Soul echo

Chapter 567 The Battle of the Blood Sea (2)

Chapter 567 The Battle of the Sea of ​​Blood ([-])
A trace of blood drifted past the side of the ship, and the sailors on board stared wide-eyed, looking at the huge fleet in the distance in disbelief.

All the ships in that fleet were dyed dark red, the human bones were the pendants on the side of the ship, Jingguan was the figurehead, and the only thing that looked more normal was the sail, but the flesh-colored canvas was also painted with blood gods sign.

Hundreds of ships approached Zhong Ye's fleet from a distance, even though they were far away, Zhong Ye could still hear the grinning and shouting in that fleet.

They are like an army, everything is in order, including the 'decoration' of the ship.

But they don't look like an army, because of the chaotic formation, hundreds of boats are racing.

——The crew of the blood-red fleet on the opposite side rushed to shake their oars, for fear that there would be no enemies to kill if they were too late.

After they appeared in the sight of the fleet, the sky seemed to be dyed red.

The watchmen on the watchtower couldn't help picking up the binoculars to observe again. They adjusted the binoculars to the maximum viewing distance, and saw the sailors on the blood ships slaughtering humans like livestock.

The peeled skin is thrown away, and it is automatically stitched to the sail.


The watchman who saw this scene was startled and screamed. With a shake of his hand, the telescope fell and shattered to the ground with a "snap".

The sailors of the bloodship were killing, but rather than killing, they were slaughtering.

Beheading, skinning, and bone extraction, their butcher knives seem to have a magical power. After they cut off a head, the dead will not die so quickly. The head can still scream in horror, and then look at yourself The dead body was decomposed bit by bit.

The blood floated to the north along the ocean current, causing countless fish to become agitated, and one could see, one after another, huge sea beasts surfaced around the blood ship.

The bloodship sailors fed them with the flesh stripped from the corpses, and the sea beasts ate it with the blood that overflowed the sea.

With his excellent eyesight, Zhong Ye saw that there were men and women, old and young, and people of all races in Jingguan who were placed on the bow of the ship.

Eastlanders, Westlanders, elves, giants, dwarves, goblins, trolls... Among them, the heads that look like Native Americans are the most.

"I'm going to save them."

Zhong Ye took a deep breath, said to a sailor beside him, then turned over and jumped to the surface of the sea.

"Master Zhong!"

"Mr. Zhong!"

The call behind him failed to make Zhong Ye turn his head, he ran all the way on the sea, and arrived at the blood ship fleet in an instant.

He not only wanted to save the victim out of kindness, but also to destroy the ritual of summoning the big devil.

If you want to summon the great demon, you must open the gate of the abyss, and if you want to open the gate of the abyss, you must perform a ceremony, and the "door opening ceremony" requires blood, fear and despair. As long as these believers in the abyss cannot complete the blood sacrifice, then the gate of the abyss It is impossible to open!

Zhong Ye ran to the blood ship that was at the forefront, jumped up, and jumped onto the deck of the blood ship.

This time, he doesn't need to control his power.

The deck was directly broken by Zhong Ye's feet, and the whole ship shook violently.

Instead of falling into the lower level, he stood above the hole.

It took a tenth of a second to stabilize his body, Zhong Ye arched his body, and immediately ejected.

The long knife came out of its sheath and pulled out a flash of brilliance. The sailors on the deck of the blood ship were beheaded by the light of the knife several times before they could even react.

The body and head were separated, but the heart didn't stop beating. When their heart trembled next time, pumping blood, the strong blood pressure found a vent and rushed towards it.

So, just as Zhong Ye kicked open the door of the cabin and his body was plunged into darkness, the blood of the dozens of corpses standing behind him suddenly gushed out like a fountain, gushing out from the fracture, sending their heads to the sky.

dong dong dong...

As the sound of the ball falling and hitting the wooden board sounded one after another, Zhong Ye retracted the long knife and pulled out the straight knife.

At this time, the sailors of the blood ship hadn't recovered from the violent shock just now, and the hull was still shaking.

