Soul echo

Chapter 536 The End (3)

Chapter 536 The End ([-])

In that small town named 'Resta', Father Piero silently wiped the altar as always, and suddenly felt something, walked out of the church, and looked to the north.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of 'Zhong Ye'.

It may be because Zhong Ye was mentioned to those Dongtu people before, so he suddenly remembered it.

I don't know how Zhong Ye and Amos are doing now. Is Zhong Ye still traveling around the mainland, visiting the fighting masters and helping the weak at the same time?Is Amos still living without a fixed place, fighting against the abyss all year round?
Slowly, Father Piero's thoughts drifted away...

In a seaside town, people still remember the man who protected the whole town when trolls attacked the town. The children of the widow's family who once lived with the man are still working hard to practice the martial arts taught to him by the adventurer in the east. , and strive to one day be able to fight against trolls like his 'teacher'.

In Yuegui City, a bronze statue was erected in the middle of an expanded crossroad. To this day, there are still traces of Zhong Ye’s battles. It is something that people deliberately did not repair, but chose to keep. .

Although on that night, they lost a lot, lost their family, lost their friends, and also lost their beloved old priest... But that is already in the past tense.

The adventurer from the east helped them take back the city. Now the city has no lord, and it relies entirely on the residents' self-government. After a lot of exorbitant taxes are reduced, people's lives are much better.

On this day, the weather was fine and the streets were back to their usual fiery heat.

A child was taken shopping by his father. When he passed the crossroads, he suddenly sounded suspicious and pointed to the bronze statue.

The child's father felt his finger tighten, then looked at his child, then looked in the direction of the child's finger, laughed, and softly told his child the story of the bronze statue.

They are not natives of the city, but moved here later.

But the reason why they came here was also because of the guidance of the prototype of the bronze statue.

The child listened quietly, keeping his eyes on the bronze statue.

In his eyes, the bronze statue was emitting brilliance.

There are also legends of Zhong Ye in the two cities of Skupi and Serdika, but what people spread is the adventure of the hero discovering the underground world.

As the reputation of the underground world spread, many adventurers and merchants came to these two cities.

They brought trouble, but they also brought wealth. When people talked about the underground world, they couldn't help but mention 'Zhong Ye'.

Then, in Belgrade, a school funded by Zhong Ye was built and enrolled many students.

Being able to learn commonly used characters and simple calculations, and providing a free lunch every day, many citizens are willing to send their children to school to study.

As the so-called half-children eat poor old men, teenagers are at the stage of physical development and need to supplement a lot of nutrition and eat a lot.

If you want to keep your children from starving and save a little food money for your family, the best way is to send your children to school. After finishing their studies... maybe there will be more job opportunities!
In this city, many people are silently grateful to the Eastern Land adventurer who just passed by the city, but saved the city.

To the east of Belgrade, there is an unnamed town.

The townspeople live a boring life day after day, and the only thing they can talk about is the pair of adventurer teachers and students who pass by the town.

Because the pair of teachers and students had personally experienced a wonderful experience that can only be heard in legends. Whenever outsiders passed by the town, they would inevitably say a few words to each other.

It was also from outsiders' mouths that they heard the name of the 'teacher' among the pair of teachers and students.

That is a great hero, but they have become part of the past experience of that great hero, and it is hard for them not to feel honored.

In the valley of the 'Vitus' clan, the giant king was bored dealing with the affairs of the clan and the outside world. As time went by, he also gradually received some news and decided not to close the valley anymore.

The old giant guarding the clan's treasure house suddenly remembered the Eastern native who had come here and took away a relic of their ancestors from the treasure house. Recently, he heard that the Eastern native used that ancestor's relic to viciously I hit the abyss hard, and felt a little relieved.

I just don't know, when will that Dongtu man return to Dongtu to complete their agreement?

In the seaside city named 'Aspalatos', the navy is ready to go out to sea to destroy the monsters that can threaten the safety of the city.

The sea trolls attacking the city a few months ago had given them enough lessons. If a powerful adventurer who passed by hadn't wiped out those sea trolls, I'm afraid all the soldiers in the city would have been punished.

Watching the massive naval expedition, many city residents could not help but think of the Dongtu people who saved the city.

The former illegitimate son of the grand duke has now become the real lord of Milan. Although this position fell on his shoulders because of his father's death, he doesn't miss his ruthless father at all.

Compared with that ruthless father, he missed the Eastern land adventurer who redeemed himself—the hero who once saved Milan.

There is a newly built huge stone statue in the city. He obviously didn't order anyone to build it, but the grateful city residents acted spontaneously, and finally created a city spectacle.

Today Milan is most famous for nothing but the huge stone statue. When people talk about Milan, they always say a few words about the stone statue.

Tim Gloria, the current Grand Duke of Milan is struggling to learn how to govern the city and territory. In his spare time, he occasionally thinks of that Eastern native named 'Zhong Ye'...

In Montreux, in Annecy, in Bourg, in the 'Military City', in Limas, in Paris, in Chartres... In many cities and villages, where Zhong Ye passed by, people all I was thinking of the Eastern land adventurer who passed by.

In less than a year, he has traveled across half of the Western Continent.

During the journey, he left quite deep marks in the memories of many people. Although those memories were not very good, he was always the warmest part of them.

These thoughts are the 'power of faith'. Even if those people's thoughts about him are not as firm and pious as believers, they can gather sand into a tower, trickle down into a river, and when the thoughts of thousands or thousands of people gather on him, it is enough to form A real force.

The power of faith condensed in Zhong Ye's overlapping palms.

The big demon also sensed that something was wrong, and pressed the 'door frame' tightly with both hands, trying to drag himself out from behind the door.

But at this time, a ray of rainbow light shot up from the castle and hit the big devil's face.

Not only did the big demon fail to climb out, he was even pushed back a bit.

The energy level of the objects in Zhong Ye's palm became higher and higher, to the point of distorting the air, causing the air to ripple.

When others miss Zhong Ye, Zhong Ye can't help thinking of the past.

Numerous pictures flashed before his eyes. Those powerful enemies he had encountered and those people who had helped him had all turned into his strength now.

It is precisely because of his chivalry and righteousness along the way, and because of his constant efforts to eliminate the strong and support the weak, that he has gained such great power.

Suddenly, Zhong Ye realized.

- He can become a 'legend' is a matter of course.

- He can become a 'grandmaster' is a matter of course.

——It is only natural that he now possesses the power to break through a complete abyss gate that can allow great demons to pass through!

As a result, flames of fire bloomed in his palm.

The erupting brilliance hit the frame of the gate of the abyss, and it took only a moment for the brilliance composed of the power of faith to crush the gate.

The gate of the abyss began to disintegrate, and all the demons who had only half protruded from the inside before they had time to jump out were cut in half by this absolute force of space.

——Including that big demon!
Except for the big demon, all the demons whose bodies had been amputated died in that instant!
(End of this chapter)

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