Soul echo

Chapter 430 The speculation gradually approaching the truth

Chapter 430 The speculation gradually approaching the truth

The anger only lasted for a moment, but the nausea stuck in his throat was always accompanied by Zhong Ye.

But after calming down, Zhong Ye also recovered his ability to think.

Wes Wilma's actions allowed him to confirm the identity of this person—this mage does not belong to any evil god, and has nothing to do with the abyss.

Abyss believers will not sacrifice their lives for the conspiracy of other abyss believers. Any abyss believers of different attributes are hostile. Even if they believe in the same evil god, they will be hostile to each other because of related interests.

This can be seen from the relationship between the plague believers in Winterthur and the plague believers who spread the plague of living corpses in the northern border of Hallstatt. For their own plans, the plague believers in Winterthur will even help Human beings keep the plague of living corpses out of the country.

Wes Wilma used a spell to set himself and most of the ledgers in the room on fire, while also injuring the 'adventurers' who were checking the ledgers in the same room as him.

If he guessed correctly, that guy should want to kill himself and the players directly.

Unfortunately, he only killed himself, and the players were only 'seriously injured'.

At that time, the explosion was so strong that it almost set the whole room on fire. It was impossible for the players to be fine. They probably used up one resurrection count directly.

Generally speaking, the gods do not let the characters controlled by the player die directly, but use divine power to protect them from disaster, and this time it is probably the same.

Except for Zhong Ye himself, no one else realized why such a violent explosion did not kill all these adventurers. This is also because the gods blocked their senses in this regard. This seems to be a function built into the system , until the resurrection times are all consumed, as long as the player dies, it will be triggered.

Although they escaped, the 'severely injured' state still exists, which is also their death penalty.

Fortunately, this kind of punishment can be eliminated. Even if there is no priest or doctor to help with treatment, it can recover by itself after a period of time.

Judging from the way Wes Wilma destroyed the corpse and wiped out the traces, it can basically be concluded that he is an accomplice of the group of traffickers.

And this can just explain why he appeared in Schaffhausen and why he became the person in charge of the Adventurer's House.

——He came to Schaffhausen to contact and monitor Paulino Baum, and it was convenient to become the person in charge of the Adventurer's House.

His behavior proved that there was indeed something hidden in the ledger that made him feel scruples, that's why he was so anxious to destroy those ledgers.

The reason why he made such an extreme act of 'to die together' was probably because Zhong Ye expressed doubts about him.

Just because Zhong Ye showed suspicion towards him, Wes Wilma thought that his identity was close to being exposed, so he chose to bury himself with the ledger.

If not, Zhong Ye believes that Wes Wilma might be checking the accounts while pretending to destroy the criminal evidence left by Paulino Baum.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, the injuries of those adventurers are basically stable, and as long as they recuperate well, they will be able to recover."

The clergymen are still staying in the castle for the time being. After the explosion, they rushed to support immediately.

The noise caused by the explosion was so great that even Lily, who was still weak, hurried over.

Now, Lily and Lilian were standing beside Zhong Ye and looking at him, wanting to know his future plans.

All the ledgers have been destroyed, so the clues should also be broken.

Zhong Ye pondered for a moment, then asked, "Is any of them awake now?"

The cleric gave Zhong Ye a strange look, nodded and said, "Most of them are awake, Your Excellency Zhong Ye, you are going to..."

"It's good to be awake." Zhong Ye brushed past the clergyman, and pushed away the room where the wounded temporarily lived and recuperated, "I'm going to ask them if they found any clues in the ledger they checked earlier."

"But, this, this..." The priest looked at him in shock, "They were seriously injured just now!"

Zhong Ye didn't answer the clergyman, and now only he and Lilian know that those 'adventurers' are still extremely sane despite being seriously injured.

These players have great forgetfulness. If they don't ask the answer early, they may forget what they saw in the ledger after a while.

After all, for them, this is just a game, and the content of the game does not need to be stored in their minds for so long.

Zhong Ye pulled a chair, sat on the edge of a hospital bed, looked at the player lying on the bed, and then at the others, and confirmed that only this player was still playing, and the other players were probably offline.

Zhong Ye whispered his guess to the player lying on the bed. The player couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then he couldn't help but glance down. It should have triggered the mission.

"... Then, I would like to ask, did you find any clues in the ledgers that you have seen before?"

Looking at Zhong Ye's sincere eyes, the player opened his lips slightly, thought for a moment, and nodded slightly.

"I don't know...whether other people have found clues, but the income and expenditure of some things in the warehouse are not right."

The player recalled what he saw, and slowly said: "The largest industry in Schaffhausen is probably the handicraft industry, and most civilians use cloth to offset taxes, so there should be a lot of cloth in the warehouse.

"In terms of cloth, the warehouse counts the inventory about every three months and keeps accounts by the way. But every autumn, there will be cases where the accounts are not recorded. If it is grain and wood, there are both spring and autumn. It's just the book. The loopholes in the account are not that big, and they don't seem to have thought about reconciling the accounts, and they just turned over the loopholes as soon as the Chinese New Year came."

When saying these words, the expression on the player's face can be as weird as it can be.

As a staff member of the banking system, it was really hard for him to imagine such a thing. Just looking at those ledgers made him feel very uncomfortable, as if he saw a piece of shit.

The person keeping accounts in Baum's house never thought about doing accounts at all, and keeping accounts was just for the convenience of sorting out supplies.

"What about other than that?"

Although these things can prove that the group of human traffickers indeed entered the Rhineland Kingdom through Schaffhausen, what Zhong Ye needs are other clues and evidence.

Hearing this, the player recalled it carefully again, and said uncertainly: ""

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows, "Be more specific."

"The Baum family buys a few horses every year. However, we have searched through the account books for the past two years, and we have not found any expenditure on raising horses in the account books."

No expenditure means that the Baum family has no horses at all. In this case, why did they buy horses?
The answer is obvious—to help the traffickers.

"It's all here, do you still need a horse?" Zhong Ye rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

The priest standing by the door listened to the whole conversation, and he looked at the player who was talking to Zhong Ye in surprise.

If he remembered correctly, the adventurer should be seriously injured now, right?Why was he able to talk to Zhong Ye so clearly and fluently?
Lilian looked around and reminded: "Teacher, is it because of the number of people that they buy horses?"

"Number of people?" Zhong Ye frowned slightly.

"Yes, the number of people!" Lilian gestured with both hands, "For example, after arriving in Schaffhausen, the group of human traffickers needs to transport more people."

Hearing this, Lily interjected: "But Schaffhausen is so small..."

"Not Schaffhausen."

Zhong Ye interrupted Lily, and tapped his right index finger on his knee irritably, "It may be Winterthur, or it may be Turica, anyway, when they pass through these cities, they may still abduct some people.

"But if that's the case, why haven't they been discovered for so many years?"

There are clergymen stationed in almost every town. It is really hard for Zhong Ye to imagine how the group of human traffickers have been doing business for so many years without being discovered under the noses of so many clergymen.

It would be a bit unreasonable to say that there are nobles helping to cover, because they should not have so much money to manage the nobles along the road...

Weird... Weird as hell!
(End of this chapter)

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