Soul echo

Chapter 573 Memory

Chapter 573 Memory

After tidying up and finding all the corpses that could be found, the fleet pushed away the blood ships surrounding them, and sailed out of the bloody sea full of floating corpses and ship debris.

Some of these ships have lost the ability to sail alone, but fortunately, warships can help tow them.

The East China Sea Fleet has changed its warships from wooden sea ships to steam ships made of steel, and reformed its military system. It has become the first force in the Huang Kingdom to complete military modernization.

Those majestic and huge steel warships spewing exhaust gas sailing on the sea are quite shocking.

When many visitors from the Westland saw these warships, they were deeply shocked, even more shocked than when they knew that the sailors of the fleet had suffered heavy casualties in order to protect the fleet. .

——The previous war did not result in the death of many passengers. The sailors of the fleet firmly withstood the attack of the blood god believers. Although the sailors suffered many casualties, they also completed their mission and protected the fleet.

After this battle, the navy that the bloody tribe had managed to form was destroyed again, and the East China Sea Fleet, aware of the threat, could not allow them to reorganize the navy.

This means that the blood ship fleet that was just destroyed may be the last navy of the blood tribe.

It will take some time before arriving in Dongtu, and there is no spare glass on board, so the hole in Zhong Ye's room can only be temporarily sealed with wooden boards.

The captain of the fleet implored the soldiers of the East China Sea Fleet to temporarily take over the fleet, so the sailors in the fleet could finally rest for a while.

Zhong Ye also returned to the room. He was really tired, not only mentally, but also physically. For a legend, this was an incredible thing.

Seeing his tired appearance, Lilian hesitated for a moment, and said worriedly: "Teacher, why don't you lie down on the bed and rest..."

"No need."

Zhong Ye leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes tightly, "For me, the effect of rest is the same everywhere."

His physical attributes are very high, and his self-regulation ability is strong. Unlike ordinary people, as long as he wants to relax his muscles, he can relax no matter where he is. He doesn't need things like beds and pillows.

"All right……"

Lilian looked at Zhong Ye, and slowly lay down too.

Although she didn't show it on the surface, she felt that Zhong Ye seemed to have something on his mind... Maybe he was thinking about what the big devil said before?

In fact, just as Lilian guessed, Zhong Ye was struggling with that matter.

After the big demon said those few words, he felt as if he remembered something, but he was still fighting at that time, so it was inconvenient to think about those things, so he suppressed those memories.

Now that he was free, Zhong Ye began to sort out his memory.

He really wanted to know what happened in the first place that caused him to travel to this world.


"Ha ha……"

Zhong Ye panted heavily, and let go of his trembling hands.

He took two steps back and looked at the demon's corpse lying on the ground, still in disbelief.

Suddenly a demon appeared, suddenly someone was killed in the street, suddenly started fighting, and then the demon was suddenly killed again... What are these messy things?

The blood gushing out from the demon's body formed a blood pool on the ground, and the blood pool slowly spread, and when it was about to flow to the tip of Zhong Ye's shoe, he woke up suddenly when he saw the reflection in the blood.

Zhong Ye turned his head to look at the police car, and found that the policeman got into the car, not knowing what he was doing.

Approaching the past, Zhong Ye realized that he was watching the surveillance video of this street.

The police kept pulling the progress bar, and several cameras were quite competent. They recorded the whole process of the demon from appearance to being killed. If nothing else happened, the video had already been uploaded to the Criminal Behavior Investigation and Identification Center.

"It came out of nowhere..."

The policeman swallowed, and looked up in horror at the demon corpse not far away.

Modern people know how high-end space transmission technology is. Although the scientific community has already had many ideas about this technology, it is still far away from its realization.

However, that demon can suddenly appear in a densely populated place, which means that if it wants to, it can completely slaughter humans.

From the performance of that demon, it can be clearly seen that it is not an independent individual with only one in the whole race, and it must have its own race.

Since this demon can teleport through space, what about other demons?
"Don't worry, they should be on Earth for the first time."

