Soul echo

Chapter 557 Delilah

Chapter 557 Delilah

Zhong Ye stood on the coast, quietly watching several small boats sail back to the fleet.

There are a lot of supplies at the supply point on the island, and there is no way to bring all the supplies back in one trip, and several small boats need to run back and forth several times.

"Hiss, it's really cold!"

Under Delilah's fur coat was only a long silk skirt, and the hem of the coat barely covered half of her calves, and her smooth ankles were still exposed to the cold air.

Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze from a distance, looked down at the female elf standing beside him, and asked, "Besides the reasons you said before, why should you want to follow me?"

Delilah pursed her lips, thinking for a moment, "Well... also because of curiosity."

After a slight pause and sorting out the language, the female elf said again: "Just like what you said before, master, because of my sensitivity to numbers and the ability to see the changes in everything, I am full of curiosity about many things. To have been in danger more than once - this is not a blessing at all, but a curse!
"Master, you are powerful. If I follow you, I can avoid a lot of trouble... But I can guarantee that the trouble I will cause you will never exceed the trouble I caused you when I worked for you Benefit!
"For this, you can pay me less or even no salary, and I can make money by myself!"

Looking at the female elf, Zhong Ye shook his head helplessly.

She has been corrupted by 'curiosity' and is hopelessly corrupted.

For the native creatures in Dan's world, this is not a good thing. When she knows more about this world and the less unknown is for her, she may touch the abyss.

The reason why Zhong Ye agreed to Dai Lila's request was to keep an eye on her and delay her contact with the abyss as long as possible.

Looking at Dai Lila, Zhong Ye couldn't help thinking of those "cursed people" he had come into contact with in Xilu. They were all poor people, but unfortunately, they all fell into the abyss.

"Did you do anything bad to satisfy your curiosity?" Zhong Ye asked suddenly.

"No!" Delilah replied immediately, "I used to regard the curse on me as a 'blessing', as a gifted son, it is impossible to do that kind of thing - it would shame my clan !"

Delilah's thinking is full of romance, but she always maintains rationality. She is simply the best candidate for the disciple of the King of Conspiracy. If she really rebels into the abyss, she will definitely become the most beloved believer of the King of Conspiracy.

With the cold wind blowing in front of her, Dai Lila thought about it, and moved closer to Zhong Ye.

"Huh..." Delilah narrowed her eyes comfortably and exhaled.

Constant temperature organisms emit heat all the time. Zhong Ye's basic structure is human, so most of his physiological activities are similar to ordinary people.

Zhong Ye's side was very warm, as long as the chill around him could be dispelled, then even if the cold wind kept blowing past his ankles, it wouldn't be a problem.

"Why don't you go into the house?" Zhong Ye looked back at the black stone buildings, "There should be a constant temperature magic circle set up there."

"To a certain extent, I have already betrayed the elves, and I have a guilty conscience to enjoy the benefits of the clan..." Delilah lightly kicked the box next to her feet, "This is my Even if I did not leave with you, I would not be able to continue to stay in the clan, because there are a few people in the clan who are particularly annoying, my grandfather—my last relative passed away half a year ago, after that , Those people will always squeeze me out.

"Although there are many good people in the clan, I feel that if I continue to be forced by them, I may kill someone. By the way, the current probability is 60.00% [-]. If the situation continues at that time, I think In three months I might not be tempted to kill them."

Elves can sense the malice of others, but this does not mean that they will not be disgusted with their own kind. Elves are also intelligent creatures, and their productivity has not yet developed to the level of distribution according to needs. Naturally, there will be conflicts and disputes between them. contradiction.

Therefore, their way of expressing malice is also very direct, either fighting directly, or bluntly expressing that they hate a certain race, and then teaming up with other elves to exclude that race they hate.

Although Zhong Ye didn't understand what happened, since Dai Lila said that, he didn't need to get to the bottom of it.

"By the way, master—" Delilah said suddenly.

Zhong Ye interrupted her, "Don't call me master, it sounds awkward, just call me by my name."

Dai Lila tilted her head, as if she didn't quite understand Zhong Ye's thoughts.

Wouldn't it be the wish of most men and most women in this world to be called 'Master' by a female elf with a graceful figure and good spirit like her?How could anyone refuse?
"Then let's make a compromise." Delilah thought for a while, "You are my employer. To show respect, let me call you 'Mr. Zhong'. How about it?"

"Yes." Zhong Ye nodded.

Delilah smiled, "Mr. Zhong, do you want to know what happened to the different space that covered the island before?"

Hearing this, Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows lightly, "You know?"

"I know something about it." Delilah smiled and pointed to her eyes, "That different space does not belong to this world, it comes from another world, but that world has been destroyed, and what appears here are just fragments."

"Destruction?" Zhong Ye's voice was low.

Delilah smiled meaningfully, "You should have seen it before? The scene inside."

Zhong Ye didn't even need to recall, Zhong Ye could recall the desolate and desolate scene he saw before, and then connect with the dead air he felt from the soil and air...

Zhong Ye rolled his eyes and looked to the side.

A handsome middle-aged elf was stepping out of the void. When he noticed Zhong Ye's gaze, he was slightly taken aback, then smiled and saluted.

Zhong Ye cupped his fists in return, and then asked, "Dare to ask your name?"

The middle-aged elf introduced himself solemnly: "I am Vladimir from the 'Honeysuckle' clan, Vladimir Honeysuckle."

Hearing this name, Dai Lila's pupils widened, and she tugged at the corner of Zhong Ye's clothes.

After a little thought, Zhong Ye thought of the identity of this middle-aged elf in the elf clan from Dai Lila's reaction.

"Legendary mage?"

The corners of Vladimir's mouth turned up slightly, noncommittal.

Zhong Ye remained calm, feeling Vladimir's arrogance.

However, his arrogance was not the reason for him to be rude, and then Zhong Ye also revealed his identity and name.

"Your Excellency, Grandmaster." Vladimir saluted again, and then looked at Delilah.

"Dai Lila Ye, the little girl of the Green Leaf Clan, the poor son of the curse, I am a little interested in what you said before, can you talk about it in depth?"

Dai Lila looked at Zhong Ye, and after getting Zhong Ye's approval, she took a deep breath and said, "I don't know much, I just know that the world was destroyed, and its fragments flew to our place during the world's shattering process. world, and descended here, other than that, I don't know anything!"

"Is that so..." With a smile on the corner of Vladimir's mouth, he gave Delilah a meaningful look, which made her hair stand on end.

Vladimir waved to Zhong Ye and said with a smile, "Your Excellency, Master, we will meet later."

After speaking, he teleported away by himself.

Before leaving, he left a sentence for Zhong Ye: 【That little girl is not as pure as she appeared in front of you. 】

Just as Dai Lila breathed a sigh of relief, Zhong Ye suddenly asked: "What have you done to those who exclude you?"

Delilah's face froze, she turned her head to one side, and muttered, "A little bit of revenge..."

Then, she turned her head to look at Zhong Ye again, and said loudly: "But I promise, I didn't hit them first! They pushed me out first!"

Zhong Ye stared into Dai Lila's eyes and didn't reply for a long time.

Delilah was always anxious, her hands clenched tightly unconsciously.

"...just this once."

Hearing these words, Delilah breathed a sigh of relief, her legs went limp, and she sat on the suitcase.

——Legendary, what a terrifying creature!
(End of this chapter)

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