Soul echo

Chapter 512 Another Departure

Chapter 512 Another Departure
Zhong Ye and the others rested in Lübeck for another four days. During these four days, the players' game entered the next stage.

The rematch schedule is very short, probably only lasting four to six days.

Because the competition system of this stage is an elimination system, as long as one loses, the previous efforts will fall short.

But this is a matter between players. Their battles all take place in the dream world and cannot affect the material world.

In addition to the players' affairs, the church also followed the clues and found out about the oil painting.

According to the results of the church's investigation, Nemo's cousin died more than ten years ago, and the cause of death is unknown, but after her death, her parents sold most of her belongings, leaving only a few A few pieces as souvenirs.

This incident happened more than ten years ago, and Cousin Nemo was not a big nobleman, so not many people knew the news of her death, and the local priests didn't know much about it either.

The oil painting was disposed of as a relic, and after changing hands several times, it came into Frederick's hands.

The clergy of the church guessed that the soul sealed in the oil painting was probably the soul of Cousin Nemo.

At that time, cousin Nemo must have encountered some strange things and passed away. Her parents didn't know why she died, but they knew that she might have been cursed to die, so they disposed of her. Most relics.

The oil painting has been in the hands of many people for more than ten years, and none of them had any problems. Only two people who used to hold the oil painting died, but one died of natural causes, and the other died on the way to escort the goods. The monster attack, just bad luck.

Other than that, the church has not found anything else yet.

Judging from the currently known information, it seems that the only thing that can curse Cousin Nemo is the oil painting that has been destroyed.

But the painting had been destroyed, and the clergy could not recover anything from the ashes.

However, with Zhong Ye's powerful perception ability, it was a strange thing that he didn't feel the magic wave or soul wave from the oil painting.

The current situation is that, except for Nemo, no one else is suspected of setting up his cousin.

Although Cousin Nemo's family is a landlord, they are friendly to others on weekdays. Others have no reason to hurt Cousin Nemo and seal her soul in that oil painting.

Besides, after that, nothing unexpected happened to Cousin Nemo's family.

If someone wanted to take revenge on Cousin Nemo's family, it was obviously impossible for this to happen.

In order to investigate this matter, Zhong Ye and the others acted again.

They will continue northward, cross the border of the Rhine Kingdom, and head to the headquarters of the witcher in the Kingdom of Nogi.

Many years ago, the witcher began to study the great artist 'Nemo'.

In other words, they study the artists, scholars, and warlords throughout the Western Continent. In their eyes, these people are potential abyss believers.

Not to mention that more than ten years ago, there was another demon hunter who encountered a strange event caused by the painting made by Nemo-Lilian even entered the copy that was based on that event!
It is precisely because the demon hunters' research on 'Nemo Bellucci Bailey' is deep enough, so Zhong Ye plans to go to the headquarters of the demon hunters to ask the demon hunters about this in person. He wants to know this What is the matter.

The paintings that Nemo made before he became a believer in the Lord of Pleasure can also cause harm to people-the oil painting killed his cousin, so what about the other paintings?Did he also kill other people when no one knew about it?

Part of the land in the south of the Kingdom of Nogi is bordered by the Kingdom of the Rhine, but it is faster to take a boat from Lübeck to the headquarters of the Demon Hunter.

It used to be the site of the Vikings, but when the abyss invaded for the first time, a quarter of the Vikings abandoned their beliefs and turned to the Lord of War, thinking that the Lord of War would bring them eternal peace. glory.

All the remaining tribes of the Vikings unite to destroy these traitors who have turned their backs on their faith, their homeland, and their glory.

At that time, all kinds of ships galloped on the ocean.

The Vikings, who used to be mostly pirates, have transformed into the guardians of the sea in the Westland. Even if they are facing a blood god ship as huge as an iceberg on the sea, they dare to drive a pirate ship that looks like a sampan in comparison. Crash through and fight to the death with traitors who have turned their backs on glory.

The Vikings won, and they successfully destroyed the Vikings of the War Lord, but as a price, the young and middle-aged Vikings were also killed and injured. At the end of the war, even the elderly and children had to take over the battle. The horned helmets and weapons of the dead step out into battle where there is no hope.

After the invasion was blocked, the number of Vikings was only 10,000+, almost extinct.

The first generation of demon hunters was composed of Vikings. They drank the blood of traitors, and under the blessing of their ancestors and gods, they successfully transformed into demon hunters.

The origin of the witches of the North is the priests of the Vikings. The reason why they will study how to transform mortals into demon hunters is also because they want to hunt down the traitors of the Vikings.

There is a 'Viking component' in the witcher's transformation ritual. All demon hunters have Viking blood in their bodies. If it doesn't exist in the first place, it needs to be implanted.

Therefore, most witchers are born tall.

After handing over the carriage to the church in the port city, Zhong Ye and the others embarked on the sea boat heading for the headquarters of the Demon Hunter.

The ship hadn't moved yet, not counting the shaking and turbulence. After Lilian stepped on the deck, she quickly adapted to the shaking of the ship by virtue of her high agility attribute and her previous muscle memory.

Lily was miserable. As the princess of the Kingdom of Gaul, she had no chance to go to sea. She had been living on land before, and after boarding the boat, she couldn't help but feel a little weak in her hands and feet.

She has never learned to swim, what should she do if she is thrown into the sea...

After Lily boarded the boat, she didn't even dare to approach the side of the boat. She just stood on the shore and took a look at the bottomless ocean. She began to fear that she would be thrown out of the boat and fall into the ocean.

They took a passenger ship and often traveled between the Kingdom of Rhine and the Kingdom of Nuoji.

Of course, in addition to transporting passengers, passenger ships will often load a batch of cargo in the bilge if there is room left.

It would take about two to three days to get from this port city to the headquarters of the Demon Hunter, if the wind is smooth. The passenger ship will stop at some ports along the way, drop off some passengers, and pick up another group of passengers.

Otherwise, the sailing speed would be faster.

It didn't take long for Zhong Ye to hear the sound of "Set sail", and the crew on the ship became busy.

The steam engine drove the paddle wheels on both sides of the passenger ship, and the sails were also unfurled. The wind blowing from the direction of the port made the canvas bulge, and the crew sang songs passed down from mouth to mouth by the sailors.

The singing voice is not beautiful, but it has a sense of power. After listening to it, people can feel the emotion hidden behind the simple lyrics.

It is heroic and vicissitudes, as if an old sailor held a wine glass and told young people about his life at sea for so many years.

Zhong Ye was particularly sensitive to these things, so he leaned against the side of the boat, closed his eyes and listened, silently feeling the emotions hidden in the singing.

The sea is difficult to conquer, and everything that sailors experience on the sea, even a storm, is just a prank by the ocean, but for small human beings, this is already a great enough thing.

After driving on the sea for about an hour, they even left the border of the Kingdom of Rhine and entered the actual control area of ​​the Kingdom of Nuoji.

The Kingdom of Nuoji is a free country, and they even acquiesce in the existence of pirates, but they stipulate that pirates are not allowed to continue to kill the plundered objects after they surrender, otherwise, they will be hunted down by the Navy of the Kingdom of Nuoji.

Not only allowing pirates to exist, but also making regulations not to allow pirates to kill people, I have to say that this is a rather strange country for anyone who doesn't know about the Nuoji Kingdom.

As the last ray of singing was drowned by the sound of the waves beating, Zhong Ye opened his eyes and looked to the northeast—that was the direction where the headquarters of the witcher was located.

(End of this chapter)

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