Soul echo

Chapter 550

Chapter 550

"In the folklore of the Nuoji people, the sea of ​​ice is connected to the underworld." Zhang Qian couldn't help shaking his head, "It's safe to be buried in the ground. Where does the Nine Nether Yellow Spring come from in the world?"

Even if a person is buried in the soil after death, even if they have a home, although the people of the East believe in responsibility, cause and effect, and believe that their ancestors will bless them, there must be a cause and effect for blessing.

Because the ancestors have done good deeds, cultivated good karma, and passed through a number of personnel transfers, the good fruits will fall on them.

Only some superstitious Eastern natives would believe that there is a Netherland and a Buddhist kingdom in this world. Other Eastern natives pay homage to their ancestors just to thank their ancestors for what they have done to them, and to express their grief.

However, although there is no 'underworld' in this world, the ice sea has been polluted by the gods, making the environment here quite suitable for evil creatures to survive. After the abyss entered this world, the ice sea environment was further stimulated and became more Because it is not like the human world.

——Hundreds of years are enough for the legend to evolve in a well-defined manner.

"In other words, what we encountered before were just ordinary undead?" Lilian asked.

"No, they are not ordinary." Zhang Qian shook his head again, "Those ghost ships often run amok between the northern part of the Nuoji Kingdom and the kingdom on the big island further west, and the Fog Demon only needs to stay quietly in the original place." If you connect all the boats together, you can survive, but what if there is only one boat? You should have felt the movement of the hull being pulled yesterday, right? If there are only a few boats, you will definitely disappear immediately.

"But the fog demon comes and goes without a trace. Apart from using calculations to detect its arrival in advance, there is currently no way to deal with that monster. If there is a 'real person', it may be able to solve it, but the fog demon has always been only in the ice. Wandering around the sea, its traces are hard to find, even if you want to kill it, you can't find its trace.

"Even if our fleet travels three or four times, it may not be possible to encounter the fog demon once."

Is that why that cloud of fog has never been resolved...

Lilian couldn't help thinking of what Zhong Ye told her yesterday, as long as there is a legendary mage, it will not be a problem to solve the fog.

"As long as you find a way to deal with it, the fog demon is not difficult to deal with. It's just that when the fog demon is dispatched, there will always be many evil things accompanying it. The ghoul you saw today is only one of them. Others include invisible ghosts and spirit ghosts. , these evil things are not difficult to deal with, but it is very difficult to find out, once they get off the shore with the boat..."

Before Zhang Qian finished speaking, Lilian had already imagined such a scene.

Without a little ability, there is no way to become a sailor of this fleet, so the "easy to deal with" those evil things are only compared to the sailors on the fleet. For ordinary civilians, those evil things are no less terrifying It is even more terrifying than a tiger.

Because when they encounter a fierce tiger, they still have a chance to escape, but if they are targeted by evil things, they have no way to detect it.

A crew member came over and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Zhang, it's time to use the 'Ghost Mirror'."

Zhang Qian nodded, bowed his hands to Zhong Ye and Lilian, and then took his leave.

Not long after he left, Zhong Ye felt a wave of waves sweeping over him, he held down the Gang Qi that wanted to react, and let the waves pass through him.

The fog demon left, but the evil things that followed it would not leave together, they had already mixed into the fleet.

That's why the sailors on the ship gathered the passengers on the deck to prevent the passengers from being harmed, and at the same time to wipe out all the evil things that had mixed into the crowd.

Zhong Ye noticed that every ship was equipped with a 'soul-peeping mirror', because he felt similar fluctuations in the surrounding ships.

After the fluctuations dissipated, several evil creatures lying on the heads of the passengers appeared. After the people around noticed it, they immediately screamed and hurried to the side to avoid it.

The crowd suddenly became crowded, and the sailors shouted loudly to tell them not to panic, and there was no way to control it well.

Zhong Ye sighed, and with a sudden wave of his arm, Gang Qi was aroused.

Those evil things that appeared in stature were destroyed in an instant, and people slowly stopped screaming after seeing this scene.