Zhong Ye pressed the shoulder of the policeman who looked about his age, and comforted him in a deep voice: "If they appeared more than once, your equipment should have been replaced with large-caliber firearms long ago, and no one else has come here until now. Doesn’t support mean that our country has no plans for this?”

This is not something to comfort people...

Although he wanted to complain a bit, the police actually breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and looked at Zhong Ye who was standing outside the car. He was about to speak, but when he saw Zhong Ye's face, he froze.

"You, your face!"

Zhong Ye was startled by the policeman's scream, subconsciously raised his hand to touch it, and then felt a tingling pain on his face.

Only then did he feel the pain in his left eye, and only his right eye could see.

"Fuck!" Zhong Ye cursed angrily, then closed his mouth.

Because when he speaks, the muscles will be injured twice by the glass that has been embedded in the face.

After feeling the pain, Zhong Ye broke out in a cold sweat all over his body, supported the car door to slide down slowly, and sat on the ground.

He didn't even dare to grit his teeth, that would move the muscles in his face and make the pain worse.

The only thing Zhong Ye can do now is to clenched his fists and tense the muscles below his neck to divert his attention and relieve the pain.

After being dazed, the police also realized what happened, and hurriedly dialed the medical hotline, "120, 120..."

At this time, the people in the distance stopped running away. They noticed that the battle was over, but they didn't dare to approach, so they stood in the distance and pointed.

People who hid in the shops on both sides of the street also opened the windows, holding smart devices with cameras to film or live broadcast the tragedy on the street.

Zhong Ye knelt on the ground, gasping for air, but no one came to care about his situation except the police.

After calling an ambulance, the police realized that they had other things to do.Hastily took out the medical kit from the trunk, and performed simple treatment for Zhong Ye's wound.

The glass pierced into his eyeballs cannot be moved, but the broken glass embedded in his face can be pulled out.

"Don't anesthetize!"

Watching the policemen use their fingerprints to open a compartment in the medical box, Zhong Ye realized what he was going to do, and urgently stopped him.

The policeman raised his head in astonishment, and met a pair of firm eyes.

"It's okay, just help me take out those pieces."

His hand hung over the anesthetic, and after a while, he grabbed the tweezers.

"Then patient."

The pain made Zhong Ye's facial muscles tense unconsciously, but under his control, the muscles quickly relaxed.

The policeman carefully clamped a shard of glass and took it out of Zhong Ye's face.

Just looking at it, the policeman could empathize with him, but he noticed that the man in front of him didn't move his facial muscles at all except for the twitching of the muscles below the neck.

how did you do that?
The police felt extremely puzzled and curious about this.

At this moment, the doors of several nearby shops opened, and many people escaped from inside, fleeing far away without even saying hello.

But there were also people walking towards Zhong Ye and the others, and two of them were carrying medical kits in their hands.

These two were doctors. Standing by the side and taking a look, they saw that the policeman's methods were not formal enough, so he asked him to step back and let the two of them deal with it.

After the two entered the battle, the speed of debridement was indeed much faster.

After working for a while, one of the doctors was startled: "You didn't have anesthesia?!"

Zhong Ye's reaction really didn't look like he had been given anesthesia. They were doctors, so they knew that there was anesthesia in the medical kit equipped by the police system.

The anesthesia equipped in the police car is a safe dose, and unless it is given five consecutive injections, it will not kill anyone.

Anyone's nerve response would become dull after taking an anesthetic, but Zhong Ye's reaction didn't seem slow at all.

"This is what he asked for." The policeman hurriedly explained.

This explanation diverted people's attention from the demon's corpse to Zhong Ye. They had heard the story of bone scraping to heal wounds before, but they did not expect to witness similar things with their own eyes.

"Huh? Why can't it be sent out?" Someone suddenly wondered.

He clicked on his mobile phone, but failed to upload the video to the Internet.

The people around seemed to realize something, and they opened the Internet to search for related words, only to find some specious things.

Then they figured it out - someone was stopping them from getting this message out!


A bloody light suddenly fell from the sky, and everyone turned their heads to look. Facing the gust of wind, they saw a tall figure slowly standing up from the smoke and dust.

Everyone's heart trembled, even Zhong Ye was no exception.

what is that?
(End of this chapter)

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