All the believers of the Lord of War have the ability to see things in the dark, so they don't need light at all, so the cabin is also dark.

The blood god believers near the cabin door heard the sound of the door being kicked open, and before they could turn their heads to look, their bodies felt the impact of a hard object, and the huge force attached to the door panel directly sent their bodies flying, and then hit On the wall at the end of the corridor.

The corridor was then emptied, and Zhong Ye quickly walked towards the end of the corridor with a straight knife in his hand.

The few blood god believers with strong vitality cursed and hurriedly got up from the ground, and then they saw the light from the only few small windows in the corridor flashing across a tall figure.

Several Blood God believers picked up their knives and staggered forward on the shaking floor. Just after taking a few steps forward, that tall figure appeared in front of them.

They swung their knives hastily, but their arms were cut off in mid-air—along with their necks.

At this time, other blood god believers also rushed over, and they even drove a few slaves to stand in the narrow corridor, blocking the way between them and Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye snorted coldly, his figure bounced, and he suddenly jumped up from the floor.

His body was close to the ceiling, he jumped over several slaves, swung his blade at the followers of the blood god behind them, and beheaded them all.

"Take your weapon and follow me."

After leaving this sentence, Zhong Ye turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Several slaves froze in place for a while, and they didn't realize what had happened until the screams came from other places.

With a roar, their hunger was immediately suppressed by their anger. They snatched the sword from the corpse of the blood god believer, and rushed to other places following Zhong Ye's footsteps.

Their bodies are weak, their strength has long been taken away by hunger.

Even so, they still had swords, and teeth, and bodies, and wills that were already ignited.

The burning anger became the force driving their physical activities, supporting them to swing their swords at the blood god believers, supporting them to turn their feet, and blocking the swords of the blood god believers for their comrades in arms.

No matter where the people around them come from or what race they are, as long as they wave their swords at the blood god believers, they will be their comrades who can give their lives.

These people who have been enslaved by the blood god believers for a long time are very afraid of the blood god believers, but now that someone is taking the lead in rebelling, the anger in their hearts is naturally ignited.

Anger is a power that can be transmitted, even though the number of slaves in the blood ship is far less than that of the blood god believers, most of the slaves are sacrificed by blood.

However, after getting angry, how can there be any leisure to care about these things?
Under the leadership of Zhong Ye, all the followers of the Blood God on this blood ship were quickly beheaded.

At this time, most of the slaves following Zhong Ye were covered in wounds and bleeding profusely.

Their physique is inherently weak, and if they are not treated, they will die soon...

"grown ups……"

Just as someone was about to say something, they saw Zhong Ye's eyes light up, and the surrounding things that could be used as medical items flew towards them in an instant.

Only the weak need to make choices, the strong can have it all!

The people on this ship had to be saved, and the people on other ships had to be saved. If they were allowed to die here because they didn't receive timely treatment, wouldn't he be in vain?
While he was distracted from treating the wounded, Zhong Ye kicked open the wall beside him, and the sunlight poured down from the breach.

In just a few seconds, Zhong Ye completed the whole process of applying medicine, bandaging, and treating all the injured.

"Do me a favor and destroy the blood sacrifice altar on this ship."

Zhong Ye said this sentence in Eastern Tu and Xilu respectively, and then suddenly jumped out of the breach and ran towards another blood ship.

The newly liberated slaves looked at each other and looked at each other. They didn't realize what had happened until they saw the wounds and bandages on each other's bodies.

"As ordered!"

They saluted the empty wall breach with their respective etiquette, then took up their weapons again and rushed to the deck.

"Destroy the altar! Destroy the altar!"

Their shouts drifted from the blood ship to Zhang Qian's fleet, many people couldn't help but widen their eyes, and then shouted Zhong Ye's name.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

The captains made a decisive decision, and with this high momentum, issued an order:
"Turn the rudder, draw the line, and prepare for the bombardment!"

At this moment, Zhong Ye boarded another blood ship.

Facing the sailors who were already waiting in full battle, he exhaled a foul breath, and drew out both knives, setting off a bloody storm.

(End of this chapter)

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