Soul echo

Chapter 526 'Mirage'

Chapter 526 'Mirage'


The movement like a volcanic eruption shook the land of Resta, and the townspeople looked at the direction of the occupied area worriedly.

"Your Excellencies, this... really won't be a problem?"

Priest Piero was also full of worries. Although Resta was not close to the occupied area, such a big movement was enough to attract the attention of those mutants in the occupied area.

"Hehe, my lord priest, don't worry, even if you attract the attention of those filthy demons, they won't be able to cross the mirage and come to this side."

Sitting opposite Priest Piero was a man from the East, but unlike Zhong Ye, this man from the East was dressed solemnly, every part of his body seemed to be paying attention to details, and he looked extravagantly luxurious.

But contrary to his gorgeous attire, his attitude is not domineering. When he gets along with him, Father Piero can't help but think of the warm spring breeze.

The dark robe, well-groomed hair and beard made Father Piero a little more convinced of this eastern native. Coupled with the contact with him in the past few days, not only him, but even ordinary people in Resta They all realized the integrity of these Eastern natives.

No matter how worried he was, Father Piero kept his mouth shut and never mentioned the matter again.

Resta is the closest town to the occupied area on the land of the Kingdom of Etruul, but even so, it is still [-] miles away from the occupied area. Starting from Resta, walk westward for at least seven or eight days. In order to enter the occupied area.

At the beginning, Zhong Ye and Amos walked for ten days before they walked from the occupied area to Resta, because Zhong Ye was already in the occupied area at that time.

The big ship 'Mirage' that Priest Piero had never seen before should not be near the edge of the occupied area, but it should not be close to Resta.

Even so, the huge movement made by the big ship could still be heard.

I heard that the big ship from the east is preparing to smash the land west of Resta to open up a canal to connect the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The noise they are creating now is because they are destroying the ground.

Priest Piero didn't dare to imagine what kind of feat it was. He once went to the west of Resta to investigate. In his opinion, even the most 'weak' point, for human beings, wanting to build a canal It is also as difficult as climbing the sky.

If there is a mage to take action, maybe a canal can be opened in a few years, but they don't have the money.

The aberrations have been blocked by the gods in the occupied area, so there is no need to cut off the connection on land, so that for so many years, the Kingdom of Yitruul has never wanted to penetrate the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, so that the aberrations cannot enter the kingdom through land territory.

And this generation of kings wants to regain the glory of the past and recover part of the occupied areas. It is impossible to spend money on this point.

It's just that the arrival of these Eastern natives seems to have cut off the king's miss.

If the Eastern Turks really opened up a canal connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, then the Kingdom of Yitruul would no longer have a land connection with the occupied area.

But why did these Eastern natives want to open that canal?
Priest Piero is still deeply puzzled by this question. It is not that he has not asked this question before, but these Eastern natives only answered "I want to let the 'mirage' enter the Mediterranean from the Red Sea." If you continue to ask, They will laugh without saying a word.

Just like the Dongtu people who came to this town last time, the arrival of this team of Dongtu people once again broke the peaceful daily life of this town that has been like a day for decades.

However, unlike Zhong Ye, this team of Eastern natives came to Resida and brought many small objects with Eastern flavors, which opened the eyes of the residents of Resida.

They came here to appease the people of Resta.

These Eastern natives did not want to explain why they wanted to open the canal at all, and they did not want others to question their actions. They came here to announce that this happened, not to seek the consent of the local people.

In the past few days, the mood of the residents of Resta has been going back and forth between joy and fear. Although the commotion in the west has not hurt them these days, they are still very worried.

Among other things, violent vibrations will damage the structure of the house. The residents of Resta didn't understand this at first, but the second thing those Dongtu people came to Resta to do was to help them repair the house and strengthen the structure of the house.

It was also through the narration of those Eastern natives that they learned that the earthquake might cause their houses to collapse.

Therefore, the residents of Resta are worried, for fear that their houses will collapse.

Fortunately, those Dongtu people promised that after their work was over and before they left Resta, they would help them to carry out another free house structure reinforcement to ensure that everything was restored to its original state.

The most important thing is that the Dongtu people also brought construction disturbance subsidies, which is also the point that most comforts the troubled hearts of the residents of Resta.

"'Mirage'...what exactly is it?"

The pronunciation of that name was a bit difficult for Father Piero, and he barely learned the pronunciation after listening to it for a few days.

"A mirage is a ship." The middle-aged man sitting opposite Priest Piero smiled with a bit of pride in his smile, "It's a big ship."

Priest Piero frowned slightly. He had heard such words many times in the past few days. As time passed, he became more and more curious about the things behind that name.

But this time, he got another answer——

"Of course, you can also see it as a city floating on the sea. For us, the mirage is part of our land."

A city floating on the sea?
Hearing this description, Father Piero had some idea of ​​the size and volume of the ship.

When he was young, he had left Resta to travel and study in other places. He had seen the sea and knew how huge those sea ships were.

If we zoom in on the sea ships in memory a few times, they may be the size of that 'mirage'...

Thinking in this way, Father Piero suddenly remembered a person and what happened to that person.

"By the way, did you send a ship to explore the way before?"

As we all know, only the northern waterway connects the east land and the west land, but now the 'mirage' comes from the south. It is hard not to make people wonder whether the people of the east land want to open another channel to connect the west land and the east land.

The middle-aged man nodded his head and said: "It is true, may I ask how the priest knows about this?"

Father Piero recalled it carefully, and then repeated what the Sun God had said.

The sun god also has belief in Dongtu, but they call it "Dongjun". In fact, "Dongjun" and "Supreme Light" refer to the same god.

"So it was His Majesty Dongjun who told you..."

The middle-aged man took a breath and frowned slightly.

——He seemed to have never heard the name 'Zhong Ye'.

As the first ship to explore the way, anyone who boards that ship must undergo strict identity checks.

They had known for a long time that the ship had unfortunately encountered a storm and was destroyed, but the plan could not be delayed, and the ship had basically found out the channel, so the mirage set off.

Although the middle-aged man is not the person in charge of 'Mirage', he also has a little understanding of the pioneer ship.

He didn't remember that there was a person named 'Zhong Ye' on that ship, and he was also a 'Hidden Sect Disciple', 'Battle Master'?
Such a conspicuous person, if he boarded that ship, then he would definitely notice.

But he didn't notice at all, and that 'Zhong Ye' was taken out of the occupied area by a demon hunter...

The middle-aged man silently wrote down this matter, but he was not going to tell Father Piero the 'truth' of this matter.

Knowing those things is not beneficial to Priest Piero, let's wait for them, after the mirage touches the countries on the west land side, and then investigate that guy named 'Zhong Ye'!

There was another loud noise, and the middle-aged man remained calm, picked up his teacup silently, and took a sip of tea.

 Thank you Guangfeng Jiyuewu for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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