Soul echo

Chapter 469 "Foreign Visitors"

Chapter 469 "Foreign Visitors"

The largest library in Frankfurt has a circular shape as a whole, with three floors on the ground and one floor underground.

The first floor after entering the gate is a hall, surrounded by bookshelves, on which are displayed one book after another, and a statue is placed in the center of the hall.

The statue is a human figure with a hood and a face that cannot be seen clearly, holding a book the size of a washbasin in both hands-this is the statue of the god of knowledge'Shetir', all who enter this library to borrow books After entering the door, everyone needs to worship this god who is working hard to maintain the inheritance of human civilization in the Western Continent.

Zhong Ye, who knows the inside story, is willing to follow this rule. Even if Shetil is not a god, the things he has done for the inheritance of civilization in the western land alone are enough to make him feel respectful.

After a brief worship, Zhong Ye and the others went to the place where the clergy of the Church of Knowledge dealt with affairs.

Zhong Ye knocked on the door of the office, and then a priest opened the door, and saw Zhong Ye standing outside the door.

"You are His Excellency Zhong Ye, right?"

Although the tone was questioning, the priests had already confirmed that the man in front of him was Zhong Ye.

Before Zhong Ye arrived, their colleagues in Mannheim had already informed them that Zhong Ye was about to go to Frankfurt, and they all knew that Zhong Ye was a native of the East, and most of the natives in the East had black hair and black eyes. The facial features are softer than those of the Xilu people, and they don't look so aggressive.

At first, the priests didn't understand what the word 'aggressive' meant, but now that they saw Zhong Ye's appearance, they realized why some people said that the facial features of the Westlanders were more 'aggressive'.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, please come in." The priests opened the door and guided Zhong Ye and the others into the room with a smile.

There are ten sets of tables and chairs in this slightly spacious room, somewhat similar to the office on Earth.

Every set of tables and chairs showed traces of use, but there were only four people in the room, which meant that the others had gone out.

Zhong Ye glanced at it and understood the general situation.

After the priest who opened the door for them invited them to sit down, Zhong Ye immediately asked, "Have you found any important information about Mind Eater?"

"How do you know, Your Excellency?"

The priest in charge of receiving them showed surprise, "We found something just the day before yesterday, and you received the news so soon?"

"No, it's just a guess." Zhong Ye shook his head, "As far as I know, after you took over the investigation of the Mind Eater incident, other churches shared your original task of guarding Frankfurt from the abyss, but Now that six people in this office have gone out, it is enough to explain the problem, and the answer I can guess, the closest to the truth, is that there has been a new development in the Mind Eater incident."

"As expected of His Excellency Zhong Ye." The clergyman praised, "We have indeed found some new evidence, which has brought new progress to the whole incident."

"Can you tell me?" Zhong Ye asked.

The clergyman nodded and replied with a smile: "Of course."

With that said, he got up and left, returned to his desk, took a document, and returned to Zhong Ye and the others.

Flipping through the document, the priest cleared his throat and said, "About 200 to 300 years ago, in the area around the Sarthe River in the Kingdom of Gaul, someone once witnessed a meteor falling to the ground. According to some rural rumors, there was indeed an earthquake near that area that year, and we investigated again, and finally found a book in the library of the local lord, which was written by his ancestors, confirming that Le There was indeed a meteorite falling around the mountain, but when the lord's ancestors arrived, there was only a deep pit left, and there was no trace of the meteorite."

Listening to the priest's narration, Zhong Ye and Lili's expressions gradually became complicated.

It's 'Meteorite' and 'Meteor' again, what does this mean?
After a pause and a few breaths, the clergyman continued to talk: "The Heart Eater really started to appear in the West Land, probably 30 to 35 years ago, but this is just speculation, until His Excellency Zhong Ye reported the news After we were informed, we really noticed the existence of Mind Eater, and now we only went back to the past based on historical data and found those cases where Mind Eater was suspected to exist.

"They first appeared in the Kingdom of Gaul, and it was near the Le Mans area. We have reason to suspect that they gradually spread out from the Le Mans area as the center.

"According to... well, it is related to your Excellency again——According to the information provided by your Excellency, we sent people to investigate the underground market in Le Mans, and found clues related to the Heart Eater in the underground market , you can guess what it is?"

"Text." Zhong Ye replied immediately without any hesitation.

Mistake appeared on the face of the clergy, and then they became extremely admirable, "Your Excellency, you are so smart, yes, that's right, it's 'words'!
"The text used by Mind Eater to build the altar is the same as the text used in that underground market, and we also found some things that looked like Mind Eater in the depths of that underground market, but they didn't have the slightest sense of wisdom. Trapped deep in that building, unable to leave, and the technology that traps them inside is a kind of spell, and the words used to construct that spell belong to our world.

"We speculate that the organization that now occupies that thing once sent people to invade the depths of that place and gained control of that part of the building. Of course, it is also possible that it is all control, but they will not use it.

"All in all, based on the above information, we can basically be sure that the Mind Eater is not something from our world, they come from other worlds!"

--I see!
If this is the case, it's not surprising that the Mind Eater Congregation who fought Zhong Ye in Stuttgart would say that!

"Eastern Earth also has Mind Eaters, but we call them 'Painted Skins'. They exist in the same form as Mind Eaters, but they have never used altars to transform other people into their own kind, and their reproduction depends entirely on division."

Zhong Ye's brain turned rapidly, "If the silver-white building that has been occupied by the underground market is the ship they escaped from the original world and came to our world, then there should be at least two ships, and one of them fell. In the west land, another ship crashed in the east land, and the one that crashed in the east land was damaged, so the mind eaters left there early-yes, their state may be the same as being trapped in the Le Mans underground market Like the group of heart eaters in the depths, they lost their inheritance and developed new minds over time, but they have forgotten where they came from and what to do, and completely regarded themselves as their own. Native creatures!

"The group of mind-eating demons trapped in the underground market cannot communicate with outsiders, so naturally they can't regain their sanity. Those mind-eating demons appearing outside now have civilization inheritance!"

Zhong Ye still remembered that he saw on the game forum that Dongtu also had something similar to the Le Mans underground market, but the one in Dongtu was already in a damaged state.

No wonder there is such an empty hall in that underground market, which is obviously such an advanced building!

And the first time Mind Eater appeared in Westland was about decades ago. Does this mean that they didn't leave the 'escape ship' until decades ago?
The Mind Eater did not develop its ethnic group in the Kingdom of Gaul, but came to the Rhine Kingdom, and there are still many bones buried around the altar near Chartres. Does this mean that the Transformation Technology of the Mind Eater was decades ago? Not yet perfect?Need to experiment with living people?

Thinking about it further, perhaps the environment of the Kingdom of Gaul was not suitable for the development of Mind Eater, because at that time, the false god Adrian had already begun to develop his own 'psychedelic' interest group, so they could only go far away. Go to the Rhine Kingdom to seek development.

After all, in the cities that the hallucinogenic interest groups failed to cover, they appeared instead, which further proved that they seemed to have had some conflicts with the false god Adrian.

——In this way, everything can be explained!

(End of this chapter)

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