Soul echo

Chapter 485 Hunting Dragon Beasts

Chapter 485 Hunting Dragon Beasts
Three powerful adventurers came to Honowell recently. They completed nearly one-third of the tasks on the task bar of the Adventurer's House in just five days. Even the speed of task replenishment was slow. Can't keep up with the speed at which they complete their tasks.

After passing Lily's proposal, Zhong Ye and the others started to sweep up the tasks on the task bar the next day.

As Lily said, most of the missions are very simple, without any depth and things to dig, but there are also some missions, such as the mission of a missing girl, which involves a cult that has just been established .

The founder of this cult has been a mediocre worker for more than 30 years, but a month ago, he suddenly obtained knowledge about blood sacrifices, successfully bewitched a group of poor people who had no hope of life like him, and pulled up A cult.

Behind this incident is another cult-the Church of the God of Conspiracy.

This god is not the evil god of the abyss, but the local god of the Dan world, but he refused to join when the gods decided to form an alliance.

The gods don't know where the God of Conspiracy has fled, but they only know that he is still alive and still working in secret.

Of course, the believers of the God of Conspiracy are in the minority among the local cultists, because their gods are still alive, and the gods most local cultists believe in are either illusory and non-existent things, or they have long since rejected Join the alliance of gods to resist the abyss and be wiped out by the gods.

In addition, there is another type of cultist—someone who accidentally obtained the knowledge of the cult, suddenly became greedy, and wanted to use the knowledge of the cult to gain benefits.

Among this type of cultists, only a very small number of them are "lucky", and most of them are calculated by others and become a link in the conspiracy.

To this day, the God of Conspiracy is still lingering, but he seems to be crazy. The blood sacrifice ceremony owned by the cult that Zhong Ye and the others solved before actually pointed to the Lord of Pleasure.

And that ceremony, if nothing else happened, was entrusted to them by the believers of the God of Conspiracy.

Zhong Ye and the others smashed a cult, and they cleared one-third of the taskbars in the Adventurer's House within five days, which made them famous in Honowell.

Afterwards, news about them, especially about Zhong Ye, also spread in the city. Almost everyone knew that he was a hero who only existed in legends and saved several cities—even though they didn't even know where he came from. I don't know how many cities my subordinates saved.

Invitations flew in like snowflakes. There were not only party invitations from noble heirs, but also requests from nobles and wealthy businessmen to meet, in addition to invitations from several war groups.

However, these invitations were like stone sinking, Zhong Ye ignored them, continued to do his own thing, and continued to clean up the mission with Lilian and the others.

All missions are located in the city, and Zhong Ye and the others have swept away the short-term missions. The rest are some cumbersome missions that can be seen at a glance. Zhong Ye and the others have ignored them for the time being, and the next one has been confirmed. After the target was indeed a task of a dragon beast, he left Honowell.

That dragon beast destroyed a village, and the survivors of the village took out what little money they had left and issued a mission in the Adventurer's House to kill the dragon beast.

It's a pity that the dragon beast is so powerful that even the superhumans from the Honowell Adventurer's House dared not deal with it unsurely, and came back after taking a look.

Knowing that it was Zhong Ye, who had become famous in the city in recent days, who took over the task, the desperate survivors seemed to see hope again, and they clamored to be a guide for Zhong Ye and the others. In the end, it was a relatively healthy one Middle-aged people get this honor.

He is a hunter, but he also works part-time to dig herbs in the mountains. That day he went to work in the mountains and just escaped the catastrophe. However, seven members of his family died under the ravages of the dragon beast. .

Orion hated the dragon beast, and he was the one who hated the most among the survivors.

Because before that day came, although he was very tired, his life was also very happy. When the son at home grows up and learns hunting and medicinal skills from him, he will be able to relax a lot.

But all of this was ruined by that dragon beast.

Starting from Honowell, heading west for about five hours, Zhong Ye and the others came to a ruin full of ruins.

The hunter who had been pouring out his hatred to them on the way burst into tears when he saw one of the houses.

That was his former home. Looking at the ruins, he seemed to be able to hear the yelling of his son and daughter, the stern scolding of his wife, and the laughter of his father... But now, all of them are gone!
Orion immediately fell to his knees, crying loudly.

Zhong Ye and the others didn't disturb him, they stood silently watching him beat the ground and cry loudly.

About ten minutes later, Orion remembered what he was here for. He looked at Zhong Ye and the others in panic, and wiped away his tears with his dusty hands. His eyes were full of fear, for fear that Zhong Ye and the others would feel dissatisfied and stop hunting. Kill that drake.

"Just show us the direction." Zhong Ye pointed to his ear, "My perception is very strong, as long as I know which direction the dragon beast is in, I can easily find it."

Hearing this, Orion silently pointed out a direction for Zhong Ye.

That direction has long been engraved in his heart, and all he thinks about is when he will be able to kill that dragon beast.

— That day, that dragon beast left from that direction.

After confirming the direction, Zhong Ye nodded to Orion, turned around and left with Lilian and the others.

Following the direction Orion pointed out, Zhong Ye soon discovered some clues.

Although more than ten days had passed since the dragon beast destroyed the village, the church was conducting self-examination, the nobles did not want to send troops, and the adventurers were worried that they would not be able to defeat them. Until Zhong Ye and the others arrived, no one took action to resolve the matter.

If the church solves its own problems, it will definitely help, but the time is estimated to be next month.

At that time, the traces left by the dragon beast when it left were almost completely covered.

Fortunately, Zhong Ye and the others arrived in time, and there were still some clues left.

After catching the clue, the three of them quickened their pace, and finally found the dragon beast in the evening.


Hearing the roar from afar, the Orion who was making a fire looked up in astonishment, and saw countless birds flying under the setting sun.

The roar continued, shaking the entire forest, causing the animals in the forest to scurry around.

But it didn't take long for the roar to weaken and fade away.

Orion didn't know what happened, he stood still and looked into the distance by the light of the fire, looking at the direction from which the roar came.

The night gradually deepened, and the sharp spring breeze blew the ground. Orion leaned against a half-fallen wall, shrunk his neck, and added two more sticks to the fire in front of him.

The flame grew stronger, illuminating the surrounding ruins.

Orion couldn't sleep no matter what, his mind was full of that growling roar that was gradually weakening.

He was imagining how those three people fought the dragon beast, how they killed the dragon beast.

Beheading?Or pierced the dragon beast's stomach?Or did the weapon slam through the eye and shatter the drake's brain?

Orion's mind was full of these, he never thought that those three people would fail - they were heroes who saved several cities, how could they lose to a dragon beast?
Orion was full of hope, quietly watching the crackling fire, waiting for Zhong Ye and the others to return.

His stomach was growling, but he didn't bring any dry food, and they didn't have money to buy dry food.

Just the usual food supply has exhausted all their thoughts, where is there any extra money to buy dry food?

Suddenly there was a cold wind, blowing the surrounding trees rustling.

After listening for a while, Orion felt something was wrong, and then raised his head to look around.

The wind has died down, but the leaves are still ringing.

Orion's eyes froze suddenly, seeing a hideous silhouette emerging from the darkness, he subconsciously held his breath.

Afterwards, the head was thrown to the ground, and Zhong Ye and the others walked out of the darkness.

Zhong Ye moved his shoulders, while Lily was still complaining: "I've said it all, it's still a bit too much effort to move the whole corpse out, why are you trying to be brave?"

That is……

Orion moved his gaze away, and tears blurred his eyes.

He bowed his head, covered his face with his hands, and began to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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