Soul echo

Chapter 421 Monsters

Chapter 421 Monsters

When the intruder was beheaded, Lily, who had already woken up, could no longer maintain the existence of the dream.

So she woke up again.

Lily opened her eyes helplessly, staring blankly at the darkness in front of her, and couldn't help but sigh.

"... Zhong, do you know what I dreamed about before?"


"I dreamed that you confessed to me."

As she spoke, the corners of Lily's mouth turned up, and she smiled self-deprecatingly: "This is not the worst, the worst thing is that after I dreamed that you confessed to me, I wondered if I was cursed...Obviously That’s the scene I’m most looking forward to seeing.”

After finishing speaking, Lily was silent for a long time, and before Zhong Ye could reply, she couldn't help but turned sideways to the direction he was probably in.

"Can't you give some reaction? I just dreamed that you confessed to me. When I pass the test in my heart, I'm sure there will be a erotic dream later."

"...Because I don't know how to respond."

Hearing this sentence, the anger that just came up was suppressed.

Lily snorted and turned around, "I'm going to sleep...good night."

"Good night."

Yawning, Lily closed her eyes.

However, not long after, there was a rush of bells ringing in the church.

Lily opened her eyes and found that there was still darkness in front of her eyes, she shouted urgently: "Zhong, what happened?"

"do not know."

Zhong Ye found the fire book in the dark, and used it to light the oil lamp.

When the oil lamp was lit, the light shone into her eyes, and seeing Zhong Ye's figure, Lily felt a little relieved.

Both Lily and Lilian, who was managed by the system, were awakened by the ringing of the bell. After quickly putting on several layers of clothes to resist the cold, they grabbed their weapons and followed Zhong Ye out of the room.

Pastor Igor led a few yawning apprentices to and fro in the church, and the lights in the church were gradually lit.

Several foreign clergymen who temporarily lived in the church also joined in this busy work. Seeing their dignified expressions, Lily felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhong Ye stopped a priest and asked, "Excuse me, what happened?"

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye, don't you know?" The cleric asked in surprise, and then replied, "This is the response to the discovery of the signal of the abyss—the abyss appeared around Schaffhausen!"

After speaking, the clergyman bid farewell in a hurry and went to work.

Zhong Ye and Lili looked at each other, and both of them saw the surprise on the other's face.

It's hard not to connect the two events after they've taken down a guy who invaded their dreams, and then the church reacts to the abyss.

"The guy we killed who invaded my related to the abyss?" Lily frowned.

Zhong Ye shook his head, "No, I'm afraid that guy isn't dead yet..."

At this moment, Pastor Igor hurried over and said anxiously: "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, the place where the abyss reaction appears has been determined—it is the castle!"

There is only one place around Schaffhausen that can be called a 'castle', and that is the lord's castle.

Hearing this, Zhong Ye and the others immediately reacted.

Zhong Ye and Lily looked at each other and said in unison: "Paolino!"

They just visited the lord of Schaffhausen today and got a voucher from him that was not very useful.

Although they later made the momentum 'slightly' bigger, but it's not enough for Paulino to attack them directly, right?Didn't he just call himself out?

Or, in fact, Paulino Baum didn't know that the church had rituals to detect signals from the abyss?Or did he not know that the things he was driving were actually from the abyss?

No matter what the reason is, the abyss signal in the castle can never go wrong.

After returning to the room to pack up the equipment, Zhong Ye and the others left the church before the others and headed for Schaffhausen's castle.

The clergy also need to decorate the church to protect the people of Schaffhausen from harm.

The abyss signal has already appeared in the castle, and they must be too late to rush there now. The top priority is to protect the thousands of people in Schaffhausen.

The wind in the middle of the night was so cold, Lily woke up immediately after being blown head-on by the cold wind, no longer sleepy, and hurriedly tightened her clothes.

Even the flames on the torch in Zhong Ye's hand were pulled by the strong wind, they were like naughty children, left and right, front and back, pulling the flames so badly that people couldn't help worrying whether the flames would go out.

