Soul echo

Chapter 471 Visit

Chapter 471 Visit
After exchanging information with the Church of Knowledge, Zhong Ye and the others left the library.

Outside the door was the bustling street, the three of them left the library and merged into the flow of people naturally.

"Teacher, what should we do next?" Lilian blinked her eyes excitedly, "Are you going to find the 'dominant will' of Mind Eater?"

There is no doubt that this must be another big plot!

Although it is during the competition, she may not be able to participate in the plot all the time, but as long as she can act together with Zhong Ye and eliminate the evil together, she will be happy enough.

However, Zhong Ye shook his head, "No."

"Why?" Lilian asked suspiciously.

Lily sighed and patted Lilian's little head, "Because we don't have any clues right now, searching aimlessly like this is the most time-wasting method, and it's best not to use it unless it's a last resort."

Lilian suddenly realized, and looked at Zhong Ye again, "Then, teacher, where shall we go next?"

Zhong Ye glanced at her, "I want to visit someone."

"Who?" Lilian asked curiously.

"The Juggernaut of Frankfurt."

With that said, Zhong Ye and the others left the urban area where the common people lived, and entered the urban area where the nobles and wealthy businessmen lived.

"Sword Master?" Muttering the word, Lilian looked down at her saber, wondering what she was thinking.

"A legend."

Lily recalled it for a while, retrieved the corresponding words from memory, and suddenly realized.

"I remembered that my martial arts teacher seemed to have told me that there is a sword master in Frankfurt of the Rhine Kingdom. When he was young, he went to the east land and learned many powerful combat skills in the east land." As she said that, Lily looked at Zhong Ye, "However, is there any clue we want from that Juggernaut?"

Hearing Lily's question, Zhong Ye had a puzzled look on his face, "Why do you think so?"

Lily tilted her head, also very puzzled, "If not, why would you want to visit that Juggernaut?"

"Because I want to exchange ideas with that Juggernaut."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Ye realized a problem, and couldn't laugh or cry: "...I don't seem to have told you, why did I come to Xilu?"

"Huh?" Lily was slightly taken aback.

Lilian chuckled at the side and explained on her behalf: "Teacher, I came to Xilu to discuss martial arts with the strong men of Xilu, and because the ship encountered a storm while at sea, he was thrown into the enemy-occupied area. Came out of the occupied area."

"Huh?" Lily was taken aback again.

Zhong Ye didn't talk to her about these things, and after they met, Zhong Ye has never been idle, and has been chasing down cultists, heart eaters and other things.

And while on the road, those well-known strong men were not strong enough for him to visit. It wasn't until Frankfurt that there was a legend worth visiting.

Because of this, Zhong Ye never asked Lily to explain why he came to West Continent, and Lily never asked, so this situation happened now.

Because she thought that Lily didn't seem to understand the things that happened to Zhong Ye before she met Zhong Ye, Lilian walked over and talked to her about those things.

Amidst their talking, Zhong Ye and the others came to the door of a villa that looked magnificent, and called a servant in the villa.

"Who are you?" Looking at Zhong Ye's clothes, the corner of the servant's mouth turned up slightly, "What are you doing here?"

"Is this the home of Mr. Heinrich Farfenn?"

Hearing Zhong Ye's inquiry, the servant raised his head even higher, and purposely replied loudly: "Yes, what can you do with my master?"

"I'm a martial artist from the East, named Zhong Ye. I heard that Mr. Heinrich Farfenen is very skilled in martial arts. I came to visit. By the way, I hope you can tell him, 'The visitor is also a legend. '."

As Zhong Ye's words fell, the servant's face showed a bit of astonishment, and then there was an unconcealable panic.

"You, you are a legend?!"

Zhong Ye didn't want to be entangled with such a villain for too long, and hitting him in the face would not bring him any pleasure, but would make him feel ashamed.

I am so powerful, why should I get angry with this kind of villain?No matter how narrow-minded and powerful, it is impossible to retaliate against this kind of person, because they will not take this kind of person seriously.

Wouldn't it be good to just reveal your identity and achieve your goal?

"Please also report."

The servant ran away like hell, seeing his panicked face, Zhong Ye couldn't help shaking his head.

Zhong Ye and the others stood in front of the villa and waited quietly. Lily and Lilian were good-looking, so they would naturally attract the attention of others.

In order to facilitate her actions, Lily temporarily stored her ax and spear with Zhong Ye. She only carried a dagger on her body.

This is a wealthy area, and many people who passed by and noticed them couldn't help staring.

After discussing with a few idle noble children, they walked towards Lily and the others together.

"This beautiful lady."

"Huh?" The conversation was interrupted, Lily frowned and glanced over.

With a gorgeous appearance and unprecedented severity and disgust, Lily glared at her, and those noble children felt as if they were being plucked at the heartstrings by the God of Love.

And beside her was a pure-looking, slightly shorter girl who was looking at them curiously.

The noble boy who talked to Lily licked his lips, and glanced away. He had clearly noticed Zhong Ye, but his eyes skipped him.

"May I ask what you are worried about?" The nobleman patted his chest, "I can help you solve it!"

"No need." Lily clicked her tongue inaudibly, and looked at Zhong Ye, "I don't need your help."

"It's our honor to help all the beautiful ladies solve your problems. You don't have to be shy. If you have any questions, just tell us, we will definitely help you solve them!" The noble boy said confidently, and the others behind him were also clamoring.

Lily was annoyed by them, she glanced across, "Shut up!"

The noble heir is so annoying, why didn't she notice it before?

"As gentlemen, if a woman has clearly refused, shouldn't you leave now instead of stalking her?" Lilian said coldly.

"No, no, because we are gentlemen, we can't just ignore the two ladies when they encounter difficulties." The nobleman argued.

Lily took a deep breath, silently clenched her fist, and swung it out.

The front of the fist suddenly stopped in front of the noble children, but the blowing wind lifted their hair and made their clothes rattle.

The few noble children froze in place, and it took a while to realize that they turned around and ran away without looking back.

"Hmph!" Lily snorted coldly and looked away.

When she looked in the direction of the villa again, through the fence-like iron gate, she saw a tall and tall old man standing in the yard of the villa.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, but standing there, he looks like a high mountain, majestic and majestic.

The old man hung a saber at his waist, and looked at Zhong Ye silently through the iron gate.

Before she noticed, Lily didn't feel anything, but when she noticed the old man, the atmosphere became quite depressing.

After a long time, the old man asked, "From Dongtu?"

"Yes." Zhong Ye nodded.

But the old man shook his head, "It's not like that."

It's not like that's for sure, because Zhong Ye is not from Dongtu at all.

"However, you should come in." After saying that, the old man turned around and walked into the villa. The servant standing behind him hurried to the iron gate and opened the gate for Zhong Ye and the others.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhong Ye walked in directly.

(End of this chapter)

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