Soul echo

Chapter 501 Arrival

Chapter 501 Arrival
If Mind Eater's dominant consciousness is the God of Conspiracy, it can explain why the human trade and plans of Mind Eater Organization have not been exposed for so many years.

The God of Conspiracy can help conceal the facts so that the conspiracy will not be discovered. He can even hide his whereabouts for hundreds of years, so that the gods in the Westland have not found his location.

——Obviously the place where He died last was less than twenty kilometers away from Brunswick.

That being the case, as the current god of conspiracy, is it any wonder that Mind Eater's dominant consciousness helps cover up human trafficking?

Moreover, this can also explain by the way why the plague believers who sold the grain seeds carrying the plague in the Hallstatt city-state alliance had been operating for so many years and were not found.

Beyond that, there are a lot of things, perhaps all of which can be attributed to the current God of Conspiracy.

Two days have passed since the conversation that night, but Lily's mind is still occupied by that matter, and her thoughts are in a mess.

Thinking that their next enemy might be a real god, she suddenly became a little scared, so she sighed continuously for the past two days.

Lübeck is located in the north of Brunswick, so Zhong Ye and the others traveled northward, hardly stopping at towns on the way.

Brunswick itself is very close to the northern part of the Rhine Kingdom, so Zhong Ye and the others may reach Lübeck in less than ten days.

However, when Zhong Ye and the others arrived in a town, they suddenly learned from the priests that the person they were looking for had died.

Hearing this news, Lily's eyelids jumped.

They had just speculated before that the God of Conspiracy was the dominant consciousness of the Mind Eater, and now this news was suddenly confirmed from the side, which made her quite disturbed.

The identity of the eldest son of the chairman of the Hanseatic League is just a disguise for the Mind Eaters. They just want to use this identity to increase their influence, but if it is exposed, it will be extremely dangerous for them.

Therefore, abandoning this identity is the best choice now.

After all, if it was just an ordinary-level enemy, the church might only send out legendary or titled battle groups, but if they knew that the enemy was a god, then the gods would definitely find an opportunity to do it themselves.

At this time, if you are entangled in the identity of the eldest son of a speaker, you will lose more than you gain.

The power of the God of Conspiracy is the most suitable for hiding. As long as that identity is discarded, they can hide again.

Of course, this is just a speculation and does not represent the truth.

"Since it may have abandoned that identity, shall we still go to Lübeck?" Lily asked worriedly.

Zhong Ye thought for a moment, then nodded vigorously, "Go!"

Lilian turned around and suddenly became excited, "Teacher, do you think it is still in the Hanseatic League?"

still there?Now that that identity has been abandoned, why stay there?Shouldn't it be running away?
Many doubts arose in Lili's mind, but she didn't ask any questions, and looked at Zhong Ye quietly.

"Why did it choose the eldest son of the speaker of the Hanseatic League instead of the speaker himself? Why did it choose the Hanseatic League? I think they have plans and interests for the Hanseatic League.

"If the God of Conspiracy is the Mind Eater, what are their interests? You and I are very clear about this. Everything they do is to escape from this world and escape from the hands of the abyss.

"As for why the speaker's eldest son was chosen instead of the speaker himself, I think it may be for the Hanseatic League-now we have no evidence to prove that after Mind Eater replaces a person, he can gain all the abilities of that person, so we It can be boldly guessed that the Mind Eater has no confidence to do better than him after replacing the speaker of the Hanseatic League.

"Now there may be a battle between the Hanseatic League and the Nuoji Kingdom. I think that what the Heart Eater wants most is probably this battle!"

Hearing this, Lily couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"If this war itself is a conspiracy, and someone is secretly fueling the flames, what do you think?" Zhong Ye asked back.

Their previous speculation was that the dominant consciousness of Mind Eater is the God of Conspiracy. If this is a war driven by conspiracy, then the God of Conspiracy can gain a lot of power from it...

