Soul echo

Chapter 589 Juyi Pavilion

Chapter 589 Juyi Pavilion

Anyang is the seat of Zhangde Prefecture, so it is naturally lively and prosperous.

The three of Zhong Ye and the others showed the nameplate and road guides to the gatekeepers, and after paying a symbolic fee to enter the city, they were allowed to enter the city.

The image of a group of three people is quite weird and has attracted a lot of attention.

As soon as he entered the city, Zhong Ye felt many eyes falling on him.

With a glance, it was confirmed that among these people, apart from a few hooligans who looked like gang members, there were also a few players.

However, Zhong Ye could tell at a glance that those players did not come for him. They had been looking around and sizing up the crowd passing by the city gate instead of staring at the city gate all the time.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye turned his head and looked behind him thoughtfully.

Several gatekeepers held the spears in their hands tightly, and they didn't let go even when they were checking the guides. Their eyes were more on the people coming out of the city than on the people entering the city.


The player should represent the ranger. In addition, there are gangsters and gatekeepers who are also watching the city gate. What happened in the city that made them so nervous?
After arriving in Anyang, the first thing Zhong Ye and the others did was to find an inn to stay.

While eating lunch, Lilian suddenly said: "By the way, teacher, shall we go to the 'Juyi Pavilion' to take a look? I heard that the nature of that place is similar to the adventurer's home in Westland."

Hearing Lilian's words, Zhong Ye's heart moved.

After leaving Westland, he has not been able to connect to the Internet for more than a month. It is obviously unacceptable for modern people to be disconnected from the Internet for more than a month.

He can connect to the Internet even when he runs into deep mountains and old forests to exercise. He has hardly stayed away from the Internet since he was a child, but after crossing over, he disconnects from time to time, sometimes for about half a month. On such days, he It actually survived.

"Go and have a look." Zhong Ye nodded.

So, after lunch, they left the inn and walked into the crowd that had become sparser. Accompanied by the sound of hawkers, they asked for directions while walking, and soon came to the gate of Juyi Pavilion.

After coming to the Juyi Pavilion, Zhong Ye realized that both the Adventurer's House in the West Land and the Juyi Pavilion in the East Land seemed to like to use the earth's architectural style.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a five-story building, but compared with the civil-wood mixed restaurant next to it, Juyi Pavilion was made of concrete, and the walls were painted black and mixed with a large brown or red building. Especially conspicuous among them.

Walking into Juyi Pavilion, you will find that the ground is covered with hard-textured floor tiles like Songhua stone.

Similar to the Adventurer's House, the first floor of Juyi Pavilion is the hall. On the left hand side of the entrance is a blackboard, which is covered with various entrustments. The counter is facing the gate, and a gentle-looking woman is sitting behind the counter. , holding a pen in plain hand, seems to be writing something.

Zhong Ye also couldn't tell what kind of bun she was wearing, only knew that she was wearing a woman's bun.

Two hairpins are crossed behind the head, supporting a string of beads hanging on the forehead.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the gentle woman raised her head, and Zhong Ye and the others saw the blue flower sticking between her eyebrows and eyes.

Lilian suddenly raised her hand to cover her heart, and took a deep breath.

"so beautiful……"

In fact, the woman herself is not very beautiful, she can be considered delicate, but the set of decorations suits her very well and adds a lot to her beauty.


The woman looked at Zhong Ye and the others suspiciously, after all, their combination seemed a bit strange.

A tall Eastern man, a little barbarian girl, and... an elf?
Zhong Ye stepped forward and asked, "Is this the Juyi Pavilion?"

"Yes..." The gentle woman blinked her eyes, "What's your business?"

"Yu Fang came back from the West Continent, and heard that everyone talked about the convenience of Juyi Pavilion, so I came here to observe a few things."

The gentle woman froze for a moment. She had been in charge of Juyi Pavilion's affairs here for a long time, and she had always been in contact with ordinary people and knight-errants. They didn't speak so politely.

Therefore, the gentle woman was stunned for several seconds before realizing what Zhong Ye said.

