Soul echo

Chapter 493 Madman (2)

Chapter 493 Madman ([-])

The little girl's footsteps were delicate, although she ran eagerly, her steps were not big, so Zhong Ye quickly caught up with her.

At this time, the time is still 10 minutes away from 3 minutes.

"You, are you here to refund the money?"

Seeing Zhong Ye chasing after her, the little girl pursed her lips tightly and grabbed the hem of her clothes.

"No." Zhong Ye shook his head, "I like your flowers very much, it's just... something happened to you, which needs to be resolved urgently."

"Huh?" The little girl was taken aback for a moment.

Zhong Ye squatted down and stretched out his hand to the little girl.

"Child, come here."

The little girl hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhong Ye's face, and moved slowly.

Without waiting for her to approach, Zhong Ye hugged her into his arms and stood up.

The girl let out a small exclamation, and reached out to grab Zhong Ye's shoulders and head, making herself feel more secure.

Immediately, Zhong Ye's legs were slightly bent, and he suddenly poured strength into his legs, his muscles tensed instantly, and he pressed his strength to the ground.

Zhong Ye suddenly jumped up from the ground, attracting many attentions.

People saw him as if he was flying, and he crossed the street at once, and he didn't know where he ran.

Zhong Ye stepped on the air pedal, crossed half of the city in just half a minute, came to the door of the church, hugged the little girl, and walked in quickly.

"Priest! I need a priest who has memorized [Dispel Spell]!"

The guards didn't stop him, and just as he stepped into the church, Zhong Ye yelled loudly.

All eyes in the chapel pierced over, and the little girl was so frightened that her heart trembled, and she quickly buried her head in Zhong Ye's neck.

There are about 2 minutes left, so we should be in time!
"Your Excellency Zhong Ye..." An apprentice recognized Zhong Ye's identity and walked over.

Zhong Ye's eyes fell on him, and he said in a word: "I need a priest who has memorized [dispelling the spell]. This little girl may have been cast with a spell. When the time is up, she may explode. Now the time About 2 minutes left."

The apprentice panicked when he said that.


Swallowing, the apprentice nodded, turned and ran to the back of the church.

"Your Excellency!" A clergyman stood up, "Can I check?"

Zhong Ye glanced at it, nodded and said, "Yes, as soon as possible."

The clergyman was also a little nervous. Looking at the little girl, he took a deep breath, waved his hand, and released a wave of light, which swept across the little girl, reflecting the spell fluctuations on her body.

Zhong Ye's pupils dilated accordingly, because he saw that there was not only one spell fluctuation on this little girl, but two overlapping ones. From the perspective of others, there was probably only one.

A priest ran out from behind the chapel in a panic, "Where is the person who needs to dispel the spell?"

"Here!" The priest who checked the little girl just now responded aloud.

The clergyman who just ran out glanced over and saw the fluctuation of the spell on the little girl, so he took out the holy emblem that he carried with him and recited scriptures.

Zhong Ye, who wanted to remind, closed his mouth, because if he uttered a reminder now, it would definitely make the clergyman flustered and interrupt the rhythm of casting spells.

A moment later, the clergyman raised his hand and pointed, and an invisible shield wrapped around the little girl shattered.

However, the faces of the two official priests changed.

Just because the effect just now is not the effect that [Release Spell] should be, [Release Spell] should be silent, but like just now, it looks like the effect of a shield spell being dispelled or broken—even if It is an invisible and colorless shield, as long as it is broken, it will definitely produce this effect. This is the effect engraved in the underlying logic of shield spells, and its purpose is to remind the people protected by the shield that they have no effect.

Although they can't see the spell fluctuations on the little girl now, and the detection magic has been solved by the way, they all know that there are actually two kinds of spells superimposed on the little girl, and the spell fluctuations of the shield spell It conceals the fluctuation of the spell below.

——Time left, 1 minute!

"Where is your priest who possesses [Dispel Spell]? Tell me!" Zhong Ye took a step forward as he spoke.

"No, I'm already here."

Another clergyman came to the chapel and looked at the little girl in Zhong Ye's arms.