The Mind Eaters want to escape from this world, so they need to accumulate strength. If the Mind Eater's dominant consciousness is really the God of Conspiracy, this war that is very likely to break out may continue to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

In order to escape from this world and the abyss, Mind Eater once planned to transform a dozen towns, and that plan may have been carried out simultaneously with the upcoming war between the Hanseatic League and the Kingdom of Nuoji.

Because only by obtaining the position of the God of Conspiracy, the Heart Eater can traffic people for so many years without being discovered. The trend of war between the Hanseatic League and the Nuoji Kingdom cannot be formed in a day or two.

If so... if so...

Lily was chilled all over by her own speculation - if everything is as they speculated, then the intensity of this war will continue to intensify, and it will no longer be just a conflict between the Hanseatic League and the Kingdom of Nuoji, The Kingdom of the Rhine will definitely be involved, and even the Kingdom of Gaul and the Kingdom of Britain will be involved.

Confusedly looking up to the north, Lily seemed to be able to see a huge shadow of death descending rapidly, covering the earth.

"I have already told the clergymen of this town about these speculations, and he will help me convey the news to the church clergymen in the two areas of the Hanseatic League and the Nuoji Kingdom." Zhong Ye shook his head, "But I also believe that there must be smart people in the church who have thought of this long ago, and they will work hard to stabilize the situation."

I hope so...

After resting in that small town for one night, Zhong Ye and the others set off again to Lübeck.

Apart from helping a small village to eliminate the goblins wandering around for some time, the road went smoothly without encountering anything else.

In the area of ​​the Hanseatic League, perhaps in order to allow the goods to be transported faster, the roads were built quite well, allowing Zhong Ye and the others to reach Lübeck a day earlier.

As soon as they entered the city, Zhong Ye and the others felt the prosperity of the city.

There are not only giants, dwarves, wingmen and cat people here, but even snake people.

The upper body of these snake people is a human body, but the lower body is a snake tail.

They are different from human subspecies such as giants and dwarves. They are somewhat similar to cat people, but cat people were transformed by ancient mages, while snake people are "alien races" in the true sense.

Zhong Ye once read in some books that even though the upper body of snake people looks the same as that of humans, the relationship between snake people and humans is farther than humans and trolls, humans and elves.

And another race with a similar situation is the 'goblin'.

Perhaps the snake people also came from another world, but their history in the Dan world is longer than most of the ancient countries, so there is nothing wrong with being a part of the Dan world.

Moreover, on the battlefield facing the abyss, most snake people are more fearless than humans.

In addition to these races, when he went deeper into Lübeck, Zhong Ye saw a wooden building with a very Eastern style, with carved beams and painted buildings. There was also a plaque hanging in front of the door with the words "Tianlu Pavilion" written on it.

Although I heard from the demon hunter that there are Eastern natives living in the Nuoji Kingdom, I didn't expect that there were Eastern natives even in the Hanseatic League area.

Through the glass window, Lilian saw the wooden building, and couldn't help but yelled, making Lilian follow her.

The red-painted wooden high-rises stand among ordinary Western land houses, which seem particularly abrupt and conspicuous at first glance, but after a while, you can feel the harmony of this scenery.

At this time, if you take a closer look, you can find that many people on the street are actually carrying objects with Eastern characteristics, such as money bags, hairpins, and paper fans...

Seeing those things, Lily was in a daze for a while, remembering her life in the palace.

"Those things... I have them too."

The hairpin and the delicate box in which it was kept, which was a coming-of-age gift from her father, are still stored in her room, and she is reluctant to use them.

Seeing these things, Lily finally understood why the Hanseatic League wanted to fight against the Nuoji Kingdom.

Rare things are more expensive, all the things from the east land are quite expensive when they arrive in the west land, not to mention that most of the objects in the east land are exquisite and exquisite, enough to sell for a good price.

This war... has a high probability of being inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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