Soul echo

Chapter 595 Doubt

Chapter 595 Doubt
After Zhong Ye came back, Lilian asked curiously, "What is that thing that popped up just now?"

Many people around were still looking at the direction where the blood-colored giant appeared just now. They were all scared and ran around just now, but they didn't expect that it just looked scary and was easily dealt with.

There were quite a few people who saw Zhong Ye soaring into the sky just now, and seeing Zhong Ye come back here now, they naturally understood what happened.

But they didn't dare to disturb Zhong Ye, they only dared to look at him with admiration.

"It should be the thing we're looking for." Zhong Ye paused, "Or, the thing hidden in the sarcophagus we're looking for."

He saw a broken sarcophagus in that hall, judging from the appearance of the sarcophagus fragments, it was very similar to the one described in the mission list.

If nothing else, those stone fragments should belong to the sarcophagus they were looking for.

"The devil?"

Delilah glanced in that direction, a little disappointed.

She thought how powerful that guy could be, but she didn't expect Zhong Ye to easily deal with him without any effort.

"Since the matter has been resolved, shall we stay here for a few more days?" Lilian asked with blinking eyes.

"Of course!" Zhong Ye nodded immediately and looked at Dai Lila, "Since you promised that elder and Mrs. Du that it would take a few days to help them clear up the accumulated tasks, then you must do it. If you encounter any problems, you can come to us, and Lilian and I are willing to help."

Dai Lila opened her mouth slightly, but seeing Zhong Ye's serious expression, she closed her mouth, not to say what was in her heart.

So, the three of them returned to Juyi Pavilion, Dai Lila started to help clean up the task, and Zhong Ye and Lilian came to the second floor.

The second floor of Juyi Pavilion is a restaurant open to the outside world, no matter whether you have signed a contract with knights or not, you can come here for a drink, and there will be some news from official channels here from time to time, which is very attractive to knights.

In fact, not only rangers, but even some thieves would risk their lives to come to Juyi Pavilion to inquire about news—in this age when information exchange is underdeveloped, news from official channels is often the latest and the most authentic.

The second floor is a restaurant, the third floor is a chess and card room, and the fourth floor is where martial arts secret books are stored, but Zhong Ye is not interested in the upper two floors.

Juyi Pavilion was indeed able to receive network signals like the Adventurer's House in Westland. Zhong Ye and Lilian were browsing the game forum while listening to other rangers talking.

At this time, someone suddenly mentioned what happened in the city just now, and people immediately changed the topic, and they all discussed that matter.

At the same time, the god arrester also returned to the Yamen.

"...Your Majesty, the sarcophagus has been found."

Holding a jade talisman in his hand, the god arrester reported the situation to the emperor who was thousands of miles away: "Grandpa Xu passed away unfortunately, and his son Xu Lin was threatened. The blood, poured on the sarcophagus, awakened the devil."

【oh?The devil has been awakened, why did Aiqing report now?Could it be that the devil has been sealed for too long and his strength has faded seriously?Ai Qing enough to beat? 】

Listening to the voice in his head, the god catcher was silent for a moment, and sighed: "No, even after being sealed in the coffin for dozens of years, the strength of the devil has not faded.

"The devil just broke the seal, and killed dozens of members of the Xu family, including Anyang Zhaomo and the governor who were going to pay homage to Mrs. Xu at that time, were swallowed by the devil, and the minister... almost died in the line of duty.

"Later, a grand master suddenly appeared, and easily killed the devil, saving the lives of the officials and the people of Anyang."

Speaking of this, Shenchao couldn't help but think of Zhong Ye's appearance.

"That grand master looks very young, perhaps because he has a good face, and I can only judge his appearance by 30 to [-] years old."

[Looks like two or 30 years old?What's your name? 】

"It calls itself 'Zhong Ye'."

[Zhong Ye... I have already learned that there is no need for Aiqing to continue to investigate the matter of Zhong Ye. 】

There is no need to continue to investigate... It means that His Majesty knows the master?

