Soul echo

Chapter 426 The Winner Is Determined

Chapter 426 The Winner Is Determined

Lily had already guessed that Paulino Baum would not kill her, since he could control the entire castle, it would be easy to kill her.

But he just wanted to squeeze into his body and start a soul battle with her.

From that moment on, she knew what Paulino wanted to do.

She and Zhong Ye had already guessed that Paulino was the guy who invaded her dream before. If so, did he bring back the things he 'stealed' in the dream to reality?

For example, Zhong Ye's martial arts!
The actual test result is that he has indeed 'learned' Zhong Ye's martial arts...but that's all.

"And you don't have any of these two!"

But she is essentially a cowardly and somewhat pain-sensitive person, and what she said before was actually to encourage herself.

If it was just for herself, she might not be able to bear the torture and pain, but if it was for others, she could endure it.

Now Lily can basically confirm that Paulino Baum has indeed learned Zhong Ye's martial arts, but he has not learned any of Zhong Ye's combat wisdom.

How can one fight without mind, faith and will?Just relying on those stolen martial arts?

"There is one thing you are mistaken. It is not that I have not learned unarmed combat. Not only have I learned, the person who taught me unarmed combat is the original owner of the martial arts you have today."

Lily rushed forward with a stride and punched Paulino directly.

Paulino's head had just been smashed twice by Lily, and seeing her rushing towards him at this time, he had to suppress his irritability and be vigilant and deal with it carefully.

The situation is out of his control... But, why?
Why is this woman able to kill herself?
Paulino opened his sharp claws and caught Lily's fist with his palm. The trajectory of this fist was straight, and he didn't even need to use the fighting skills he got from Zhong Ye to make guesses. Paulino could judge where the fist landed only by his own consciousness.

Then, the claws retracted!
The claws scratched the skin of Lily's arm, and when Paulino's five fingers continued to close, her wrist was even cut off.

"I've said so much, is it useful?!" Paulino roared angrily, his eyes tearing open.

If it was in reality, Lily would probably already be sweating profusely, but it was precisely because this was in the space of consciousness that she chose to do this.

The other fist struck Paulino's chest like lightning, and he had to take two steps back.


The power poured into the right leg burst out, and when Lily's arm re-condensed, it kicked upwards.


At this moment, Lily had only this thought in her mind, so she hit Paulino's chin suddenly with her right leg from bottom to top, kicking the lower half of his head to pieces.

Even if in the next moment, one's leg is grabbed by a sharp claw, it is worth it.

The sharp claws holding Lily's right leg closed suddenly, easily crushing her knee and cutting off her calf.

However, it doesn't matter!
The regenerated arm stretched out and grabbed Paulino's collar. Under his extremely angry gaze, he used all his strength to lift him up and swung him backward.

Although Paulino was swung up, he couldn't move.

The situation got out of control again and again, which filled his heart with anger. Driven by anger, he swung his claws and chopped Lily's head into several pieces.

However, this is the space of consciousness, as long as the will is firm and the belief is high, no matter what kind of injury you receive, you can recover.

Lily now has only one leg left, but by twisting her back, she throws Paulino behind her.

Paulino's body fell just as her head and right leg condensed into shape.

During the process, Paulino kept waving his arms, using his sharp claws to gouged out the flesh and bones of Lily, tearing her torso apart.

When he landed, he saw a calf approaching quickly in his eyes.

The newly formed right leg slammed Paulino's head hard, kicking his head again and kicking his whole body away.

After doing all this, Lily couldn't bear it any longer and gasped for breath.

Severe pain filled every corner of her body, making her tremble uncontrollably.

Even though the injuries on her body can recover, the pain still exists. She is more afraid of pain. She really can't figure out why she can survive until now.

So, do you want to give up?
Lily gritted her teeth, cast her vicious eyes on Paulino in the distance, and took another firm step.

--no way!
Paolino roared and jumped to his feet.

Lily punched him again, this time he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, raised his claws to block, twisted his calf at the same time, and kicked Lily's leg sideways.

The wrist was severed and the knee was shattered, but Lily refused to let her go. She twisted her waist and slammed into Paulino's arms sideways, using her shoulder as the force point to knock his body away.

Then came another punch, shattering Paulino's head before his claws cut into his own neck.

This is a battle of will, a battle of faith!

Lily's eyes were full of madness, she grabbed Paulino's shoulders with both hands, let the sharp claws penetrate her waist from both sides, raised her knees and hit the newly grown head.

The pain stimulated Lily's head frequently, but she seemed to be completely crazy and ignored it.

Kicks, knees, punches, smashed Paulino's head over and over again.

Even though Paulino hurt her time and time again, causing her severe pain and causing the pain to pile up, she didn't stop there.

Once she gives up, once she admits defeat, she will die, and even Zhong Ye and Lilian may be hurt.

She wants Zhong Ye to admit that she has love for her, she wants to continue to be friends with Lilian, she wants to see her family again, she wants to travel to more places and see more scenery... She don't want to die!
When she punched again and smashed Paulino's head, not only his head, but his whole body disappeared into the darkness of nothingness.

Then, Lily Lieber opened her eyes.

"Ah!!! You bastard!"

Paulino Baum escaped from Lily's body, and saw the twisted mass of chaotic matter flying away from Lily's body and falling to the ground in the distance, condensing into shape, and turning into his original appearance.

Lily, who was standing with the ax and spear on her body, suddenly broke out countless sweats, her legs also became weak, and she fell limp on the ground with a "plop".

She watched Paulino Baum walking step by step, gritted her teeth and tried to stand up, but she was horrified to find that her body was not in control.

The belated fatigue and pain also impacted Lily's mind at this time, and she was almost fainted by the torrent.

The only firmness kept her awake, even so, her vision gradually blurred.

The battle that took place in the consciousness space did hurt her, and even though the damage hadn't fully surfaced, it also made her lose the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing her like this, Paulino Baum laughed angrily, laughing wildly, with an extremely distorted and hideous face.

It doesn't matter if Zhong Ye can't be killed, anyway, this is not a task assigned by him, it's just his little attempt.

Now, he just wants to kill this bitch who keeps the situation out of his control!
However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed down from the top of the city.

If Paulino felt something, he raised his sharp claws when he turned his head to watch, but his gaze collided with a pair of dark and bright eyes in midair.

Those eyes seemed to be burning, and the anger that erupted in them threatened to ignite Paulino's gaze.


The tightly clenched fist smashed down like a heavy hammer, breaking Paulino's raised claws into two pieces, and the sound of bones breaking resounded under the silent night sky.

Then there was another punch, Paulino hastily raised his claws, and was shocked to find that the punch landed not on his head or torso at all, but on his arm!



The power of Pei Ran Mo Yu suddenly poured into his arm, not only breaking Paulino's arm bone, but also knocking his body into the air, hitting the fortress not far away.

Lily opened her eyes wide and opened her small mouth slightly, watching the tall figure with her back facing her remove the weapon from her body.

Long knives, straight knives, and sheaths were inserted into the ground by him.

"I am going to kill you."

Zhong Ye, who came back in time, stared at the middle-aged man embedded in the wall, walked over, and said coldly, "One punch, one punch, I'll kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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