Soul echo

Chapter 591 Search

Chapter 591 Search
Walking on the street with people coming and going, Dai Lila looked left and right, and suddenly asked: "Mr. Zhong, are we going to search for that sarcophagus?"

The cries of hard work just covered her voice, so the crowd passing by did not hear her words.

What Dai Lila didn't expect was that Zhong Ye shook his head, "Just wandering around."

Afterwards, he said something to Lilian, and the girl blushed with excitement, jumped up and cheered, "Yeah!"

After receiving a small bag of broken silver from Zhong Ye, Lilian ran away to a jewelry stall, picked up a beautiful and exquisite jewelry, and gestured on her head in front of the mirror.

Dai Lila's eyes froze, and she stared blankly at Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye also looked at her and asked, "Do you think you are the only smart person in this city?"

Hearing this, Delilah fell into deep thought.

"... There should not be many people who are smarter than me."

"Oh." Zhong Ye shook his head and chuckled, "It doesn't need to be smarter than you, as long as you can think of how the sarcophagus will be hidden—it was several days ago that the sarcophagus came to Anyang, and during this time, Anyang's Rangers, gangs, and policemen searched the city long ago, but they still couldn't find the sarcophagus.

"Since that's the case, do you think your wisdom can exceed the results of so many people's brainstorming?"

Zhong Ye's words made Dai Lila slightly stunned, yes, she was indeed smart enough, but she didn't think of this.

If the catcher guessed correctly, it had been a few days since the sarcophagus was brought to Anyang, and besides ordinary rangers and fast catchers who were active in Anyang, the catcher was probably also following him.

So many people are looking for it, but they still haven't been able to turn out the sarcophagus, which shows that the sarcophagus is hidden very deeply, and it is impossible for them to find it casually.

"It seems that I still need to learn." Dai Lila looked forward, and when her eyes fell on Lilian, she suddenly turned her head to look at Zhong Ye, "But shopping like this now...can you find the sarcophagus?"

"It's unlikely." Zhong Ye shook his head, "But we are not familiar with Anyang. If we don't understand the structure of this city first, how can we talk about finding something hidden in the city?"

With that said, he took out another purse, "Go ahead if you want to buy anything."

After hesitating for a moment, Dai Lila took the money bag, pursed her lips slightly, took two steps forward, then stopped, looked back at Zhong Ye, and walked into the crowd after getting a nod from him.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye looked towards the crowd ahead.

Some people dressed as rangers wandered in the crowd, and a policeman patrolled past from time to time. Gang members also came in groups of threes and twos. They neither charged protection money nor did they do anything to bully the market. They just walked in the crowd with vigilance on their faces.

——If they don't do anything extraordinary, ordinary people won't notice them at all, just treat them as ordinary passers-by.

However, Zhong Ye could still see their essence at a glance.

The relationship between Dongtu Yamen and the gang is very complicated. On the one hand, they are against each other. On the other hand, they sometimes cooperate, such as this time.

A gang is a group bound together by interests, but at the same time, they take justice as their leader, and no matter what they do, they must start with 'morality'.

In a gang, there will be many locals. In order to maintain their status, the gang leader and the like will definitely choose to cooperate with the Yamen. No matter how much complaints and hatred they usually have against each other, they will cooperate sincerely at this time.

Even if people like gang leaders can run away, their 'brothers' can't run away either. Those people's homes are here, and once they run away, their homes will be gone.

Unless the gang leader can get the whole gang to leave with their families, they will only lose their status if they run away-but if they can do that, why are they limited to one Anyang?
Zhong Ye strolled in the streets of Anyang, bought a candied haws with money, and walked around while eating, looking around.

On that task list, he saw the description of the sarcophagus: eight feet long, two feet wide, and one foot and two inches high.

Where can such a big thing be hidden?

The remote corners of the city must have been rummaged. After all, these places are the easiest to hide things, and it is not possible in these prosperous places like now, because there are so many people.