She looked Zhong Ye up and down, and said with a complex expression: "Young man, you don't have to be so cautious, this place is Juyi Pavilion, and all the people who come and go are heroic and righteous people, and they don't care about politeness...not to mention , You may not be able to understand what you say."

Zhong Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Perhaps it was because he wanted to play the role of an Eastern native, so when in contact with outsiders, he paid great attention to his behavior and words, for fear of being seen as not an Eastern native.

But I didn't expect that it was because of too much attention that I made such a small mistake that I shouldn't have made.

"That's right." Zhong Ye smiled, "I heard that Jianghu knights can sign a contract with Juyi Pavilion and get some 'privileges' from Juyi Pavilion, so I want to give it a try."

"So the young hero didn't come here for the 'sarcophagus'." The gentle woman said in surprise.

Afterwards, she took out a book from the drawer and explained to Zhong Ye: "Regardless of whether the young man already knows about it or not, I still want to explain to the young man the rights and responsibilities of signing a contract with a knight. The third class, the third class, the third class from top to bottom are 'hao', 'champion', and 'righteousness', determined by strength; the third class is 'heaven', 'earth', 'human', based on skills Certainly.

"Secondly, after the knight has passed the test and signed the contract, he can get a salary. 'Yi' is half a month's money, 'Xia' is two taels of silver per month, and 'Hao' is one tael of gold per month. Undertake the entrustment, the entrusted remuneration will be handled by Juyi Pavilion, Juyi Pavilion will take 50%, and the rest will be owned by the knight, and the knight can also participate in the insurance, only one tael of silver per month, if unfortunately dies, Juyi Pavilion will compensate [-] taels of gold for the family members and relatives of knights will be distributed in installments.

"Thirdly, knights at the 'Xia' level can obtain the right to lead a night patrol and kill first, then play later, but they have to apply in advance or submit a written report later. If they encounter monsters and related people, they will be killed without punishment."

After finishing talking about rights, the gentle woman turned the page back and continued: "One of the responsibilities is that after signing a contract with a knight, you are not allowed to do anything to ordinary people--the exception is the case of being lazy.

"Secondly, when the government office asks for an accompanying action, unless the request is unreasonable, it cannot be refused.

"Thirdly, contracted knights must complete a commission of the corresponding level or category every month, but the 'Hao' level cannot complete commissions below the 'Xia' level of the same category, and the 'Xia' level cannot complete commissions below the 'Yi' level , the 'righteousness' level cannot be shirked, if something happens in the current month, it can be postponed to the next month, up to three months, and the postponed task must be completed.

"Fourth, if you encounter ghosts and ghosts, you must kill them!"

After reading all the rights and responsibilities, the gentle woman breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at Zhong Ye, "So, does the young man still want to sign the contract?"

Zhong Ye smiled, "The rules here are much more complete than those in Xilu."

Isn't this a simplified version of the Chinese police system on Earth?Just something more.

After the transformation, these things became suitable for Dongtu's current society.

"Sign, of course you have to sign!"

After becoming a contract knight, things will be much more convenient.

Hearing this, the gentle woman stopped persuading, picked up the bell on the table, and started to shake it.

After a while, an old man with a wine gourd came down from upstairs, "Miss Du, what are you doing here?"

"This young man wants to sign a contract."

Looking in the direction of Mrs. Du's finger, the drunken old man's eyes fell on Zhong Ye, his eyes froze and he came to his senses.

"There's no need to test it." The old man looked solemn, "Give him the 'Hao' level, this is an 'innate'."

"Ah?" Lady Du covered her mouth with her sleeve and screamed.

At this time, she looked Zhong Ye up and down again, except that he was taller and stronger, she didn't see any difference between him and ordinary people, and he didn't have the oppressive feeling when facing those knights.

Zhong Ye clasped his fists and saluted, "Old man has wise eyes."

"I don't dare to be wise." The old man waved his hand, and then sighed, "The new generation is better than the old ones. At this age, they have already reached the innate realm, unlike me...unbearable."

Zhong Ye smiled slightly, noncommittal, then turned around and waved to Lilian and the others, "Come here, sign the contract, too."

Lady Du looked behind Zhong Ye, "Oh? These two are..."

"This is my subordinate, and this is my student."

(End of this chapter)

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