His ability is stronger than that of the previous priest, so he took out the holy emblem and meditated a few scriptures, and the divine spell was cast.

After using [Release Spell], the clergyman was still worried, and used another [Detect Spell] to confirm that there were no more spell fluctuations on the little girl, so he was relieved.

"His Excellency Zhong Ye..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Ye had already spoken out the words he had organized.

The people present couldn't help but widen their eyes. They didn't expect that there would be such a damned scum in this world, and they would use a little girl as a shield.

After finishing speaking, Zhong Ye put down the little girl and the flower basket, and said softly to the little girl, "Let the priest brother take you home, okay?"

The little girl pursed her lips, looked at Zhong Ye tangled up, and nodded timidly.

Zhong Ye let out a breath, stood up, looked at the priests, nodded to them, turned and walked out of the church.

He didn't know where that damned cultist fled to, but he guessed that that guy must have left the city with the identity and appearance of a 'magician'!
Zhong Ye's figure flashed, and within a minute or so, he appeared at the gate of a city. He picked up a lump of soil with spiritual energy, created the image of the magician in his memory, and asked the soldiers guarding the gate: "Do you have any plans?" See such a person leave here?"

The sense of oppression given by Zhong Ye's tall stature was so strong that the bullying guards didn't dare to provoke him at all, so they could only answer honestly.

None of the guards guarding the city gate had seen this person. Zhong Ye frowned slightly, and withdrew his spiritual power, the soil fell to the ground, and he himself disappeared in the eyes of the guards in an instant.

The guards who saw this scene couldn't help but shudder—they shouldn't have encountered the undead, right?

A few minutes later, Zhong Ye appeared at another city gate and did the same thing, only this time he got an affirmative answer.

"Yes, I've seen him!"

A young guard pointed at the statue made by Zhong Ye and yelled, and the surrounding veterans couldn't help but turn their heads and stare at him.

What are you doing to meddle in this kind of thing?Think you didn't die fast enough?
"He went out from here?" Zhong Ye's frowning brows stretched.

The young guard shook his head, "He came in from here..."

Zhong Ye removed the statue casually, took out a silver coin, and flicked it to the young guard. Those old fritters who hated iron and steel suddenly showed greed.

Normally, they have to dig and search for a long time before they can save a silver coin. Who would have thought that the adventurer would get a silver coin as soon as he made a move?
"Your Excellency..." A veteran wanted to speak, but Zhong Ye glanced at him, his heart trembled, and he instantly lost his ability to speak.

With a cold snort, Zhong Ye jumped up and disappeared in place.

Not long after he left, the magician appeared at the city gate humming a light tune.

Even with the heavy traffic, greed drove the guards to notice the magician.

Because of Zhong Ye's generous shots, the guards also remembered the image of the magician, and when they saw him appearing at the city gate, their eyes were red at that time.

Just one message got the young guard a silver coin, if they can catch this guy...


Several guards shouted angrily at the same time, scaring everyone who entered and left the city gate.

Knowing exactly what they were trying to do, the magician grinned and raised his hat.

With a sudden wave of the other hand, countless dust was scattered.

The dust gradually lit up a little bit of light, and then turned into a dazzling flame, releasing majestic heat.


The flames exploded at the gate of the city, and quickly penetrated into the crowd like a river.

However, none of the flames touched any of the objects.

The next moment, the fire rolled back, and the madness rushed back towards the magician.

At the same time, a black shadow descended from the sky!

The magician looked up with his top hat on, smiled slightly, and part of his body turned into a white dove and peeled off from his body.

The pigeons flew in shock, and Zhong Ye's foot passed between them and landed on the ground.

Zhong Ye held back his strength, only causing the ground to vibrate slightly.

The flames manipulated by psionic energy brushed over the flying doves without causing them any harm, and then flew into the sky and dissipated.

Zhong Ye raised his eyes and looked up.

In an open space outside the city gate, surrounded by white doves, the magician took off his hat and saluted.

Zhong Ye's figure suddenly ejected and rushed forward.

So the magician pursed his lips into a smile and snapped his fingers.

- Epic drama, grand opening!
(End of this chapter)

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