"Those are ghosts?" Zhong Ye asked the sailor beside him.

The sailor looked at Zhong Ye with admiration, and when he heard his question, he shook his head and replied, "No, my lord, it's an 'invisible ghost', and the spirit ghost literally means something that lives on the soul. Evil, there is no way to see it with the naked eye."

"Then how to tell?" Zhong Ye asked.

"Just now Master Zhang went to use the soul-peeping mirror, and he should have seen who was parasitized." The sailor replied truthfully.

From this point of view, soul ghosts should be more difficult to deal with than invisible ghosts.

At this moment, a clerk came over, waved, and called a few sailors who were not involved in guarding the passengers, and said something in a low voice.

The expressions of those sailors changed one after another, and Zhong Ye also heard what the clerk said.

——【Someone is missing, the door is open. 】

Zhong Ye thought for a while, and under Lilian's curious gaze, he walked towards the sailors, "Do you need my help?"

Seeing Zhong Ye, the clerk gave a wry smile, bowed his head and said, "If you can help, my lord, that would be great."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and stretched out his hand to guide the direction of the cabin corridor, "My lord, please come with Xiaosheng."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye took Lilian and followed the clerk's footsteps.

"What happened?" Zhong Ye asked after following the clerk.

"A passenger is missing, and the door to his room is open." The clerk couldn't help sighing, "I checked the passenger list just now, and after finding someone missing, I went to investigate in his room. Later, I found out that the passenger The door of the room was open, but the other person was nowhere to be seen."

Zhong Ye frowned slightly, "What does this mean?"

The clerk pursed his lips, "The ships and people taken away by the Fog Demon will never come back, but the Fog Demon will never do 'sneaky' things, it has always been an exchange of equal value, if the ship is taken away, it will be A demon ship will be left in place, and if people are taken away... an evil thing will be exchanged for it!
"This evil thing is different from the more common evil things such as ghouls and invisible ghosts. It is usually an evil thing that has not been recorded in the "Illustrated Book of Evil Things". This kind of evil thing is the most difficult to deal with."

For such evil things as ghouls and invisible ghosts, the fleet has formed a complete process to deal with them. I am afraid that they have paid a heavy price for this, otherwise they would not be so proficient.

As long as it is an evil thing recorded in the "Illustrated Book of Evil Things", it is not difficult for the sailors of the fleet to deal with it.

However, the evil things that have not been recorded in the illustration book, what kind of abilities they have, and what they want to do, these things are not known at all. To deal with such evil things, it may take many lives.

That's why the faces of those sailors changed drastically at that time, because the reason why the fleet hired them was to let them deal with the dangers during the voyage, and evil objects were naturally one of the dangers.

Before approaching that room, the clerk took out a paper talisman from his pocket, pinched the paper talisman in his hand, and pointed it forward.

There are two people guarding outside the room, they are covered in armor, only a pair of eyes are not covered by the armor.

The clerk waved the paper talisman in his hand in front of the two soldiers, and after confirming that they were still alive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the two soldiers were also slightly relaxed - after all, they had just confirmed that they were still alive.

There is an oil lamp at the door of the open room, the dim yellow light of the size of a bean burns quietly, it is so small, but it seems to block the entire door.

Just as the clerk was about to step in, he was stopped by Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye raised his eyes to look at the room, and stepped into it.

The staff on the ship probably didn't go into the room when they came to investigate, otherwise, they would have seen this scene——

A life form with an extremely powerful life magnetic field squeezed in, and the illusion covering the room suddenly shattered.

After seeing the truth of the room clearly, the clerk and the two soldiers standing outside the door were shocked.

——Every part of the room has been occupied by flesh and blood, and a group of blinking bright yellow eyeballs are inlaid on the outer wall.

Everywhere in the room was covered with wet muscles and fat, when Zhong Ye stepped on it, it felt like he was stepping on mud.

Before the flesh and blood could attack, he aroused his qi and swept away the flesh and blood in the entire room.

What he is best at dealing with is this kind of monsters with entities!

(End of this chapter)

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