Soul echo

Chapter 456 Crying in the middle of the night

Chapter 456 Crying in the middle of the night
"It's broad daylight now...will there be undead?"

To the undead, sunlight, which is indispensable for human beings, is like a highly poisonous thing, which cannot be touched or approached.

No matter how powerful the undead is, as long as it comes into contact with the sun, it will suffer damage, and the weaker ones will be wiped out in ashes.

The sunlight contains the power to destroy demons and eliminate evil—it is said that before the arrival of the abyss, the sunlight in the Dan world does not contain this kind of power, but because of the arrival of the abyss, many strange creatures including the undead were born in this world. The sun god added this pure and powerful divine power to the sunlight.

However, stronger undead have the ability to move in the sun for a period of time, just like the legendary vampire killed by Zhong Ye, even if the layer of black mist covering its body is removed, it can still survive in the sun. Survive for a while, enough time for it to find a place to hide.

However, ordinary undead cannot.

Right now, Lily still doesn't know whether the 'undead' they are looking for is weak or strong.

Just judging from all the signs found so far, either the undead is very weak, or it doesn't exist at all.

They have already investigated the three directions pointed out by the three villagers around the village with that village as the center, but they did not find any traces of the suspected undead.

Logically speaking, even undead who are a little stronger than ordinary people can leave a little trace, but in fact, Zhong Ye and the others found nothing, what does this mean?
That's why Lily suspects that 'undead' doesn't exist at all.

If there really are undead, that undead can't possibly be in the village, right?
Undead are hostile to any living thing. Undead with self-awareness may be able to control themselves, but they will never control themselves.

Because this resentment and hostility comes from their hearts, and after becoming undead, all their emotions are no longer controlled by hormones, and their brains cannot calm them down.

Therefore, there can be no undead in that village—the undead can’t have goodwill towards humans. If there were really undead in that village, people would have died long ago. How could those villagers be so calm when they saw them? , and even have the leisure to care about remuneration.

Hearing Lily's complaint, Zhong Ye looked up at the sky, "It's getting dark, let's go back to that village."

Villagers said that at night, they could hear crying outside their houses.

Therefore, sitting on the sidelines is also a good option.

After tidying up the fire, Zhong Ye and the others returned to the carriage, and after a little identification of the direction, Zhong Ye waved the reins to drive the two draft horses.

Not long after, Lilian also came back after dinner. After looking at the surrounding environment and Lily Lieber beside her, she realized that they were on their way.

Calling up the hosting log and taking a look, Lilian suddenly realized, but she didn't make a sound immediately.

After a while, Lilian asked doubtfully, "Shouldn't we hurry to Frankfurt?"

"No need." Zhong Ye said calmly outside the carriage, "Actually, there is nothing we need to do now. The reason why we have to rush to Frankfurt is because that city is the end of the human trafficking route, and the St. Professionals may know a little more."

Lilian nodded as if she had realized something. At this time, she looked at Lily Lieber sitting beside her, "Lily, do you think there are really undead in this place?"


Lily seemed to be thinking about something, she leaned against the window with her chin in one hand, and was stunned for a moment after hearing Lilian's question as if waking up from a dream.

But soon, she reacted, pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "I don't know if there are undead in this place, but I tend to say 'no'."

Although it is easy to have problems in the backcountry and far away from large settlements, they did not find any signs of undead around here at all.

Lilian let out an "oh" and went 'silent' - at least in Lily's eyes.

The silence lasted until they arrived at the village, and Zhong Ye broke the silence with "arrived".

Lily and Lilian got out of the carriage and found that it was completely dark, and the wind lamp hanging on the top corner of the carriage was shaking from side to side, even the lights were flickering.

Even though it had entered spring, the ice and snow were gradually smiling, and the wind at night was still quite cold. As soon as they got off the carriage, Lily and the others shivered when they were shaken by the evening wind.

There was no sound in the village other than the sound of steady breathing and some more intense panting sounds. I don't know if it was affected by the 'undead' or just like that. The villagers in this village went to bed quite early.

"Call the door?" Lily exhaled whitely, then turned to look at Zhong Ye.

Seeing the existence surrounded by the 'low' fence, Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "Forget it, let's just deal with it for one night, and don't disturb others' work."

work?what to do?

Lilian, who lived in the era of the Internet of Everything, showed doubts on her face, but Lily reacted immediately, and smiled and pushed Zhong Ye's arm with her elbow, just like a hanging silk image.

Zhong Ye looked at her helplessly and sighed.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his attention to the village again.

Entrusted by others, he must investigate the matter of loyalty, regardless of whether there are ghosts in the village or not.

"Go and rest in the carriage." Zhong Ye took off the bridle tied to the harness horse, and tied the two horses to a tree to ensure that they would not escape.

Their spirituality is not as good as those used by Zhong Ye before, but they are draft horses after all, so they can't ask for too much.

"Does the teacher need us to rotate the vigil?" Lilian asked curiously.

"That's unnecessary." Zhong Ye shook his head lightly, "I'll wake up if there's any disturbance. To put it mildly, if I ask you to keep watch at night, if an enemy really launches an attack, maybe you haven't reacted yet, and I'll wake up. gone."

"All right……"

Lilian and Lily looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

Their perception ability is indeed not as strong as that of Zhong Ye. In fact, let alone a night watch, according to Zhong Ye himself, even if he does not sleep for three consecutive days, he will not feel sleepy at all.

But they couldn't be compared with Zhong Ye, as long as they didn't get enough sleep, they would lack of energy, which would affect their combat effectiveness the next day.

So Lilian and the others were not pretentious, and got into the carriage directly to rest.

The night became quiet again, only the cold wind was blowing the wind lamp hanging on the top corner one after another, but the lamp was covered by a layer of glass, and the cold wind could not blow out the flame inside.

Although he didn't fall asleep, Zhong Ye also closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Time passed slowly, and after an unknown amount of time, Zhong Ye also heard the 'crying' narrated by the villagers.


He moved his ears, but did not open his eyes hastily, but used his powerful sense of hearing to find the source of the sound.

However, after listening carefully for a while, he was surprised to find that the source of the sound was the village.

Could it be that there is really an undead hiding in this village?And is it a new type of undead?

Otherwise, how to explain that the undead clearly hid in the village, but did not attack the people in the village?
Thinking of this, Zhong Ye frowned, let go of the psionic energy, and used the psionic energy as tentacles to investigate the situation in the village.

Then, something that surprised him even more happened——

In this village, there are no undead at all!
Zhong Ye's psychic power did not sweep out any traces of undead from the village, whether it was skeletons, zombies or ghosts, they did not find any!
"Strange..." Zhong Ye opened his eyes and looked towards the village in doubt.

"Nothing at all?"

Then where did this 'cry' come from?

(End of this chapter)

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