Soul echo

Chapter 571 The Battle of the Blood Sea (6)

Chapter 571 The Battle of the Sea of ​​Blood ([-])
"Attention allies, one of our martial arts masters is fighting the enemy's big demon on the Blood God Demon Ship! Be careful when shelling! Be careful!"

The correspondent of the Navy Fleet recited aloud the message sent by the Dongtu Fleet. Hearing these words, the general wearing a white navy cloak raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Where did they get the martial arts master..."

After muttering something, the general turned to look at the communications soldier, "Confirmed?"

The communications soldier nodded solemnly, "Yes, General! There is nothing wrong!"

Although it felt weird, the general gave the order anyway.

His order spread to every warship and every soldier in just 1 minute.

——"Pass over the blood god demon ship and directly attack the blood ship fleet!"

The continuous artillery fire finally stopped, and both Damo and Zhong Ye felt extremely strange.

However, the eerie silence didn't last long. The navy fleet formed up in the distance behind the Blood God Demon Ship, divided into two teams, and sailed to the left and right respectively.

The Blood God Demon Ship didn't stay in place all the time. When Zhong Ye was fighting the big demon, although there were no sailors to control the sails and no one to shake the oars, these things were not really needed for the Blood God Demon Ship's navigation.

The blood ship is the food of the demon ship, so the demon ship chases the blood ship most of the time - it can move by itself!
The reason why the sails and rudders are added is just to better control this giant ship. In fact, even without these things, the Blood God Demon Ship can still sail.

When the fierce battle between Zhong Ye and the big demon was in full swing, the giant ship sailed to the position of many blood ships by itself, and now the demon ship was quite close to the periphery of the blood ship fleet.

Therefore, after the steel ships that spewed exhaust gas and burst into loud noises stopped their shelling, they quickly framed the fleet of blood ships into the shooting circle.

After a slight adjustment, many steel giant ships fired shells at the same time, bombarding the blood ships that were turning around.

Just one round of shelling damaged nearly ten blood ships, five of which were on the verge of sinking, and three of which had already begun to sink.

But instead of feeling the fear, the blood god believers on the ship became even more excited.

They yelled and turned the bow of the ship, charging towards the naval fleet.

Even so, the pressure on the Dongtu fleet has not been reduced much.

Because most of the blood ships that turned around and rushed towards the naval fleet were blood ships that had been surrounding the fleet just now, but could not get close to their fleet. In between, the pressure is still extremely heavy.

Fortunately, Zhong Ye's previous teaching was not in vain.

Using the moves taught by Zhong Ye earlier, the sailors forcibly resisted the attacks of the blood god believers wave after wave. Up to now, the front line still has not collapsed.

The chaotic battle produced countless corpses, and the flowing blood dyed the ocean red.

More than a dozen sea beasts were cruising under the crimson water, and sometimes they would clash over a corpse, stirring up the sea water and making the situation even more chaotic.

Conductive harpoons were launched, and bombs smeared with attractants were also dropped, so the sea beasts did not cause much trouble to the fleet for the time being.

At this moment, the devastated Blood God Demon Ship could no longer bear the trauma, and was cut in half by the big demon's slash.

This huge ship with its own life has no way to continue to repair itself. Even though it has captured several blood ships and swallowed them, the aftermath of the two legendary battles still smashed its body to pieces. Before, it had been completely smashed.

The big demon flapped his wings, and his feet left the deck, ignoring the wailing of the remaining blood god believers in the cabin, and flew into the air.

The sinking of the giant ship drove the surrounding water, and a huge vortex was slowly forming, and the believers of the blood god in the cabin could not even escape by jumping off the ship. Even if they jumped out of the giant ship, they would be immediately sucked into the vortex.

The magic ship let out a wail, telling everyone that he was about to die.

The giant ship sank gradually. The more hulls sank below the surface of the sea, the stronger the current was pulled, and many blood ships were involved. No matter how much the blood god believers on board shouted, their ending has been set.

