Soul echo

Chapter 462 Lich

Chapter 462 Lich

Hearing these words, Lily and Lilian's first reaction was to turn their heads to look at Zhong Ye.

Of all of them, only Zhong Ye looked the most like a 'demon hunter'.

In the impression of Lily and Lilian, all the witchers were tall, and for some reason, they didn't look bad.

And most of the demon hunters are "violent exorcists". Although they are powerful, they don't have a sacred aura...

Thinking about it this way, they suddenly found that Zhong Ye seemed to fit all the characteristics. No wonder the guy opposite him mistook Zhong Ye for a 'demon hunter'.

"I'm not a witcher."

Zhong Ye frowned and explained, staring closely at the mummy in the depths of the mausoleum, and asked each word: "What are you? A lich?"

"Ah... so you are not a witcher."

Hearing these words, the eyes of the others turned to the darkness deep in the mausoleum.

Two soul fires were quietly burning in the darkness, and they couldn't see anything except those two lights.

They were surprised. Zhong Ye just explained it a little bit, but the lich actually believed it?
"If you're not a witcher, that's easy."

The Lich let out a laugh, and even took the initiative to walk into the range illuminated by the fire, and raised a staff that seemed to be made of spines and skulls in his hand, and the skull at the top of the staff also ignited the soul fire.

"Don't worry about being chased by other demon hunters, I can kill you!"

The lower jaw of the skull on the top of the staff opened, and a wave of resentful souls rushed out of the skull. The moment they were released, they screamed in pain and despair.

Wave after wave of sound continued to stir back and forth in the mausoleum.

Seeing those resentful spirits appear, the tomb robber's face suddenly turned pale, and he turned to flee, but when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Lily and Lilian didn't take those resentful spirits seriously at all, and their faces remained calm.


Seeing that Zhong Ye and the others were not affected in the slightest, the Lich couldn't help feeling puzzled.

It didn't feel any fluctuations in spells, so how did they withstand the screams of resentful souls?
"Although the teacher is not a demon hunter, he is a 'legend'!" Hiding behind Zhong Ye, Lilian narrowed her eyes and smiled happily, saying proudly.

The grave robber and the lich were stunned at the same time, this ordinary word hit their hearts directly.

"No, it's not close." Zhong Ye seriously corrected Lilian's statement.

He tried to envelop them all in the fierce energy erupting from his body, and the scream full of resentment and pain could not hurt Zhong Ye and the others.

A transcendent who is only one step away from legend...

The Lich silently grasped the bone staff, and said slowly: "You will become my most precious collection."

As he spoke, the Lich raised his hand and swiped at his side, the black mist billowed in the air, opening a gap.

A sarcophagus was spit out by the black mist and landed beside the Lich.

Zhong Ye glanced at it, then silently took out the long knife from the bracelet, stepped forward with his left leg, and put on a posture.

After the most powerful attack of the resentful souls was eliminated, under the control of the lich, they turned into a torrent on the top of the mausoleum, rushing down towards where Zhong Ye and the others were.

It's like a waterfall rushing down, which is very spectacular.

But just looking at the overlapping, ferocious and painful illusory faces is enough to make people feel timid.

Not to mention, the 'waterfall' that had just been formed was falling towards them.

Zhong Ye switched the stellar energy enveloping the team to psionic energy. Maintaining the stellar energy required a lot of his psionic energy and vigor, but against this torrent, using psionic energy was enough.

"Lily! Lilian! Holy water!"

Zhong Ye swung his arm vigorously, raised his knife upwards, and the blade full of stellar energy stretched out from behind the spiritual energy shield, and slashed on the torrent of resentful souls. The sudden burst of power tore the torrent in half from the beginning to the end.

After receiving the order, Lily and Lilian immediately took out three bottles of holy water, and threw all the glass bottles to the ground. A strong holy aura instantly filled the open space around them.

The torrent of resentful souls that had been cut in half tried to bypass the spiritual shield and attack Zhong Ye's team from both sides, but just as they launched their attack, they bumped into the rising holy water.

——Before that, Lily and the others threw down two more bottles of blazing glue. After the flames ignited, the water would evaporate naturally.

The sacred aura contained in the holy water will rise together with the water, and those resentful souls will directly hit the water mist made of holy water and be wiped out immediately.

