Soul echo

Chapter 508 After the War

Chapter 508 After the War
Although he just had a life-and-death struggle with a god, Zhong Ye was not injured, rather the opposite, his current condition couldn't be better.

The injuries caused by the previous battle with the Mind Devourer aggregate have all recovered—under the protection of the stellar energy, even if the mortal body breaks through the speed of sound, it only causes the capillaries on the surface of the body to rupture.

Even so, when the commercial church treated their bishop, they also brought Zhong Ye along by the way, and the hospitality was hard to refuse.

No one knew his own situation better than Zhong Ye. Even if the priests checked carefully, they couldn't find any injuries from Zhong Ye.

In comparison, even the civilians affected by the battle were more seriously injured than Zhong Ye.

It was obvious that Zhong Ye was the main force in that battle, but he was not injured at all, which is really strange.

After confirming that Zhong Ye was not injured, the priests let him go.

The rain of holy light is still going on, but the person who supports this magic has changed from the bishop of the commercial church to the church, and the power of faith remaining in the local church is continuously transformed into holy light falling from the sky, healing those affected civilians.

Walking in the streets, most of the civilians recovered from the panic, but priests and apprentices from various churches traveled to and from various parts of the city, appealing to people not to go home for the time being, and continue to bathe in the rain, so as to avoid other situations from happening again.

This is not an embarrassing thing for civilians. After all, they can feel the warmth in their bodies and their bodies are becoming healthy within the range of the rain of holy light.

But Zhong Ye is very clear that the power of the abyss has spread to the big city of Lübeck through the words of the Mind Eater aggregate, and the influence of the abyss cannot be eliminated so easily.

From now on, not only the vast majority of the clergy in Lübeck will be stationed in the city, always on guard against changes in the city, other churches may also send some 'ascetic monks' over.

These ascetic monks do not have any prominent identities, but their control over divine power is far beyond that of ordinary priests.

Simply put, their fighting ability is far beyond ordinary people.

Each church has a small number of ascetic monks, because if you want to become an ascetic monk, you need to learn from a monk, make an oath, and keep the oath.

The purpose of the existence of the ascetic monks is similar to that of the titled battle group, which is to guard the towns affected by the power of the abyss, but there are only a few titled battle groups, but there can be many ascetic monks.

The target of the titled battle group is the 'Abyss Invasion War', and the ascetic monks are guarding towns that are affected by the abyss, but may not necessarily cause problems.

Today's Lübeck is far from the level that requires a named battle group to settle in, and it is enough to have ascetic monks guarding it.

It is precisely because he knows these things that he feels a little depressed.

The situation in Dan's world may not be as serious as what the Mind Eater Aggregation said before, but it should not be much different.

The abyss has had a profound impact on the world, and they don't know how many nobles have become believers in the Lord of Conspiracy or the Lord of Pleasure, how many adventurers secretly believe in the Lord of War, and how many of them have been bedridden for a long time. The patient prayed in desperation to the father of the one knew.

At this moment, Zhong Ye moved his ears and heard some movement.

The voice... came from the northwest.

The shouts of battle were interspersed with roars, and there was also the sound of swords piercing flesh.

There was a lot of movement, even the civilians around Zhong Ye could hear some faint voices.

Zhong Ye turned around and walked quickly in that direction.

His footsteps were fast, and he walked through several streets in a short while.

The reason why he didn't jump directly from the roof was because he heard Lilian's voice, and she was directing the battle.

It was different from before. Lilian had grown a lot. Not only was she stronger than before, but she was also more stable than before. She was no longer the little girl whose arms trembled when facing enemies.

Zhong Ye quickly approached the street where the battle took place, and he met many civilians who escaped from that street. They not only ran on the street, but even passed through the front and back doors of some houses and fled to another street, just to get away from it. battlefield.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The roar rang again and again, but compared to before, it had become much weaker.

"It wants to use the whip, the archer will interrupt it!"

With a bowstring flick, the growling sound reappeared.

Like a fish swimming, Zhong Ye nimbly passed through the crowd and came to the corner of the street.

When he came here, he happened to see Lilian throwing a bottle of blazing glue, and the glass bottle exploded on the deformed body, instantly igniting the somewhat shriveled body.

The lower body is still legs, but the upper body has become a distortion of a sphere, with a pair of long arms with four joints, waving indiscriminately.

One player raised his shield to block the blow of the deformed body, and another player behind him with a long ax stepped forward at the right time, swiped the ax, and slashed at the scar on the deformed body's arm again. This time, he finally took the One arm was chopped off.

The aberrant whose upper body had been completely turned into a sarcoma stared at a few randomly distributed eyes around the torso, screaming.

The ultrasonic waves began to spread. At this moment, the mage who had climbed up to the roof and stood there for an unknown amount of time smiled and cast a spell, causing an invisible 'Wall of Echo' to be erected around the deformed body.

The reflected ultrasonic waves hit the deformed body itself, directly blowing off several tentacles on its torso.

It's a pity that the Wall of Echoes itself is quite fragile, and the angry aberration threw out its arms and the only remaining tentacles and smashed it into pieces.

However, Lilian seized the opportunity and fired six shots in a row, knocking the aberrant off balance.


A berserker with no hair on his upper body let out a roar, and with a jump, he split his torso against the blazing flames on the deformed body.

After completing his task, the Berserker immediately jumped away, and the surrounding players threw alchemy potions into his chest as if they didn't want money.

- Bang!

After a shock, the deformed figure disappeared without a trace, replaced by the disgusting flesh and blood stained on the surrounding houses and players.

Before that, Lilian moved quietly and hid behind a shield warrior, not letting the flesh and blood rush to her body.

On this street, not only one aberrant, but also two aberrant corpses are gradually melting under the rain of holy light.

After looking around and confirming that there are no other cultists here, Lilian waved her hand, "Let's go! Let's find other cultists! Lübeck is so big, there must be other cultists hiding!"

Cultists are not allowed to touch the holy light. There are only three consequences for them to touch the holy light. Either they will be seriously injured, or they will die, or the power of the abyss will be out of control, twisting them into deformed bodies.

Except for Lilian, the birthplace of most of the players present is here. They have already figured out the situation in this city, and they know exactly where there are guys suspected of being cultists.

The players ran away screaming, rushing to the next place, wanting to earn more contribution points before the 'campaign mode' was over.

After all the players ran away, Zhong Ye walked out from the corner of the street, looking at the direction in which the players disappeared with relief.

The arrival of the players has injected new vitality into the world. They are equivalent to remotely controlling the body. Even if the body is destroyed, they will not suffer any harm.

Of course, the power of the evil god of the abyss is enough to cross the distant void. If they are killed by the evil god of the abyss, it is very likely that their souls will be injured, or even die suddenly.

But as long as their connection to the world is disconnected before their game characters are killed by the evil god, then it is guaranteed that they will not die, at most they will be weak for a while.

However, it is impossible for the evil god to end so easily. Even if the evil god invades, there will be gods standing in front, so there is no need to worry too much.

Zhong Ye is not the most gratified about the players' positive influence on the world. What he is most gratified about is that Lilian has grown up.

Even if there is a systematic accelerated learning, her growth rate is fast enough. Although she can bully some beginners in martial arts at most, she can't stand up to martial artists who have practiced martial arts for many years, but since she followed him to learn, time has not passed. Years, this growth rate is fast enough.

With Lilian's current strength, it should be no problem to break into the finals.

In this way, she can complete her short-term goal of 'becoming a professional gamer'.

(End of this chapter)

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