Soul echo

Chapter 499 The God of Conspiracy

Chapter 499 The God of Conspiracy
"...Why did you do so many things after we only rested for half a day?"

After listening to Zhong Ye's narration, Lily, who had already put down her knife and fork, put her arms around her and looked at the man sitting opposite her wonderingly.

"That's right!" Lilian couldn't help but agree.

Zhong Ye has done so many things, even beheaded a false god, but she couldn't broadcast any of them live, and she lost a lot of popularity and traffic.

Although Lilian aspires to become a professional player and has already made a name for herself, an agent tried to contact her and wanted to sign her.

But for now, the anchor is still her main source of income.

Not only did they kill a false god, that false god was also the cultist they had been tracking, and then they got the corpse of the previous god of conspiracy.

I heard that until tomorrow, the Church of the Sun will hold a ceremony to try to use the corpse of the previous God of Conspiracy to track down the current God of Conspiracy.

Isn't every one of these explosive points?But she missed all of them, only tomorrow's ceremony can participate.

If you want to know the specific situation, you can only wait for the official release of the copy.

Thinking of this, Lilian couldn't help but sigh—why didn't she insist on going with Zhong Ye at that time!
"However, is it really necessary to hold a ceremony tomorrow to track down the current God of Conspiracy?"

Sighing, Lily picked up the knife and fork again, and asked while eating: "We have no enmity with the God of Conspiracy..."

"He's not on our side!" Zhong Ye shook his head, "Just because of this is enough."

In front of the abyss, there is only one or the other, if they are not on their side, they must be killed.

The corruption ability of the abyss is so powerful that even Zhong Ye was almost infected. It is nothing for mortals to be corrupted, but if the gods are corrupted, it is enough to cause great damage to this world.

——The God of Plague is the worst example.

The abyss is a force that will lead to the destruction of the world and is their eternal enemy. All attempts to embrace the abyss will eventually be assimilated by the abyss and become the enemy of the world.

The God of Conspiracy does not appear in the list of "righteous gods", which means that the gods do not recognize this god, and he is not an ally of the gods.

Zhong Ye didn't know if the God of Conspiracy was neutral or on the side of the abyss, but for this world, 'neutrality' meant standing on the side of the abyss.

"Rest after eating, and gather enough energy to participate in tomorrow's ceremony."


At noon the next day, when Zhong Ye and the others arrived in front of the church, the square was already crowded with people. People looked at the scene on the square and screamed from time to time. Vendors with boxes on their backs wandered among the crowd, hawking again and again, which was very lively.

Zhong Ye didn't approach the square, but looked left and right, raised his hand to send Lily and Lilian to the roof of a house, and stood behind the crowd, watching the square.

As the saying goes, stand tall and see far, Zhong Ye is tall, taller than most people in the square, only a few giants can be taller than him, even if he is standing behind the crowd, he can clearly see what is going on in the square matter.

The Wingman flapped its wings and hovered in the sky, while the Catman and Wanderer, like Lilian and the others, stood on the roof and looked into the distance.

When the cat people are "climbing high and looking far", they don't forget to bring their friends - a group of children, to watch with them.

"Hey! You're so tall, get out of the way, old Jim can't see anything!"

Oh yes, there are also dwarves in the crowd, but they are hard to spot.

The crowd was noisy, everyone wanted to see what the 'God's Corpse' looked like, but they didn't know that some of them had seen it before—Yesterday Zhong Ye was carrying that corpse through the streets and alleys !
When a bell rang, many people stopped talking and stood on tiptoes to look at the square.

Noon is the time when the sun god's power is strongest—of course, only in their time zone—so most of the Sun Church's consciousness will be carried out at noon.

There may not be much connection between the previous God of Conspiracy and the current God of Conspiracy, but these two are also Gods of Conspiracy, and their divine powers can sense each other.

Through this corpse, they may be able to find the hidden location of the current God of Conspiracy.

The ceremony held this time is naturally different from the resurrection ceremony. The Church of the Sun needs to extract the divine power from the corpse, and then let this divine power resonate with the divine power of the current God of Conspiracy, so as to search for the location of the current God of Conspiracy.

The bishop in charge of the ceremony looked solemn and waved a scepter.

A group of priests standing behind him held scriptures in their hands and chanted in unison.

The sunlight gathered by the mirror refracted on the corpse, and the corpse gradually burned.

But it was a god corpse, and it burned for half an hour, but its skin was only scorched black.

People go from being quiet to whispering, and from whispering to talking loudly.

The area around the square became chaotic again, but the priests had already put all their attention into the ceremony and were not disturbed.

At this moment, a wisp of smoke slowly floated up, which was also the first wisp of smoke after burning.

Seeing the smoke rising, many priests were heartened by it.

Gods are not carbon-based organisms, even if they are burned, it is impossible for any matter to be transformed.

They are all concept creatures, and the reason why there is smoke is because the divine power has been extracted.

At this moment, the northwest wind is blowing around the square, but the direction of the smoke is the north.

Not many people noticed this, even the priests who were always observing the corpse of the God of Conspiracy didn't realize it immediately.

"North..." Zhong Ye said silently in his heart.

The current God of Conspiracy is in the North?

However, the ceremony did not end there.

The current God of Conspiracy does not seem to have noticed that anyone is watching him, and has not stopped the induction of divine power.

The smoke gradually rose, and more and more smoke pointed to the north. At the same time, the smoke gathered in one place, reflecting a misty scene.

People who discovered this exclaimed, causing more people to look up.

The gray smoke condensed into the image of a young man. The young man's eyes should have been dull and lifeless, but suddenly, they became bright.

"Who is it? How dare you spy on me!"

Turning his eyes, he looked down and saw the sea of ​​people standing around the square, and a pair of shocked, curious, or excited eyes came into view.

Then, the line of sight turned again and saw the scene on the square.


The young man spat out a shout of anger, and the body of the former God of Conspiracy surrounded by the clergy suddenly collapsed. All the divine power was squeezed out, and it stood up like a tide, and slapped the clergy.

But at this moment, the priests standing in the sun suddenly burst into light, condensing into a protective shield, offsetting the impact of divine power.

The young man's face twitched, and his body made of gray mist suddenly collapsed, dodging the scorching light shining directly on the ground.

The god of conspiracy escaped, and fled in desperation under the threat of the sun god.

This scene drew cheers from the crowd, and some believers who were originally shallow believers deepened their faith and became more devout.

I don't know who started it, and the people around the square knelt down one after another, taking the opportunity to pray to the sun god.

Among them, some people did not take any action, because they themselves were believers of other gods, or unbelievers.

Seeing this scene, while being relieved, the bishop still had a headache.

Fanatics will inevitably be eliminated among the clergy, but there are also a large number of fanatics among the people. Adjusting the conflicts between believers in multiple churches has always been their most distressing problem.

Now that the sun god performed a miracle, it was fine for the believers to kneel down and pray, but the fanatics among the crowd would remember those who did not kneel down and would cause them trouble.

These people are lunatics and will bring many hidden dangers to this society. However, no one can stop the birth of fanatics, not even the gods.

The bishop sighed, his eyes passed over those who did not kneel down to pray, and suddenly saw Zhong Ye.

He found that Zhong Ye was still looking up at the northern sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Could it be... It's not enough for this legend to hunt down a false god, but also wants to hunt down an orthodox god?

Even the bishop himself was taken aback by his absurd idea.

 I just came back from doing nucleic acid, and found that this chapter has not been published yet
(End of this chapter)

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