The lich obviously hadn't seen this move before, and even the action of controlling the resentful soul to bypass this layer of holy water protection was delayed for a few seconds.

The sarcophagus cover erected on the ground fell to the ground, shaking a layer of floating ash on the ground.

An iron boot stepped out of the coffin, stepped heavily on the ground, and dragged out the huge body hidden in the sarcophagus.

The owner of the iron boots was a warrior whose whole body was wrapped in armor. The armor was thick, and the warrior was tall, even much taller than Zhong Ye today. It looked like it might be three meters long.

The dome of the mausoleum is much higher than the passageway. Zhong Ye has evidence to suspect that the main part of the mausoleum is deeply buried in a mountain.

This is the main chamber of the mausoleum, but Zhong Ye didn't find any coffins here—except for the one that the Lich just took out.

In other words, is this tall warrior holding a sword and shield the owner of this tomb, a former legendary knight?
The lich waved the bone staff, making the resentful spirits linger around Zhong Ye and the others, launching a surprise attack from time to time.

But it didn't expect that Lilian and the others were not vegetarians either.

After smearing the holy oil on the blade, Lily didn't even use other magic props, or ignite the flame of the ax gun, and directly raised the ax gun to chop and stab.

The same is true for Lilian, as long as she swings a light sword, it will definitely end the pain of a resentful soul.

Only the tomb robber hid aside and shivered, not daring to take a breath for fear of being noticed by the Lich and Wraith.

Zhong Ye couldn't easily leave the place now, as long as he left here, Lilian and the others who were out of his protection might be torn apart by the resentful spirits around them in an instant.

This lich was terrifying, not to mention Lilian and the others, even Zhong Ye couldn't guarantee that he could defeat it before he learned psychic powers.

The undead knight wrapped in heavy armor took another step, and Zhong Ye felt it clearly. After this step, the undead's physical coordination has obviously recovered to a certain level.

"Lily! Lilian! Get out of the way!"

Following Zhong Ye's stern shout, the knight undead knelt down and poured all his strength into the ground.

I saw the ground shattered and dust was flying.


Accompanied by a violent muffled sound, the undead knight disappeared in place in an instant.

Hearing Zhong Ye's voice, Lily and Lilian rushed to both sides without thinking. The tomb robber hesitated for a moment, and it was precisely this moment that caused him to be severely injured.

The moment the silhouette of the undead knight disappeared, the vigor and spiritual energy in Zhong Ye's body instantly fused together, turning into stellar energy and blooming outward, covering Zhong Ye's body in an instant.

He seized the hair-like opportunity with his powerful perception, swung the long knife vigorously, and collided with the long sword in its hand with the blade before the undead knight could fully exert the impact force of dozens of tons.

Immediately, Zhong Ye pulled his arm, pulled Jin Shiyue who seemed to be sucked into the long sword, twisted his muscles into a bunch, and deflected the angle of the long sword blade with all his strength, so that it would drive his whole body, deflecting the knight The charging direction of the undead.


Zhong Ye yelled violently, and the figure of the undead knight suddenly rushed past him, 'just in time' to miss him.

Lily and Lilian, who fell to the ground early, were not injured, but the tomb robber was hit by the storm brought by the running of the undead knight, and his whole body was shot against the wall. His bones seemed to be falling apart, and his internal organs seemed to be displaced.

Blood overflowed from the mouth and nose, and the tomb robber fell from the wall in a trance, fell to his knees suddenly, vomited a mouthful of blood on the ground, landed on his face with a "slap", and fell into the pool of blood he vomited .

The resentful souls were half wiped out by the storm, but the Lich looked at Zhong Ye greedily, regardless of his distress.

It can be seen that Zhong Ye's forte is not 'strength', but he can use exquisite skills to dissolve the power of the undead knights.

boom--! ! !
At this time, violent vibrations and sounds came from a distance, shaking the mausoleum, causing a lot of dust and debris to fall from the dome.

"you are mine!"

Amidst the Lich's laughter, Zhong Ye stepped forward for the first time after the battle started, walking towards it.

"Oh? Are you walking towards me? Are you approaching me instead of staying away?"

The Lich smiled grimly and raised his hand, "Then, let's try the feeling of being controlled by the heart!"

——【Necromancer · Heart Mastery】!
(End of this chapter)

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