Soul echo

Chapter 575 Memory

Chapter 575 Memory

Zhong Ye's eyes widened as he watched the five powered armors hover in mid-air under the scorching fire.

The flames were burning fiercely, and when he looked around, whether it was the sky or the earth, he could only see the flames beating, as if the whole world had been swallowed by the flames, a scene of the end of the world.

However, the battle is not over yet!

After being in a daze for a while, Zhong Ye remembered that besides being directly used by the driver, the power armor can actually be remotely controlled.

The flames erupting from the inside may burn many electronic components, but within a short period of time, these power armors can still be activated.

As Zhong Ye expected, the battle was not over——

The magazine hanging on the back of the power armor suddenly opened, and several bombs fell out of it. Before they fell, they released a dense cold air.

Several power armors also became active again. They raised the grenade launchers in their hands and fired grenades continuously.

The grenade didn't shoot at the big demon, but shot at the street that had been engulfed in flames. When the grenade landed, the liquid nitrogen contained in it was ejected, suppressing the temperature of the air.

The big demon froze for a moment, and then became furious.

Even though it is here, those armors didn't attack it, but instead extinguished the flames. Is this looking down on it?
Roaring angrily, the big demon flapped its wings and carried Zhong Ye to the sky.

The epee was swung wantonly, cutting off several pieces of power armor, and then the big demon looked down at the city below, showing a sinister smile.

Compared with it, do you care more about the city?
Then, let it destroy the city!

Looking at those people who were fleeing in a hurry, the big demon laughed ferociously, and slammed Zhong Ye, who was like a rag doll, towards the heavy sword.

It said before that it wanted to make this lowly human being its weapon and lead him to slaughter his people. Now that it said so, it will naturally do what it says!

At the moment when Zhong Ye's head was about to burst, a brilliant light descended from the sky, hitting the demon from the sky to the earth.

A deep pit appeared in the place where it fell, and the big demon who was hit by surprise was lying on the bottom of the pit, struggling to get up, but felt an irresistible force appeared in the palm of his hand.

Zhong Ye suddenly stretched the big demon's palm, and jumped out of the deep pit.

After doing these actions, he couldn't help but look down at his hand—the injury has healed, and even the blind eye has returned to normal.

This is how the same thing?Just now he only saw a ray of light descending from the sky, and the radiance fell on him and the big demon, but there were two completely different effects?
——Isn’t this something that only happens in games?
"Tai! Yang! God!"

The big demon stood up from the pit, raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

Its roar woke Zhong Ye up, the surroundings were still burning, the flames were still raging, the battle was not over yet, how could he stay here?
Feeling the power surging in his body like a river, Zhong Ye fixed his eyes on the big sword of the first demon, and ran like a cheetah, rolled on the spot and grabbed the big sword.

Unbelievable... The restriction that has trapped me for two years has been broken like this?
After roaring, the big demon noticed a turbulent will, turned his head to look, and saw the human being who was arbitrarily manipulated by it before.

He stood at the other end of the long street, holding a large sword tightly in both hands, glaring at it.

Affected by the great sword, his hands have already shown a tendency to be deformed.

Seeing this, the big demon's heart was filled with boundless anger.

"How dare a mere insect challenge me?!"

The roar turned into a gust of wind, rushing across the long street, and the flames still burning on both sides deflected and elongated accordingly.

The big demon stepped forward, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared in front of Zhong Ye.

At this time, the distortion was spreading from Zhong Ye's hands to his arms.

The epee fell suddenly, splitting the ground, and the ground exploded.

But before that, Zhong Ye had already rushed to the side, although when he got up, the burst of gravel hit him like raindrops, giving him a heavy blow.

At that moment, Zhong Ye's body was tilted to the side, blood sprayed out, and then he pulled his body back abruptly, and charged towards the big demon.

