Soul echo

Chapter 442 The Beginning of Chaos (1)

Chapter 442 The Beginning of Chaos ([-])

'Information gap' maintains the city's fragile balance, once this 'illusion' is broken, the city will fall into chaos.

Just as priests rarely explore the private lives of nobles, nobles rarely disturb priests. The two are like two parallel lines. As long as they don't suddenly turn and collide, there will be no problems.

For a long time, the nobles and priests of Stuttgart lived in peace, but with the appearance of the Mind Eater incident, this fragile balance was broken.

After the balance was broken, a lot of problems were exposed. It was clear that those things happened under the eyes of the priests, but they didn't find anything.

When they discover these problems, the problem has developed to the point of no return.

But this can't be blamed on the clergymen in Stuttgart. Although they acquiesce in the existence of prostitutes, they rarely come into contact with prostitutes and the like, and the behind-the-scenes suspects who are suspected of abyss believers act in secret, and no one has ever reported them. Naturally there is no way to find out.

That's the way the clergy in Dan's world have always been, and other people have done it before, so there's nothing wrong with them doing it.

Maybe they checked those prostitutes, but they never thought that the real abyss believers are not prostitutes, those prostitutes are just tools in the hands of abyss believers.

Every once in a while, an unreliable adventurer or gang member disappears. This situation has been going on for several years, and no one knows what the abyss believers want to do.

If the abyss believers really want to do something, a few years is enough for them to complete their arrangements.

However, speaking of this matter, Zhong Ye couldn't help but think of the abyss incident he encountered when he first arrived in Tubingen, which seemed to be caused by a group of prostitutes.

The whores were supplied to the yordle gang by an unidentified person, and someone from Stuttgart happened to go missing for the same 'years'.

It's just that the ones missing from Stuttgart were johns, and the unidentified man supplied the yordles with prostitutes.

When Zhong Ye told the warrior commander about his association, the warrior commander expressed incomparable confusion and disbelief.


Zhong Ye sighed and walked through the gate of the Adventurer's House.

He made an appointment with Lilian and the others. No matter whether they found any clues or not, they would come back at noon to have lunch together and exchange information.

When Zhong Ye returned to the Adventurer's House, he saw Lily and Lilian were already sitting at a table, whispering.

Zhong Ye walked over and sat down beside them.

"Chong, did you find anything?"

As soon as Zhong Ye sat down, Lily turned her head and blinked her eyes to ask questions.

"I already know the identity of that collaborator." Zhong Ye didn't feel how shocking his words were, and said flatly, "Ulrik Skospiel, the heir of Stuttgart, sent someone to come to the adventurer last night. The guy who messed up the house.

"It is said that Stuttgart is known as a useless person, greedy for pleasure - I learned this news from the Thieves Guild, and the Thieves Guild also mixed with Heart Eaters, I only found one of them, and only came into contact with a few of the Thieves Guild. People, so I don’t know if the Thieves Guild in Stuttgart has been controlled by Mind Eater.”

As he said that, Zhong Ye casually told them the information he had learned from the warrior commander, which made them both dumbfounded.

"... Stuttgart is too messy, isn't it?" Lily was silent for a moment, and couldn't help expressing emotion.

This city is already chaotic enough, and now there is an additional power that is suspected of being a believer in the abyss. With the believers in the abyss fearing that the world will not be chaotic, if chaos really breaks out in Stuttgart, they will definitely add fuel to the fire and make Stuttgart even more confusion.

Because he had obtained clues about the identity of his collaborator, Zhong Ye no longer needed to hide his identity and act. On the contrary, he needed to find a suitable opportunity to contact and test Ulrik, so he chose to contact the church.

"What about you? Have you found any clues?"

Hearing this, Lily and Lilian looked at each other and said at the same time, "You speak first."

Then, he hesitated for a while, looked at the other party, "Then let me say first..."

At this time, Lilian couldn't help taking a deep breath, and swallowed back the words welling up in her throat, lest the classic plot of the film and television drama just now happen to her again.

"...Let me talk about it first."

After waiting for a while, before Lilian could speak, Lili exhaled and turned to look at Zhong Ye.

"Just like before, I tried to contact the businessmen in Stuttgart, but unfortunately, I didn't get any effective information from them. It's just a little bit, maybe it can be related to something we knew before-I was in When visiting a large chamber of commerce, I just heard someone complain that the grain business has become increasingly difficult in recent years. A group of people have lowered the price of grain, not only the selling price, but also the purchase price. Those farmers would rather They are not willing to sell the grain to them even if they are farming by themselves, and if this continues, they will have to go down and buy the grain from ordinary farmers.”

Although the plague believers in Winterthur only want to make the grain harvest poor and even unable to grow, they have already destroyed the commercial order of this industry invisibly. Even if they are eliminated, the grain industry may be able to breathe in a short time I can't breathe.

However, what made Zhong Ye a little puzzled was that the group of plague believers acted so recklessly, didn't the god of commerce notice the slightest bit?

They are obviously doing business at a loss. Could it be that the god of business approves of this behavior?Have you ever wondered where their funds come from?

Of course, it is also possible that their business behavior is not considered part of 'business', just like human traffickers in the human trade, blinding the perception of the god of business by exploiting loopholes.

After thinking for a moment, Zhong Ye shook his head to get rid of these thoughts, and looked at Lilian, "Lilian, what about you?"

"I learned about Stuttgart through beggars and civilians. The first thing I did when I entered the city was to find a group of young beggars and beat them up so that they could understand that my fist was stronger than all of them. It makes a lot of sense, and then I used two silver coins to get some information from them, although it may not have anything to do with Mind Eater, but it may have something to do with Abyss believers."

Speaking of this, Lilian untied the water bag hanging from her waist, took a sip of the cool water in the bag, and then continued: "They said that last summer, they found a water bottle in the forest not far from the city. Hidden under a dead tree, it was hard to find the cave. They wanted to use the cave as a secret base, but before the child who found the cave could bring the news back, he saw a man in a black cloak carrying a Walked into the cave with what looked like a corpse.

"Originally, I thought that this information might be related to the Heart Eater, but after listening to what you told me, teacher, I thought it might be a disciple of the abyss!"

After listening to Lilian's words, Zhong Ye tapped the table with his index finger and fell into deep thought.

But not long after, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's have lunch first."

Lili and the others were also hungry, and immediately agreed to Zhong Ye's proposal.

Although Zhong Ye didn't say it clearly, they all knew that Zhong Ye must have thought of an idea.

After a stormy lunch, Zhong Ye sat on a chair to adjust his breath for a while, then looked at Lilian who seemed to be browsing the game forum.

"The homeless beggars in Stuttgart have been collected by several churches. The little beggars you found shouldn't be real beggars, right? Can you still find them now?"

Lilian nodded, "If they really want to count, they are not considered beggars, but their elders have passed away, and they have no ability to work, so they become beggars, and they will report to the group to keep warm in order not to be bullied.

"Now some of them are no longer beggars, but the connection has not been broken, so they simply got together.

"Some of them are residents of this slum. If you want to find them, you can still find them. Teacher, do you want to find them?"


Zhong Ye nodded, and said, "I want to know where that burrow is."

(End of this chapter)

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