Soul echo

Chapter 453

Chapter 453

Standing at the side door of the chapel, the little apprentice who was paying attention to the noise inside found Zhong Ye, and asked curiously, "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, where have you been?"

"Suddenly thought of something, so I went to explain it." Zhong Ye smiled slightly at the little apprentice, and walked into the chapel.

In the chapel, Ulrik was roaring hysterically. He had vaguely realized that he might not be able to inherit the position of lord, so he was venting his anger.

Just when Zhong Ye walked into the chapel, Ulrik suddenly yelled, turned around and punched his father who raised him angrily, and knocked Todo down to the ground who was sitting on a chair quietly watching the play.

"what are you doing!"

Several priests rushed forward and controlled Ulrik.

Even though he was caught, Ulrik kept swinging his legs, trying to kick Todo who was sitting on the ground.

The bishop looked at the farce coldly, and said indifferently: "Stuttgart does not have a prison that can be used to imprison you, so next, we will arrange someone to send you to Frankfurt, where you will spend the rest of your life. "

After being punched severely by Ulrik, Todor's face quickly turned red and swollen, but there was a smile on his face, and he didn't look angry.

At this time, he said slowly: "I have a small request, can you arrange Ulrik's cell next to mine?"

"It's not up to us." The bishop shook his head, "When you get to Frankfurt, you can give your opinion to the guards in the prison."

"Thank you for your reminder." Todo said with a smile.

He stood up, helped up the fallen chair, sat on it again, and quietly looked at the impotent and furious Ulrik. Although he didn't say anything, he just stared with a smile, but because of this, Ulrik will be even angrier.

"Ah!!! Old man, I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Ulrik roared with red eyes.

"Don't move!" The paladin who was holding him down angrily shouted, took a rope from a church member at the side, and bound Ulrik's hands and feet to prevent him from doing any more harm to others.

Todd watched quietly, just smiling.

Exhaling, the bishop looked at Zhong Ye who was standing in the back row, and walked over, "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, what do you think about this trial?"

Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze from those two people, "Even if they committed such a crime, their punishment is only imprisonment?"

The bishop was silent for a moment, "...Unfortunately, it is true. Because what Todor did did not actually hurt many people, and Ulrik was only found to have mutilated a few women for the time being, so, According to the Nobility Code, we can only deprive them of their political rights and property, but cannot sentence them to death."

"'Temporary'? That is to say, if other evidence of crime can be found, he will be punished additionally?" Zhong Ye asked.

"Yes." The bishop nodded first, then sighed, and turned to look at Ulrik, "But that guy is too stupid, I really don't know what crime he can commit that is enough to sentence him to death."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye was silent for a while, and then asked again: "In terms of imprisonment, is it 'aristocratic' imprisonment?"


The bishop explained: "After they are imprisoned, they need to work for everything they need for life. If they don't work, they can only get food that won't starve to death every day, and they don't have the opportunity to go outside.

"After all, they have done bad things. We can't let them live comfortably."

Hearing these words, Zhong Ye frowned, "If they work hard?"

"...If they work hard, they can live a life similar to that of ordinary people, but the workload is too much, I don't know if they can stick to it."

Is that so...

Zhong Ye turned his eyes silently, looking at the two people sitting in the center of the chapel.

"Just now you asked me what I thought of the trial."

After a long silence, Zhong Ye suddenly spoke again: "I can only say that in my eyes, this trial is far from 'fair'."

The bishop frowned, Zhong Ye didn't deliberately lower his voice, so the other clergymen in the chapel also heard this sentence, and they all turned their heads to look over.

After taking a few deep breaths, the bishop asked in a deep voice, "Why?"

"Have you ever thought about how many people will be victimized each year by maintaining this human trafficking route?"

As soon as this remark came out, the bishop was at a loss for words.

The cursing Ulrik also heard this sentence, and immediately burst into laughter: "Hahaha! Old man, did you hear that? Your crime is much more serious than mine—wait for death!"

However, even so, Todo still smiled and said nothing.

"...There are no relevant matters in the "Nobility Code." The bishop sighed, and then said, "However, I will send a letter to the church members in Frankfurt. They also have the power to judge nobles. I will let them try to see Let's see if this can be added to the Nobility Code."

