Soul echo

Chapter 450 End

Chapter 450 End
After Zhong Ye hacked to death the tightly wrapped guy, he realized that this guy seemed to be the killer hired by Mind Eater.

Recalling the fighting in the castle just now, Zhong Ye found that this killer seemed to be quite powerful, but he just ran into Lily and Lilian.

Whether it's equipment, resourcefulness, or openness of mind, he can't compare with Lilian. Although he is an extraordinary person, besides physical fitness, there are many key elements in combat.

What's more, Lilian is a 'player'.

Although the players themselves don't know it, the gods are indeed the biggest backer behind them. With the help of the gods, their growth can be so fast, and it only takes a few months to surpass the achievements of ordinary people's ten years of hard work.

It's just that there seems to be some major drawbacks in doing so, so that the gods didn't install the player's 'upgrade system' for the natives of the Dan world.

The current Lilian is very close to a transcendent, her attributes are already much higher than that of first-class players, and she has squeezed into the queue of top players.

In terms of physical fitness, it is also similar to that killer.

To sum up, Lilian's ability to defeat the killer is not a particularly surprising thing.

However, the killers hired by Mind Eater are all dead, so is it necessary to continue this battle?
Zhong Ye looked up at the sky, only to see that cloud of black mist began to blow away with the wind.

At this time, the light wind was like a sharp blade, continuously blowing wisps of mist from the black human figure, and flew to the distance at the fastest speed.

Not only didn't do anything, but didn't even leave a word, highlighting a 'quiet'.

If Zhong Ye hadn't realized something was wrong, perhaps even he would not have noticed the departure of the cloud of black mist.

The escape and death of the killers meant that their plans were completely shattered. Not only did Stuttgart have Zhong Ye at the forefront, but if the church in Stuttgart was pushed into a hurry, they might even summon the gods, and they would still lose.

The only option is to assassinate Ulrik by hand, and secretly hire killers to assassinate the lord of Stuttgart. In addition, no matter what method is used, it is possible for the clergy to summon the gods.

Compared to a behemoth like the Church, Mind Eater's strength is still too weak, and that partner is not important enough to allow them to put more power into Stuttgart.

The combination of these factors has led to the embarrassing situation today.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhong Ye connected the cause and effect together, and figured out the truth of this matter.

Now that the plan to kill the collaborators has failed, the only thing the Mind Eaters can do, and the most should be done, is to stop the loss in time, so they ran away directly.

Zhong Ye dispelled the stellar energy lingering around his body, and fell straight down.

As soon as he fell to the ground, Lilian poked her head out of the window and shouted, "Teacher! Go find the corpse of that guy just now. That guy seems to have a space item that can switch weapons and equipment at will!"

However, Zhong Ye glanced up and said, "I'll look for it later, the battle is not over yet, you go help the warrior commander and the others, and I will clean up the abyss infected people in the city."

"Oh, teacher! Oh!"

Before Lilian could speak, Zhong Ye ran wildly and ran out of the castle.

Lilian couldn't help curling her lips, retracted her hands, and hummed softly.

"I obviously wanted to give it to you, but in the end I actually told me to 'solve the things in the city first'..."

Lily heard her complaints, took off her gloves, rubbed Lilian's head with a smile, "Zhong should be very guilty now, right? It's because he killed that abyss believer that this happened in the city." , although this matter has little to do with him, even without him, what should happen will still happen, unless the clergy can completely break the conspiracy before the abyss believers launch the conspiracy, otherwise, similar situations will still occur.

"It's just that he has a kind heart and hates evil like a vengeance. He can't watch others die in front of his eyes...Leave him alone, let's help the warrior leader deal with the remaining enemies, and then go find that space item."

Pursing her lips, Lilian raised her head and glanced at Lily with a gentle smile, then nodded slightly, "Yes."

After agreeing, she quickly trotted to the floor below, fighting with the killers who were still rushing into Ulrik's room in a daze.

After a while, Lily also ran down and joined the battle.

With their participation, the enemy was quickly wiped out.

- Yes, 'annihilation'!
The enemy is not afraid of death, as if he will not give up until he kills Ulrik, and he knows that he is being manipulated by something at a glance.

The priests did not intend to kill them, but planned to use divine magic to release the control. However, when the divine spell fell on them, the control was not released, and they were still so fearless.

In desperation, he could only kill them all.

Because, even if they are stunned, their bodies will still move.

The priests didn't know about this at first, they thought it would be enough to stun these people, but as soon as the opponent was stunned, the enemy's body automatically launched a counterattack, caught off guard, two priests died as a result.

The anger in their hearts was instantly ignited, and the clerics threw out [Discernment of Good and Evil]. As a result, none of their enemies did not have the evil light of 'crimson' on their bodies.

Therefore, the furious priests chose to wipe out their enemies.

After the battle in the castle was over, the warrior captain led his men up to the top floor and captured the Lord of Stuttgart.

The strange thing is that the lord who caused all these incidents did not escape, but sat in the room quietly reading a book in a calm manner.

Lily and Lilian also left the castle. The first thing they did after leaving the castle was to look for the killer's body.

Fortunately, the killer's upper body and lower body were not too far apart, but fell from a high altitude without releasing the force, causing the killer to fall to a bloody mess and beyond recognition.

Lily and the others quickly found the space prop from the killer, experimented a little, then put away the prop, and went to other parts of the city to eliminate those infected by the abyss.

Stuttgart is a big city with tens of thousands of people living in it. It takes a few minutes to run from one end of the city to the other, let alone clean up the infected people from the abyss.

Even with the help of Zhong Ye and the others, Stuttgart didn't really solve the incident until more than two hours later, and completely wiped out all the abyss infected people.

——Including those mutants that appeared due to the infection of the abyss without blessings.

However, even if all abyss infected people and mutants are removed, it does not mean that the influence of the abyss is completely eliminated.

If there is no accident, Stuttgart still needs to go through several times of thorough 'disinfection' to ensure that the abyss infection will not spread outward, but the influence in the city does not know when it will be completely eliminated.

After this battle, presumably many churches should find a way to ban prostitutes and brothels. Although these two things can play a great role in maintaining stability, nothing can compare to the threat of the abyss.

The loss of prostitutes and brothels may lead to a decrease in social stability, but once the threat of the abyss spreads, it may lead to the destruction of the world, which is more serious at a glance.

After the battle, Zhong Ye didn't go to the castle, didn't go to the church, and didn't return to the adventurer's house.

He sat on an overturned wooden box by the side of the street, staring blankly at the street and the ashen-looking people on the street.

The actual casualties caused by the abyss infected were not many, but the bad influence they caused deeply penetrated into the hearts of every resident of Stuttgart.

The two weapons were leaning aside, and their bodies were also stained with a lot of blood, so people walking on the street didn't dare to approach, and walked away from Zhong Ye far away.

Zhong Ye noticed a sight, turned his head to look, and found that he was looking at the wooden box sitting under his buttocks, sighed, patted his buttocks and stood up, took Jinshiyue and Blue Bird, and left the road street.

Back view, slightly silent...

(End of this chapter)

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