Soul echo

Chapter 474

Chapter 474
"Pack up your things, we're leaving."

A few hours later, when Zhong Ye returned to the Adventurer's House from the big library, this was the first sentence he said to Lily and the others.

"Really?" Lily stood up from the chair.

Zhong Ye nodded, and upon receiving this signal, Lily and Lilian left their seats, and together with Zhong Ye, returned to their respective rooms to pack their luggage.

The adventurers gathered in the hall were a little curious, but they were just curious. Things like this are not uncommon in the eyes of adventurers.

However, the players also took this scene into their eyes.

After Zhong Ye and the others returned to their respective rooms, the players began to communicate using the 'nearby' channel.

They all knew that Zhong Ye was tracking down the 'Mind Eater' recently, and just two days ago, he proposed the concept of 'dominant consciousness'.

Although they don't know what Zhong Ye did just now, they have reason to suspect whether he has got some clues.

Lilian's live broadcast is still going on. If there is no accident, after a while, when Zhong Ye and the others leave Frankfurt and embark on a journey, they will be able to know the relevant information.

For a long time, even if they knew the news in advance, their own position was much closer to Zhong Ye's target than Zhong Ye, and the player failed to finish his target before that 'Child of Destiny'.

They are not reconciled, "Soul Echo" is a game with a high degree of freedom. If the method is right, even ordinary people can kill the legend, although the possibility of this is very slim.

They are players, and their current performance can't even compare to an NPC.

If Zhong Ye was allowed to continue his activities like this, he might have cleared all the large-scale tasks in the entire West Continent by himself.

After more than ten minutes, Zhong Ye and the others walked down the stairs one after another, handed over the keys at the front desk, then walked to the backyard of the Adventurer's House, and took the carriage.

The players silently followed their actions, and silently opened Lilian's live broadcast room.

Most ordinary Westland players can only obtain first-hand information on large-scale missions through Lilian's live broadcast.

Even though many of their players have formed various teams, battle groups, and guilds, their foundation is shallow, and their personnel changes frequently in the eyes of the aborigines, so they are not very trustworthy objects.

So for a long time, the players have not been able to gain the trust of the church. Only some organizations that do not taboo meat and vegetables are willing to contact them and hire them.

The screen in the live broadcast room showed that Lilian had followed Zhong Ye to pick up the carriage stored in the warehouse, and was about to embark on a journey to leave.

While helping to load the luggage into the carriage, Lilian asked, "Teacher, where are we going?"

"Hameln." Zhong Ye tied the shoulder straps and chest straps to the two horses, and these two straps were connected to the hemp ropes that pulled the carriage.

After tying the rope, he looked back and happened to see Lily gesturing to him and getting into the carriage.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye also sat on the coachman's seat, swiped the whip in the air, and the whip made a crisp sound of "snap" in the air. When the two draft horses heard this sound, they knew it was time to start their hooves.

If they don't go, the next time the whip will fall directly on them.

The wheels of the carriage turned slowly, and Lily and Lilian sat in the slightly shaking carriage, studying the map.

Then they discovered that the next destination was quite far away from Frankfurt, almost crossing a quarter of the Rhine Kingdom.

Frankfurt is located in the west of the Rhine Kingdom, and Hameln is already in the northwest of the Kingdom. Given the road conditions of the Rhine Kingdom, it will take them at least half a month to reach that town.

After confirming the location of the destination, Lilian couldn't wait for the carriage to drive out of the city, and asked impatiently, "Teacher, why are we going to that place?"

Following her inquiry, many gifts and rewards fell like raindrops.

But Lilian just glanced at it without making a sound, quietly waiting for Zhong Ye's answer.

"Remember the Mind Eater's 'dominant consciousness' mentioned two days ago?"

Even though the carriage was driving in the busy city, Zhong Ye's voice could still be clearly heard by Lilian and the others: "Thanks to the help of a druid, we may have discovered the trace of the dominant consciousness of the Mind Eater."

Afterwards, Zhong Ye told them in detail about the conjectures made by the Church of Knowledge.

After the power of the church was activated, more than 30 altars of Mind Eater were quickly found in various regions of the Gaul Kingdom and the Rhine Kingdom, and then the priests in charge of the investigation used divine magic to trace back the construction time of these altars.

The altars were built in different times, but none of the altars were built at the same time, and the altars in the Kingdom of Gaul, except for Chartres, were built gradually as they approached the Kingdom of the Rhine. near now.

Considering that the mind eaters may have escaped from Le Mans, they may have been stationed in Chartres in the first place.

This place is relatively close to Paris, and there are a lot of pedestrians passing by. It is not surprising that people occasionally disappear.

The Mind Eater built altars around Chartres, and continued to study the technology of transforming humans into their own kind. As a result, many bones were buried in the forest, and the altars around Chartres were born.

Then, almost 20 years ago, Adrian started to develop his own hallucinogen interest group, which naturally started in Paris.

Adrian runs cults in the name of gangs, but obviously two cults cannot be accommodated in one place. Mind Eater advocates the teachings of "the world is bound to be destroyed, and you must sublimate yourself if you want to survive" and the immersion required for the development of hallucinogens. In reality, the dogma of drunkenness and dreaming is just the opposite, and there are many conflicts.

As a result, it is obvious that the Mind Eaters were defeated in the struggle against a false god, they were driven out of the Kingdom of Gaul, and the altars around Bourges and Auxerre were erected around this period of struggle.

At that time, Mind Eater already possessed the technology to sublimate body and soul together.

Before the Mind Eaters retreated from the Kingdom of Gaul, they had already begun to invade the Kingdom of the Rhine.

The plan to transform the entire town's residents into mind eaters, and then organize human trafficking, probably happened after they retreated from the Gaul Kingdom across the board.

Almost a dozen years ago, because not everyone was a pessimist and did not eat the teachings of Mind Eater, the hallucinogen interest group entered a period of rapid development in the struggle against Mind Eater. Yes, the Heart Eater retreated steadily, and could only withdraw from the Kingdom of Gaul.

Listening to this, both Lily and Lilian couldn't help but widen their eyes, and subconsciously slowed down their breathing, for fear of disturbing Zhong Ye's narration.

These things are secret and unknown, and even with the power of many churches and thousands of clergymen mobilized, it took several months to gradually find out.

They thought that the matter of the false god Adrian was over, but they didn't expect that at this time, they could still encounter matters related to it.

Because of this, they once again deeply realized that nothing in this world exists independently, especially such a major event as the Mind Eater incident.

Although the priests didn't realize it, they might have fought against Mind Eater long ago, but they didn't know that their enemy was Mind Eater.

"Zhong, you just said that only the dominant consciousness of the Mind Eater has the ability to build an altar?" Lily took a breath, "In other words, the position of the dominant consciousness has been locked? Just in Hameln? "

"First of all, this is just speculation. Even if everyone thinks this is the most likely possibility, but we have no evidence to prove it is true, then this will always be just speculation." Skimming over the head of the black mass of people, looking at the city gate that is getting closer and closer.

"Secondly, the conjecture that Mind Eater's dominant consciousness is located in Hameln is based on the previous conjecture. If the previous conjecture is incorrect, Mind Eater's dominant consciousness may not be in Hameln—and, We also don't know if Mind Eater really has such a 'dominant consciousness', it's all just speculation.

"It's just that we don't have any clues now, so we can only use this clue to find a way to completely eliminate the Mind Eater."

(End of this chapter)

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