[However, since Aiqing said that the matter of Xu Lin is strange, then please continue to follow up. 】

"Dare not to follow orders!" The god catcher bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows, waited for a moment, and only let go of the jade talisman after there was no more sound in his mind.

In order to calm down, God Catcher simply closed his eyes and recalled the confrontation with Xu Lin before.

From the very beginning, he could see that something was wrong with Xu Lin, but it was just a feeling. It wasn't until he said he wanted to 'open the coffin' that Xu Lin revealed his true colors.

Later, while chasing and beating him, he observed Xu Lin's reaction, but found that the man had no guilt for killing his father.

Since then, he has had doubts about this matter.

When he defeated Xu Lin and made an inquiry, Xu Lin's answer and Xu Lin's words after the demon leader broke the seal confirmed the conjecture in his heart.

This incident was not only done by Xu Lin alone, but rather, Xu Lin was actually persecuted. There was another person who really mastered the method of sealing the sarcophagus, and that person did not show up from the beginning to the end.

From Xu Lin's reaction at the time, it can be seen that they originally did not plan to lift the seal of the sarcophagus in Anyang, and the Xu family can be regarded as a big family. Because of the hot weather, even if they don't stop working for 49 days, they should stop working for seven days.

Xu Lin placed the sarcophagus in the lobby of his home, which shows that he is very confident that the sarcophagus will not be unsealed in Anyang.

In other words, it was actually because of his own arrival that the plot was exposed, which made Xu Lin and the others unable to transport the sarcophagus out of the city, so that the sarcophagus was unsealed in Anyang?

The god catcher opened his eyes, and his thoughts suddenly brightened.

——The loss of the sarcophagus was premeditated, and someone wanted to use that devil to do something!
The sarcophagus incident in Anyang was not an independent incident, and there was a deeper conspiracy behind it.

The god catcher stood up and walked out.

He had to go back to Shuntian Mansion to check some files.

If that demon regains his full strength, he will be at least the first level of a land immortal, and he will continue to create "pseudo-innates". It must be very big to want to use the power of that demon. Abandon all intrigue.

They will lie dormant here, waiting for the time.

It might be difficult to get them out, but he had to get them out, and if one couldn't, he could contact someone else.

He, Kou Hong, is just one of the four great gods. Besides him, there are three other gods in the world!
Just when the god arrester left Anyang, Dai Lila, who was helping Juyi Pavilion clear the mission, discovered something.

Looking at the task list in his hand, after a moment of contemplation, the elf rummaged through the task lists that had been processed, and found two lists that were similar to the one in his hand.

"Money and grain transfer..."

Tapping the table with her index finger, after a little thought, Dai Lila got up and walked out of the room, went to the second floor to find Zhong Ye, and told him the news.

"Huh?" Zhong Ye frowned slightly.

In Anyang alone, Dai Lila found three commissions asking for help in designing a more efficient method of money and grain transfer, and the destinations of these three commissions were all Bianliang.

Originally, this kind of entrustment should not be placed in Juyi Pavilion, but should be directly asked for help from literati.

But for some unknown reason, the three grain merchants handed over the entrustment to Juyi Pavilion.

Three commissions from different grain merchants had the same destination, which made Dai Lila suspicious.

No matter where it is, the food movement is confidential, so she doesn't know how much food there is in Bianliang and Anyang, but this matter is suspicious no matter how you look at it.

Therefore, Dai Lila wanted Zhong Ye to investigate and see what was going on.

After knowing this, Zhong Ye immediately agreed, turned around and said a few words to Lilian, then got up and left.

Watching them leave, Delilah stood there for a moment, then returned to the room just now, continuing to think about how to deal with other task lists.

Since she has promised to help with these task lists, she must do so.

Delilah knew very well that if she couldn't do it, Zhong Ye would stay here with her until she finished.

Not being able to see more novel things is a kind of torture for her, so she will deal with these tasks as soon as possible and try to leave Anyang as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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