Even though the roiling heat wave hits his face, even if the enemy's body and strength are extremely huge, even if it is an invincible monster - these are not the reasons for Zhong Ye to retreat. Rather, it is precisely because of these that he cannot retreat even a single step. !
He still has the ability to fight, but what about his family?Where are his friends?

With the help of his forward power, Zhong Ye swung the big sword from bottom to top, and the blade slashed towards the big demon's knee.

However, seeing the big demon flying up with one kick, Zhong Ye's pupils dilated suddenly, he bent his waist hastily, and slid and shoveled under it.

The big demon stepped on it heavily, causing the ground to vibrate.

Immediately, a mouthful of steam was ejected by the big demon. It rotated its body and dragged the epee embedded in the ground. The tip of the sword slid across the ground, wiping out a long, slender, scorched smoke, and hit Zhong Ye with a heavy wind. .

Zhong Ye jumped back vigorously, narrowly dodging the heavy sword, and the tip of the sword passed in front of him, and the fierce sword wind left a red mark on his face.

At that moment, the big demon held the hilt of the sword with both hands and took a big step forward. The epee stopped suddenly and began to turn back.

I had no choice but to jump back again, and at the moment when the epee swung in front of me, the hind feet supporting my body suddenly exerted force, pushing my body forward.

Zhong Ye yelled violently, rushed in front of the demon, and slashed at its knee with his sword.

There was a mocking smile from the corner of the big demon's mouth, his wings flapped suddenly, and its body was dragged backward.

But what it didn't expect was that Zhong Ye took advantage of the momentum to spin his body, and then threw the weapon in his hand over.

The big sword flew straight towards the devil's face, it immediately snorted coldly and raised its epee to block.

The big sword collided with the blade of the epee, then flipped around and fell to the ground.

At this time, the big demon heard the sound of the soles of his feet stomping on the ground, and the sound was getting closer and closer to him.

Before the big sword fell to the ground, one hand grabbed the hilt, and the obviously deformed arm muscles instantly swelled. Zhong Ye yelled suddenly, turned around and swung the big sword.


The blade successfully cut into the big devil's ankle, but Zhong Ye also exhausted all his strength.

He watched the demon reach out to grab it full of anger, but his body was unable to respond.

Zhong Ye was captured by the big demon again, but this time, the big demon simply crushed him to death, and then took out his soul.

Just when it was about to put Zhong Ye's soul into its own weapon, another ray of light bombarded the ground.

The big demon was attacked, his body sank, and he knelt down on the ground.

It raised its head angrily, only to see the sky shining again.

The splendor of light continued to descend, hitting the big demon again and again.

It was bombarded to death by the radiance without even being able to utter a word.

Drip woo~drip woo~
Ambulances, fire engines and police cars were notified and sped onto the streets in an attempt to search for and rescue those still alive.

Hearing these familiar voices, Zhong Ye woke up from his daze.

He saw firefighters manipulating drones and remote control water valves to spray water vapor, and using dry powder missiles to suppress the fire and gradually extinguish the fire; he saw the police rush into the flames and rescue a dying person; he saw medical staff The personnel began to treat the dying...

The red that soaked his hands gradually spread to his body, and when Zhong Ye didn't notice it, the conspicuous blood color infected his 'brain'.

The things in front of him suddenly changed, Zhong Ye blinked, and saw a throne base made of skulls and corpses and a pair of big feet covered with armor.

He slowly looked up, and a huge brass throne and a giant god gradually came into view.

The giant god wears a set of terrifying and evil plate armor. The armor is engraved with runes that can make people dizzy at a glance, and inlaid with countless painful and twisted faces.

The blood-stained land under their feet was full of fireworks that soared into the sky, but the fire was not brilliant. In this space, the thing with the strongest sense of existence was the giant god!

In the bright light of the fire, the giant god wearing a horned helmet and covering his face was reflected.

"You are a fighter!"

A voice like thunder resounded in this space: "A true fighter!

"So, become my believer, sow killing and destruction for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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