Fortunately, the flame is very tenacious, even though it is torn by the strong wind, it will never go out.

Going up the hillside, the towering city wall is in sight.

The castle is located at the highest point of Schaffhausen, standing on the top of the castle overlooking the whole town.

If the gate of the castle is not open, it will not be easy to enter. Fortunately, Zhong Ye and the others have already brought enough equipment.

Zhong Ye rotated the claw with his right hand, and at a certain moment, he threw it upwards. The claw left the range of the torch light in an instant, and flew upwards against the city wall.

An inaudible sound appeared, and Zhong Ye tugged hard to make sure that the claws were strong enough, then nodded to Lily and Lilian, took the torch from their hands, jumped up, and jumped onto the city wall.

He was like a cat with pads, but his feet landed without making any sound.

In fact, there is still a sound, but this sound is covered by the wind.

Lily and Lilian quickly climbed up the rope, and Lilian was in charge of finishing and retracted the claw.

After she finished, Zhong Ye and the others headed towards the interior of the castle.

Standing here, Zhong Ye could already hear the sound coming from the ground.

These noises woke up the whole castle, but they were in such a panic that no one dared to go down to check.


"Lord Paulino..."

During the period, there were also such shouts.

"The lord and Paulino seem to be missing." Zhong Ye said suddenly.

Hearing this, Lily raised her vigilance quickly, "Did Paulino kill the lord? Or, in fact, the person who made this movement was the lord. He used the power of the abyss to kill Paulino, and at the same time, he couldn't bear the power of the abyss." Backlash, something happened?"

"I don't know." Zhong Ye shook his head, looked down at the ground, "Did you feel it? The movement came from underground."


"The basement!" Lily pursed her lips tightly.

When it comes to the basement, there are many things that can be associated with it.

A male servant knocked open the window, and crawled out, but ran into Zhong Ye and the others head-on.

When seeing them, the male servant was clearly taken aback.

"What happened inside?" Lily stepped forward and asked.

Lily's words aroused the memory of the servant, and fear quickly appeared in his eyes.

"Monster! There are monsters!"

Shouting, the manservant staggered to his feet and ran towards the castle gate in fear, shouting as he ran.

"Help! Help! Open the door!"

The soldiers living in the city wall were also awakened, stunned for a moment, and then began to make preparations in a hurry.

Zhong Ye had already heard the captain's angry shouts at those soldiers. This castle is a structure with walls enclosing a fortress. Normally, this large house that was a fortress during wartime was the place where the lord lived.

He walked quickly to the main entrance of the fortress, kicked sideways, and opened the gate.

The lights in the fortress were not bright, for example, the hall in front of Zhong Ye and the others was completely dark.

And in the darkness, there was a sound of panting.

This gasping sound that sounded loud actually came from the underground of the castle. In addition, Zhong Ye also heard screams and screams, and these two voices also came from the underground.

Zhong Ye led Lili and the others into the fortress, and soon met two flustered maids.

Seeing Zhong Ye's outfit and appearance, a younger maid immediately asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"We come from the church to solve the problems in this castle." Zhong Ye replied, then asked, "Where is the basement?"

The young maid wanted to speak again, but was held back by the older maid beside her.

"The over there." The old maid raised her finger and pointed to the corner of the corridor, "Pass the second door after that corner."

"Thank you." Zhong Ye nodded to express his gratitude to them, and passed them by.

After they left, the young maid looked at the old maid, "Why did you hold me back?"

The old maid shook her head, and carrying the oil lamp, she walked towards the direction Zhong Ye and the others came from.

"People from the church don't often go out, let alone break into the castle. I think they use the name of the church to come in and rob. It's better not to conflict with them."

The young maid stared wide-eyed, "But, the master is here..."

The old maid suddenly turned her head, with a trace of fear in her eyes, "Do you think... is the master still a human being? Can a human being make such a sound?"


A terrible scream suddenly sounded, causing the two maids to shudder, lower their heads in fear, and quicken their pace of escape.

(End of this chapter)

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