Soul echo

Chapter 510 Oil Painting

Chapter 510 Oil Painting
Frederick was sitting on a small saddle reading a book, and in front of him was a stall full of sundries.

These are all the sundries he has collected in recent years, because he wants to buy some books recently, these sundries take up space and are useless, so he wants to sell these things, in this way, It would free up some space at home and subsidize the money he spent on books—even if it wasn’t much.

The sun in the morning is not too hot, but it also makes people a little upset and irritable when exposed to the sun.

Just as Frederick was thinking about finding something to cover his head, a huge shadow approached him, enveloping his booth and himself in an instant.

Before Frederick looked up, he heard a thick and magnetic voice: "How do you sell this painting?"

Looking up, as expected, there was a burly young man standing in front of his booth.

"Oh, sir, you must have the blood of a giant." Frederick exclaimed, "You give me the impression that I have seen a giant who came out of a group of giants in the Kingdom of Etrull and traveled around. .”

Hearing this, Zhong Ye was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, "I am a purebred human being."

Giants and dwarves are special human races created by the geographical environment, and they are not alien races.

He had lived on the earth for the previous 23 years, and there was no corresponding environment for him and his ancestors to become 'giants'. Naturally, he could not have the blood of giants.

He can grow so tall, one is because during the growth process, he can ensure sufficient nutrition and exercise moderately, and the other is because his physique and strength attributes are already close to extraordinary, and a single physique or strength attribute is extraordinary. As a result, his body shape has changed too much, but now, his two attributes are close to the barrier of extraordinary.

Even though the agility attribute, which is also close to extraordinary, will tighten the muscles and body, it will only prevent him from becoming so cumbersome and cumbersome, and will not compress his height.

Although he didn't measure it specifically, Zhong Ye estimated that his current height should be between [-] and [-] meters. If his physique and strength attributes both break through the extraordinary barrier, his height is very likely to exceed [-] meters.

For ordinary people, it is not wrong to say that he is a 'giant' at his height.

Frederick smiled, and got back to the topic: "If you want this painting, I can sell it to you for three silver coins. After all, I don't know who the author of this painting is. It was purchased from a bankrupt businessman, and it has probably changed hands with him a few times, so he doesn't know."

If a painting is good enough and has connotations, it can sell for a high price even if the author is not known. There is no value at all, and three silver coins are already considered a high price.

Zhong Ye did not expose Frederick's petty thoughts, three silver coins were nothing to him.

He took out three silver coins of good quality and complete shape from the purse, and put them on the stall. Then Zhong Ye picked up the oil painting, turned around and left.

After looking at the three silver coins and Zhong Ye's leaving back, Frederick closed his slightly parted lips, picked up the silver coins, stuffed them into his arms, and continued to read with his head down.

Lily watched Zhong Ye walk over with an oil painting under his arm, and there was no cloth wrapped outside the oil painting.

"You're going to hurt the painting." Lily sighed.

Zhong Ye froze for a moment, smiled and shook his head: "It's not because I like this painting, I bought this painting because it was painted by Nemo - I remember I should have told you about me and that happy The battle chosen by the Lord God."

"Nemo's painting?"

Hearing this, Lily and Lilian couldn't help being shocked, and they kept looking at the painting in Zhong Ye's hand.

"Don't worry, this painting probably has nothing to do with the abyss, because it was painted before Nemo chose to believe in the Lord of Joy, and it was a birth gift he gave to his cousin."

As he said that, Zhong Ye couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

In that dream, he actually experienced his life with Nemo from birth to 14 years old.

In Zhong Ye's memory, there is still a memory of Nemo until he was 14 years old, so he can recognize the painting at a glance.

When Zhong Ye reminded her, Lily and the others immediately reacted.

Zhong Ye did tell them before, but he didn't elaborate.

It wasn't until now that they discovered that Zhong Ye's memory of Nemo seemed to be so deep that it was abnormally deep, and he could even recognize the birth gift that Nemo gave his cousin at a glance.

Lily took a look at the oil painting and subconsciously compared it with the Nemo paintings collected by the court. She found that this oil painting was mediocre in terms of brushwork and conception, and it could not be compared with Nemo's later imagination.

—It’s just a landscape painting without any characteristics.

When returning the oil painting to Zhong Ye, Lily asked casually, "How old was Nemo when he painted this?"

Zhong Ye frowned and thought about it, "Probably...five or six years old."

He remembers clearly that after the age of six, Nemo ushered in the first turning point in his life—the talent for painting was discovered, and then he became an artist's student.

Nemo would give an oil painting as a gift to his newborn cousin, which should have happened after his mother discovered his painting talent.

Although at this time, Nemo did not believe in the Lord of Pleasure, but he was born under a curse. Except for Zhong Ye and Amos, no one else knew what kind of cruel world Nemo had seen.

The painting drawn against that kind of 'world' is itself a kind of ominous thing.

Even though Zhong Ye knew that there was a great possibility that this painting would not have any effect on people, it was Nemo's painting after all, and he always felt a little unsafe if it was in other people's hands.

Zhong Ye didn't plan to take this painting on a trip. After a few hours, after Lilian and the others had finished shopping, he would take this painting away from the city and destroy the oil painting outside the city.

He didn't know why Nemo's cousin released the painting, but being able to go all the way from the Kingdom of Etruul to the northern part of the Kingdom of Rhine meant that Nemo's cousin had already given up on the painting, even if he destroyed it. A picture, there will be no problem.

With the oil painting under his left arm, Zhong Ye followed Lili and the others, continuing to wander around the block.

The three of them started shopping in the morning, had a whole lunch during the period, and continued shopping again.

In addition to accessories and some props, Lily and Lilian's backpacks also have a few more sets of summer clothes. Although they don't know where they will travel next, there is nothing wrong with making more preparations.

In the afternoon, Lily finally felt tired. She returned to the Adventurer's House with Lilian and a lot of 'trophies', while Zhong Ye took the oil painting and headed out of the city.

Arriving on a hill outside the city, Zhong Ye silently picked up a few broken branches from the ground. It wasn't long after winter passed, and the broken branches were not dispelled so quickly.

I lit the broken branches with the fire pocket I carried with me, and put the oil painting on the fire to burn.

Zhong Ye couldn't help but sighed as he watched the flames gradually becoming more intense.


Perhaps because there was still water in the broken branches, the fire suddenly exploded, splashing out a few sparks.

Zhong Ye stared at the flames, his pupils suddenly dilated.

——In that flame, he saw an immature face.

There were distinct facial features on that face, and it looked extremely painful.


Immediately afterwards, subtle screams came to the ears, which made people shudder.

"Who are you?" Zhong Ye extinguished the flame with a wave of his hand, looked at the girl's soul emerging from the oil painting, and asked in a deep voice.

However, the girl's soul didn't answer him, and screamed miserably on its own.

Under the sunlight, its body quickly disappeared.

One second before it completely disappeared, it seemed to have regained its self-awareness, raised its eyes, looked at Zhong Ye in horror, and then disappeared completely.

Zhong Ye reached out his hand to feel for the extinguished fire, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had obviously extinguished the flame in time just now, but now, only broken branches remained in the fire.

Even the frame of the oil painting disappeared without a trace!
(End of this chapter)

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