Parked in a residence?Or has it been buried in the ground?

For such a big thing, it is definitely impossible to move it frequently, because Dongtu implements a curfew at night, and there will be patrolling personnel. If it is moved frequently, there is a great possibility that it will be discovered.

Therefore, it is very likely that the sarcophagus has not been moved since it came to Anyang, and has stayed in the original place.

With candied haws in his mouth, Zhong Ye aimlessly looked for suspicious targets.

Suddenly, looking through an alley, he saw a place that looked like a coffin shop. He paused and walked towards the shop again.

The noise of people went away, and Zhong Ye looked back, only to see Lilian and Dai Lila standing in the bustling and bustling street, picking out jewelry and food, while the alley he was in was completely quiet.

I don't know whether the coffin shop made the alley deserted, or the deserted alley made the coffins spread here.

Even though it was not far from the street outside, the alley was very deserted.

Zhong Ye walked to the door of the shop and looked inside.

The middle-aged man who was sitting in the room planing the planks didn't notice it at first. When he raised his head to wipe his sweat, he suddenly saw a person appearing at the door, and he was almost frightened and sat down on the ground.

The walls on both sides of the alley blocked all the sunlight, making the inside of the alley look very dark, and Zhong Ye was tall. Standing in front of the door, he almost blocked all the light. At first glance, he really looked a bit like a ghost.

The middle-aged man hesitated a little and asked, "What are you doing here, little brother?"

In their business, there is a rule, that is, you can't take the initiative to ask visitors if they come to customize the coffin, that would be unlucky-not only for visitors, but also for yourself.

For those who don't know the rules, it's good to work in another industry. If you are not careful, you may die unexpectedly.

So their master would explain these rules to them before preaching.

However, there is a lot of money to be made in this line of work, otherwise they wouldn't be in the line of work.

"Master, how many coffin shops like yours are there in Anyang?"

Hearing this sentence, the middle-aged man showed displeasure.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye added: "Of course, I don't want to customize a coffin, I just want to find something."

Looking for something?Anyone else want to go to the coffin shop to find something?

Looking at Zhong Ye's face, the middle-aged man seemed to think of something, his face froze, "Ah, the coffin shop..."

He swallowed, quietly put down the plane in his hand, and held the exorcism tool hidden under the coffin next to him.

"There is a family outside the city, and then there is a family in the south of the city, and there should be another family in the east of the city... that's all!"

Zhong Ye cupped his fists and saluted, "Thank you, Master."

"No, no thanks..." The middle-aged man forced a smile, and he was relieved until Zhong Ye left from the door.

What is there to find in the coffin shop?Aren't they all coffins?Is there anyone in this world who doesn't buy a coffin and look for a coffin?

That 'person'...should be a ghost, right?

Zhong Ye walked out of the alley and met Lilian who was looking for him.

"Teacher, why did you go?" Lilian tilted her head and looked behind Zhong Ye, "Is there anything in there?"

"There is a coffin shop." Zhong Ye looked at the sky, then turned to ask a passerby how to get to the south of the city.

After getting the answer, he called Delilah and headed to the south of the city.

Lilian thought for a long time before she thought of the connection between the 'coffin shop' and the sarcophagus they were looking for.

"Teacher, are you saying that the sarcophagus might be hidden in the coffin shop? The coffin shop painted the sarcophagus in the color of wood, so that it can deceive people's eyes and ears?"

Some players in Anyang heard Lilian's words and immediately set off for the coffin shop.

But they had just walked a few steps when they saw Zhong Ye shaking his head with a smile on the live broadcast, and said, "It's just a conjecture, it's not clear what the person who transported the sarcophagus to Anyang wanted to do. Unseal the sarcophagus here, or transport the sarcophagus to other places.

"If it's the former, then the sarcophagus will probably be hidden in a coffin shop, but if it's the latter, then the sarcophagus should be at a funeral."

 Thank you for your monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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