Soul echo

Chapter 504

Chapter 504
Because he was not stupid, and he had already been mentally prepared for this matter, so when Zhong Ye said the answer, the speaker's first reaction was not to 'deny', but to admit this fact.

His wife, second son, and even his younger brother were long dead.

All he has been with him for so many years is a group of monsters in their skins - just like his firstborn son!
It's just different from his eldest son, who revealed his identity from the beginning, while his younger brother, wife, and second son have been pretending all the time.

Knowing all this, the speaker has no interest in life. He has worked hard for his family for so many years, but now, he has no family.

After Zhong Ye said that, everyone in the living room except the speaker turned their heads to look at him, and the expressions on their faces changed suddenly, turning into faint smiles.

"Do you know? Actually, I've been paying attention to you for a long time."

The maid who was still terrified just now opened a chair and sat down, raised her legs, and looked at Zhong Ye with a smile, "I have noticed you since you blocked the abyss in Yitruer."

Zhong Ye frowned and looked at her, "Shouldn't you just start fighting?"

The maid shrugged, "Fighting is meaningless to us, this is in the city, you can easily get the protection of the gods, and I am not sure that I can defeat you even without the blessing of the gods, so I I thought it would be a good idea to sit down and talk.

"Of course, I also know that you are stalling for time, but I don't care."

Don't care because you know you can escape at any time and won't die because of it?

Zhong Ye narrowed his eyes, "What do you want to tell me? Could it be the 'escape theory' again?"

However, the maid smiled and shook her head, "This time, I plan to tell you a story."

Zhong Ye hugged his arms in front of his chest so that he could draw out his weapon at any time.

"This is a story about my hometown... In my memory, it probably happened more than 400 years ago."

The maid rested her chin on her right hand and fell into memories, "My hometown is similar to this world. There are also spells and gods, but maybe there is a difference in body structure. Humans on our side can't master extraordinary power through exercise like you. , the only person who can possess extraordinary power is the 'Mage'.

"And I, before transforming into this form, was a 'mage'."

Hearing this sentence, Zhong Ye frowned slightly.

Hearing what it said, it seems that after transforming into the form of Mind Eater, it lost the ability to cast spells?

But no matter where they are, mages are inextricably linked with 'knowledge'. Even if they lose their ability to cast spells, the knowledge they possess will not disappear. That is the most precious thing for a mage.

"I think you should know that we come from another world, where we also had human forms like you, and we also call ourselves 'human' - of course, only because it is in your world In language, the word 'human' comes closest to how we describe ourselves."

While listening, Zhong Ye silently looked at the other people in the living room.

Deacons, servants, maids, everyone except the chairman and him, were all parasitized by the mind eater.

And... it could be the 'same' Mind Eater!

"Our world has been invaded by the abyss, and our resistance is not weaker than your world. We have resisted for 600 years. The abyss has almost integrated into our society and become a part of our civilization, but it is' The part of hostility' and 'hatred'." The maid smiled self-deprecatingly, "The abyss forced mages and gods to unite, forcing mages to hand over the power of magic to mortals, so that mortals also became part of the resistance front.

"The abyss took 600 years to reduce our population from 60 billion to 15 billion, and then... our society collapsed!"

Seeing that the maid's smile gradually became distorted, Zhong Ye took a deep breath.

"600 years! 600 years is enough time for the abyss to permeate every aspect of our world! Mages are corrupted, gods are corrupted, mortals who wield power are corrupted, heroes who fight the abyss are corrupted, and civilians at the bottom are corrupted... if not everyone They were all corrupted by the abyss, but out of the 15 billion people, nearly one in ten thousand people were corrupted, and the impact they caused was enough to cause the entire society to fall apart."

Speaking of these things, the maid couldn't help gnashing her teeth and trembling all over, and she didn't know whether it was because of fear or anger.

"Later, we implemented the last plan, which was to escape from our world - we couldn't bring too many mages and scholars, because mages and scholars would be corrupted by Tzeentch, and we couldn't bring too many warriors, because they would be attacked by terror. Sadistic corruption, you can't bring too many children, because they will be corrupted by Slaanesh, and you can't bring too many rulers, because they will be corrupted by Nurgle...

"We prepared a hundred spaceships, but only fifteen spaceships took off successfully. The other spaceships were destroyed by the Corruptors when they were still on the ground. However, only five spaceships broke through the barriers of the world in the end. The Corruptor was found after takeoff.

"I don't know the situation of the other three ships. I only know that one of them came to this world with the spaceship I'm in, but they haven't appeared for so many years. I'm afraid that something went wrong when transforming their bodies—you have already I found the spaceship we used, and you should have discovered those guys I locked in the deep cabin, right? They are all failures, and I am the only one who finally transformed into this form perfectly."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye finally realized why the number of altars of Mind Eater is so small, because in the beginning, there was only one person who built the altars!
These things have been suppressed in the Heart Eater's heart for a long time, so it wants to tell all the things, even if the person who listens to the story is their enemy.

"The world has been fighting against the abyss for 400 years, but the situation has been getting worse, hasn't it?" The maid grinned, her smile was ferocious and distorted.

She stood up, waving her arms wildly, "Cultists can be seen everywhere, and there are countless incidents caused by cultists and demons. How many incidents related to the abyss have you experienced all the way from Yitruul, don't you yourself Are you clear? The evil gods of the abyss can even create false gods, and they are even using the power of this world itself to deal with you!

"It doesn't matter if you can win once, twice, nine times, ten times, or even a hundred times, or a thousand times, but as long as you lose once, you will fall into a situation beyond redemption—you simply can't afford to lose!"

Anger stimulated the flow of 'blood' in the maid's body, but her blood had long been replaced by the black mist, so Zhong Ye could see that her eyes were filled with 'blood' due to excitement, and countless black 'blood' threads were in the air. The white part of the eyes spread like a spider web.

"So, we can only run away."

Suddenly, the maid calmed down again, looked at Zhong Ye charmingly, and said softly: "Facing the abyss, we have no chance of winning at all, and it is impossible to defeat the abyss only by relying on our strength, but this world is infinitely vast, and in There are infinite worlds beyond the crystal wall system, and there is always a world that has more power than the abyss. We go there and ask for their help. They deal with the abyss.

"We are too weak, we are too weak, heroes like you are rare, there are many idiots who will succumb to the temptation of the abyss, how can we save the world with such insects?

"Your strength is great, but even stronger is your soul, your will!
"If I'm not wrong, you must have been tempted by the evil god more than once, but you can break free every time, which is exactly what I need."

Saying that, the maid stretched out her hand to Zhong Ye, and looked at him sincerely with a pair of dark eyes, "Come on, come and become a part of me, a member of the revenge front, I can assure you, I will not Kill your self-awareness, and your will is tough enough, it is impossible for me to kill you."

Looking at her hand, Zhong Ye shook his head without thinking, "I refuse!"

In an instant, the entire villa fell into a dead silence, and all the skins parasitized by the Heart Eater stopped breathing at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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