closed the chat box, then turned to look at the unkempt man beside him.

"Brother, isn't it the first time you have gone to Juyi Pavilion for help?"

Hearing this, the slovenly man woke up like a dream, hurriedly pulled back his sleeve from Zhong Ye's hand, looked at Zhong Ye's polluted palm, and sighed: "Yes, this is not the first time I went..."

"Has no knight willing to help you before?" Zhong Ye asked.

The slovenly man smiled wryly and shook his head, "I'm poor and can't afford the money, and Lianshan Temple is a big temple in Jingzhou, and there are many martial arts monks in it, no one wants to offend Lianshan Temple."

- This is strange!

If Zhong Ye remembers correctly, the task of exterminating that copycat bandit is a high-level task. According to the practice of Juyi Pavilion, if there are no high-level contracted knights in the local area, Juyi Pavilion will not accept the high-level task entrustment.

Juyi Pavilion in Jingzhou clearly does not have a high-level contract knight, but accepts a high-level task entrustment?Who will finish it?

Moreover, Zhong Ye did not believe that all the contracted knights in Juyi Pavilion were greedy for money and profit, and among them there must be a few real knights who were eager for justice.

Then, why did this man go to Juyi Pavilion for help more than once, but no one came to help him?
It would be fine if those real knights were not there when this sloppy man went to ask for help, but wouldn't other people take this matter as a talking point?Haven't those few true knights heard about it from other people?

Zhong Ye believes that this is impossible.

But if those people knew about it, why didn't they help?
In other words, they have already tried to help, but the matter has not been resolved, and even they themselves are in deep trouble?
When Zhong Ye was in Juyi Pavilion, he had already thought of some of them. It wasn't until he heard the words of the gods just now that he realized that the 'mind plague' spread by Ma Ming was not special. There were already things in this world that could affect into the player's mind.

Therefore, even the players who were in the lobby on the first floor of Juyi Pavilion just now did not refute the words of the shopkeeper.

Because in the consciousness of the players, no one really helped this sloppy man, and no one ignored his plea for help.

He just came to Juyi Pavilion and knelt for a few days, asking for help for a few days.

That being the case, where is Lianshan Temple sacred?
(End of this chapter)

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