Soul echo

Chapter 608 Rewards

Chapter 608 Rewards
From Ma Ming's previous words, we can know that all parasites are controlled by him.

Just now Ma Ming had chosen to attack, Zhong Ye could only kill him, otherwise, once his consciousness broke through the blockage of the stellar energy, the plague of thinking would be detonated, leading to even greater disasters.

Fortunately, Zhong Ye's guess was correct. Even after he killed Ma Ming, the parasitic monsters in the magistrate and city guard did not riot.

——Those parasitic monsters don't have self-awareness, they just parasitize in the human body, and they won't do anything other than grow and store spiritual energy.

Of course, they will still react after being hurt themselves.

Compared with parasitic monsters, the plague of thinking is much easier to deal with. As long as someone tells the infected person the truth of the matter, the plague will break itself.

As long as the plague of thinking can be detected, the spread of the plague in Bianliang will basically be over.

However, there are still many things that need to be resolved in order to completely solve this matter.

For example, the monsters parasitic in people's bodies have not been eliminated, how to deal with infected people like Qing Lai who has grown to replace the liver with parasitic monsters in the body... and other things still plague the people of Bianliang.

The city guard suddenly blinked and felt the vibration of the talisman in his palm.

After a while, he immediately jumped up from the ground and saluted the talisman respectfully.

Zhong Ye glanced at him, and was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by the city guard.

"Hero, hero, please stay!"

Having seen Zhong Ye's miraculous performance just now, the city guard also quietly changed his address and attitude towards Zhong Ye.

The city guard ran quickly from the corner of the courtyard to Zhong Ye, and handed the talisman to Zhong Ye respectfully.

"Hero, Your Majesty wants to chat with you."

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows, and casually took the talisman from the guard's hand, and immediately, a voice rang in his ears: [But 'Zhong Ye'? 】

After a moment of silence, just as Zhong Ye was about to answer, the voice said again: 【Don't stay here, ask the prefect of Bianliang for a room. 】

Although he had some doubts, but the size of the Huang Kingdom was so huge, it was impossible for the emperor not to know about the 'Earth'. Perhaps what he wanted to talk to himself was about this aspect.

Zhong Ye borrowed a room from the apprehensive magistrate standing aside, and after entering the room, he used spiritual energy to seal the entire room, isolating all sounds.

"Are you the emperor of the Huang Kingdom?" Zhong Ye didn't intend to hide it, and asked straight to the point.

[Of course. ] There was a little more smile in that voice, 【You should call me 'Your Majesty'. 】

Zhong Ye also followed suit, "Then, Your Majesty, what can you do for a busy person looking for me?"

[Actually, there is nothing else, I just want to chat with you, a well-known 'hero' in the West. 】

After laughing a few times, the emperor seemed to become serious, and asked: [Let’s talk about Bianliang’s affairs. Bianliang’s prefect and city guards did not manage well. Although this matter is force majeure for them, the fault still exists. If I reward them for this, it would be too unfair to others. 】

【Therefore, I want you to take on the fame of 'saving Bianliang'. After all, you were the one who did this. You should be used to this kind of thing. 】

What the emperor said was right, Zhong Ye had long been used to this kind of thing.

Coincidentally, he also had some thoughts on this matter.

"I can bear this fame, and then, I want to use this fame to make a request to you."

【oh?Tell me? 】

"Changuang Pavilion." Zhong Ye said softly, "I want to use this fame to exchange Changuang Pavilion with you."

After speaking, he introduced the 'Changuang Pavilion' to the emperor.

After knowing what the Changuang Pavilion was, the emperor became interested in it: [If you want the Changuang Pavilion, you should stop treating the women there as prostitutes, so you should find a way out for them Yet? 】

"I want to turn Changuang Pavilion into a school!" Zhong Ye immediately replied, "Most of them are wealthy daughters who have wandered around in the world, and they are very proficient in these things.

"The most important thing is that they are literate. I have observed many cities along the way since Jinmen. To continue on this path, intellectuals are indispensable, not to mention that a literate worker is more productive than an illiterate worker most of the time.

"However, in the cities I see on the road, the teaching model is still old, and there are very few official schools, most of them are private schools and family schools, and what they teach is still the so-called sage's speech.

"It is undeniable that these things have a good side, but they also have a bad side. More importantly, it cannot promote the development of productivity, which is the most fatal!"

In the process of social development, productivity firmly occupies the most important part. If productivity cannot be improved, society cannot develop.

Throughout the ages, the background of any social development is closely related to the improvement of productivity. If Dongtu wants to continue to progress, the learning system must be reformed.

The emperor was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: [I also thought about reforming the school system...but there are many difficulties, resistance from officials, businessmen, peasants, everything that one expects to find, the whole society is against me, you Think, can you? 】

"Because you are the emperor, you need to juggle many things."

Zhong Ye's complexion remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "And I'm just a warrior, with no worries, if anyone refuses to accept, I'll use my fist to persuade him, and if anyone refuses to accept, I will beat him until he is persuaded."

This is not the ancient times of the earth, this is the world of Dan—the world of Dan with extraordinary power.

With Zhong Ye's current combat power, he doesn't need to be afraid even if he faces an entire modern army.

He doesn't need to be able to withstand missile attacks, he just needs to rush into the enemy camp and start killing. Ordinary rifle bullets and grenades can't hurt him at all.

For him, even if the consequence of doing so is that he needs to face the whole antiquated and old society, he doesn't need to care about it.

Because he is a legend and a master of martial arts.

"If there are other martial arts masters and land gods who want to trouble me because of this matter, I also welcome it.

"As the saying goes, Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. I want to see who dares to compete with me for this 'first'!"

Although Zhong Ye's tone was flat, the emperor could feel his firmness from it. After a moment of silence, he laughed again: [Well, I promise you, from today onwards, Changuang Pavilion will be yours, hand over the talisman to The magistrate of Bianliang, let me talk to him about this matter. 】

Thus, Changuang Pavilion came into Zhong Ye's hands.

When he handed over the talisman to the magistrate, the magistrate had a face full of fear at first, but it seemed that when he heard that Changuang Pavilion was going to be handed over to Zhong Ye, his face changed instantly, extremely ugly.

Seeing his appearance, Zhong Ye shook his head, did not wait any longer, turned around and walked out of the yard, and talked about it with Lilian and Dai Lila who were guarding outside the yard.

"You want to turn Changuang Pavilion into a school?" Even Dai Lila felt crazy when she heard about it.

She followed Zhong Ye and had been traveling in the East for nearly a month, and basically understood the customs and customs of this land.

Women are regarded as men's vassals most of the time in this land. There are female gentlemen, but not many, and they usually only teach women.

But the school that Zhong Ye wanted to open not only had teachers who used to be prostitutes, but also recruited students regardless of male or female, high or low—this kind of thing, in this ancient and pedantic land of Huang Kingdom, was simply outrageous.

Not to mention the real recruitment of students, even putting forward such an idea will be criticized by thousands of people.

However, only by smashing those old and outdated ideas to pieces can society change.

"If you insist..." Looking at Zhong Ye's firm face, Dai Lila sighed and fell into deep thought, thinking about how to build such a school.

"There's no need to rush this kind of thing."

Zhong Ye lowered his head and patted the straight knife hanging on his waist, "Before building the school, I will send the blue bird back to the hometown of that craftsman. His bones cannot come back, and it should be a great comfort to him that the blue bird that entrusts his spirit can go back."

(End of this chapter)

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