Along with a large number of deaths appearing on the battlefield, two legendary level 'monsters' were also released.

When they were fighting on the giant ship, the aftermath of the battle would only affect that magic ship, but now that the giant ship sank, their battlefield naturally shifted to the sky.

The big demon flapped his bulky wings and lifted his body up. Zhong Ye also stepped into the void, but the standing position was below the big demon.

Seeing that the demon swung the epee, and the flames wrapped around the sword were thrown out, Zhong Ye turned his footsteps, letting the flames fly by and land on the blood ship below.

The blood ship was immediately ignited, and the monstrous flames ignited. The blood god believers on the ship screamed, screamed, roared, dodged left and right, and wanted to escape from the ship, but when they dived, they would be killed by other blood gods. The boat ran over, and many sea beasts were waiting for them.

--die! !

Zhong Ye calmly and calmly led the big demon to attack the blood ship. In less than 2 minutes after the giant ship sank, three blood ships were sunk by the big demon's attack.

His movements were so obvious that even the furious Damo could realize a little bit.

Although the Great Demon didn't care about the lives of those blood god believers, and it was the honor of those blood god believers to sacrifice their lives for the blood god's final victory, but it was worthless for them to die like this now.

The wings shook violently, flames formed in front of the big demon, and flew towards the Dongtu fleet.

Zhong Ye's figure flashed and appeared in front of the fireball, cutting it in half.


The big demon suddenly grinned, and his huge body rushed forward.

"You are still as naive as ever!"

The roar of the devil resounded through the sky: "Why does the Maharaja favor you?!"

Zhong Ye stood in front of the big demon and tried his best to block all its attacks that might affect the fleet behind him.

He remained silent, regardless of the burning of the flames, and let the power attached to the heavy sword crush him.

The battle continued, but everyone was aroused by the big demon's roar.

Damo and Zhong Ye knew each other?The war lord favors Zhong Ye?
The battle is still going on fiercely, but people can't control their thoughts, can't help thinking and imagining this matter.

Zhong Ye himself just twitched his eyelids, and put aside his extra thoughts, focusing on the battle in front of him.

The epee swept across, and the flames on it were burning. Zhong Ye also swung the long knife, and swallowed the blow forcefully.

The majestic power was directed to the air on the other side of Zhong Ye through his muscles, bones, and blood vessels, so the gust of wind suddenly rose and rushed continuously.

Zhong Ye had never used this trick before, but when he used it suddenly, the big devil was immediately vigilant.

I saw that Zhong Ye completed the action of retracting and swinging the saber in just half a second, and the epee, which had been stripped of all its strength, was hit violently, pulling the arm of the big demon, and flying to one side.

At that time, the devil opened the empty door, Zhong Ye bent his legs, leaned forward, and made a charging gesture.

The arm that had just recovered was blocked by the big demon again, staring at Zhong Ye's figure with his eyes, driving the huge soul to attack him.

However, what surprised him was that its attack didn't work, as if it hit a tall and straight mountain, Zhong Ye's soul and will were completely unmoved.

The next moment, Zhong Ye's body broke through the air and rushed towards him like a meteor.

The big devil struggled to pull back his swung arm, and put the other hand in front of him, never thinking that Zhong Ye's long knife would not stab directly, but cut off its wrist again from bottom to top, and then The long knife turned over and cut into the big demon's body again.

At this time, Zhong Ye also ran into the arms of the big demon.

He raised his head, a pair of calm eyes collided with the sight full of anger and killing intent, stepped on the chest and abdomen armor of the big demon with the soles of his feet, dragged the long knife, and stepped forward.


The body of the great demon was cut in half—from the chest and abdomen to the head, it was completely cut open, and it could no longer be healed.

--die! ! !
A large amount of death breath wafted over the battlefield, and Zhong Ye suddenly raised his head to look at the sky as if he had sensed it.

In an instant, countless blood energy soared into the sky, smashing the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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