Zhong Ye lowered his eyelids, covered his flickering eyes, and took a deep breath.

"...It's just a personal opinion, just a little complaint, don't worry about it." He said slowly.

Looking at Zhong Ye's appearance, one could tell that he was not satisfied with this answer.

In fact, he was not only dissatisfied. After being reminded, the bishop was also dissatisfied with the previous trial results, but there was nothing he could do.

The absence of relevant matters in the "Noble Code" means that they cannot use this as an excuse to aggravate Todo's crime.

"My lord, the carriage is ready."

After an unknown amount of time, Ulrik had stopped cursing, and the many priests gathered in the chapel also dispersed.

A clergyman walked up to the bishop and said softly, "We can leave anytime."

The bishop nodded and looked at Todo, "Is that all you want to say?"

During the period just now, he felt that he had enough time, so he asked Todo, and learned a lot of information about the human trafficking route from him.

Toduo nodded slightly, "I'm old, and I only remember so much. For more information, you can go to my original room. There is a box under the bed, which contains more evidence."

Hearing this sentence, the bishop frowned, "You have expected such a day?"

"When you started to search the whole city, I realized that there would be such a day." Todo laughed happily, "There is enough evidence in it to prove that Henry Stennis is also a criminal, in exchange for the hard work of collecting evidence , if he will also be held in Frankfurt, I hope he will be held next door to me."


The bishop sucked in an inaudible breath. This person is too terrifying. He did so many things for revenge, which is really too distorted.

"...If the evidence is convincing, I will also send him to prison."

"Thank you." After finishing speaking, Todo closed his eyes, waiting for the final result.

After a while, Todor and Ulrik were pulled up from their chairs and walked towards the church door under pressure.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go!"

Ulrik, who had already accepted his fate, felt fear for some reason and struggled desperately.

But how could he be a paladin's opponent if he neglected to exercise?
The two clergymen who grabbed his arms and shoulders remained silent, pressing Ulrik out of the church gate.

As soon as he walked out of the church, the chaotic noise poured into his ears.

After seeing the figures of Todor and Ulrik, the people gathered outside the church became even more noisy.

Unlike Todor's calmness, Ulrik was trembling with fear. If he hadn't been grabbed by two paladins, he might have slipped and fell to the ground.

The two carriages had already parked outside the church, but the priests did not immediately push the two of them into the carriage, but stood outside the church, allowing the bishop to announce the trial results to the people.

The bishop stood on the steps of the church door and announced to the public the result of the trial and the crimes committed by Todor and Ulrik.

The people who dared not speak out before, immediately burst into resentment and anger after learning that the two men were prisoners of their ranks and no longer nobles.

Standing behind the bishop, Zhong Ye, who watched this scene, took another deep breath, and raised his hand to press the handle of the straight knife.

He looked over the bishop's shoulder and looked at the two prisoners who were about to be sent to Frankfurt for detention.

The anger was not suppressed, but burned even more vigorously.

The lives of nobles are their lives, but the lives of commoners are not?
Thinking that they were only imprisoned, Zhong Ye felt a bad breath lingering in his chest, unable to relax.

Some people might say that the real punishment for them is to let them live and be tortured. Killing them is just a one-off, and the purpose of punishment cannot be achieved...It's all bullshit!
Death is the best punishment, and death is the price they should pay the most!
"Your Excellency Zhong Ye?" The warrior commander standing aside suddenly noticed Zhong Ye's strangeness, his eyes widened, and before he could stop him, Zhong Ye's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Zhong Ye came out more and more, and the straight knife came out of its sheath angrily, and the blade inserted along the gap between the two priests, cutting off Ulrik's neck.

With a step on the sole of his foot, Zhong Ye jumped up again.

Todor, who had been watching Ulrik's movements, saw that his head had been cut off, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

But just as the smile climbed onto his face, a silver light fell, and his body was cut in two.

Everything happened so quickly that no one realized what was happening.

After shaking off the blood on the blade, Zhong Ye put the blade back into its sheath, turned around and ran, and disappeared in people's eyes after a few jumps.

——In the end, it’s hard to get over it!
(End of this chapter)

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