Soul echo

Chapter 414 "The Plague Has Spread!"

Chapter 414 "The Plague Has Spread!"

Two days later, Zhong Ye and the others got the signal of 'the start of action'.

So, with enough weapons and equipment, they set off from the adventurer's home.

The meeting place of the merchants who were suspected of being plague believers was located in a manor outside the city, which was the land they bought from a fallen nobleman.

According to the information given by the Earth Mother Church, this chamber of commerce gathered by small and medium-sized businessmen is quite scattered, and the relationship between them is not harmonious, just a relationship of keeping warm.

However, they pooled their money and bought a manor.

That manor used to belong to a declining nobleman. Since he was a nobleman, he must have a higher vision, and he was about to sell his ancestral land. This shows that the declining nobleman's asking price must not be low, but those merchants still bought the manor.

Before the in-depth investigation, the Earth Mother Church did not know about this matter, but after knowing this matter, they became suspicious of this group of businessmen.

Although this group of merchants were grain merchants, they didn't need to buy land. After all, they just bought grain and then sold it. What's more, a manor with such a small land could not grow much grain.

The manor looked more like it existed for the purpose of concealing others, and at the same time, it also provided a meeting place for the group of businessmen.

Zhong Ye and the others left the city and came to lurk near the manor according to the apprentice who led the way.

They will not directly contact those merchants, because their appearance will only make those merchants vigilant. Therefore, they need to wait for the signal from the priests before they can attack the manor. The same is true for the armed forces of several churches. .

When Zhong Ye and the others came here, some church guards disguised as civilians had already gathered here, waiting for the signal from the priests at any time.

After waiting for a while outside the manor, a team led by the bishop of the Earth Mother Church came from the city.

The gatekeeper of the manor obviously knew the face of the bishop, talked to him, and then let the team in - the gatekeeper did not ask the owner of the manor for instructions, because they had no reason and no right to reject the bishop of Dimu Church outside the door.

Their chamber of commerce is in the food business, and things related to food cannot be bypassed by the Earth Mother Church.

Mother Earth has the priesthood of 'Harvest' and 'Agriculture', and as grain merchants, they obviously cannot refuse Mother Earth Church.

Not long after the team entered the manor, Zhong Ye and the others received a signal - the ring in the hand of the cleric who brought them here from the Adventurer's House suddenly flickered.

The moment Zhong Ye saw the signal, Zhong Ye jumped out, kicked the gate of the manor to pieces.

The shards of the door exploded, but there was no one behind the door, and naturally no accidental injury was caused.

Zhong Ye rushed into the manor one step ahead, followed by Lily and Lilian, and the others were more than one step behind them.

"You are done!"

When Zhong Ye came to the battlefield, the first thing he heard was this roar.

The manor's mansion had become a battlefield. The main entrance of the mansion was broken, and a deformed corpse fell in front of the door.

Zhong Ye jumped over the corpse and rushed into the mansion, seeing the clergymen fighting a group of deformed plague believers.

The bishop stood at the forefront, constantly bombarding the body of a plague believer with his knuckle-wearing fists. The plague believer who roared just now was him.

Even though he was retreating steadily under the bishop's powerful attack, the plague believers still laughed.

"Even if you kill us, you can't change the reality, and you can't stop the spread of the plague!"

The bishop let out a roar, and a radiance appeared on his fist, and he swung suddenly, punching a hole in the plague believer's chest.

However, it is still alive!

The deformed body endowed it with strong vitality, even under the erosion of the holy power, it can survive tenaciously and even attempt to repair itself.

"This plague uses crops as the carrier, and its target is food rather than human beings!" The plague believer smiled ferociously, "We have been doing business for so many years, not only selling food, but also selling seeds. Those seeds Carrying the plague, several years have passed, and the plague has already infected the seeds in those lands... No matter what you do, you can't change this fact!"

After Zhong Ye rushed into the battlefield, he didn't trouble the plague believer. He was waiting for the plague believer to tell the whole truth.

Obviously, that guy knew that he would not be able to survive, and his companions would also die, so he chose to tell all the businesses they had been running for many years before he died, and let this group of priests Feel helpless hopelessness.

The more miserable they are, the happier it is!
It is not a demon from the abyss, it is just a cultist, once it dies, it is a real death, and the soul cannot return to the abyss.

Death is undoubtedly painful, but compared to spreading the plague and making more people feel despair and pain, death is not so unacceptable.

Twist it!Be angry!despair!

The plague believers laughed wildly, "This is a disaster that you can't solve at all-from Hallstatt to the Kingdom of Gaul, then to the Kingdom of Yitruul and the Kingdom of Rhine, we spent 18 years spreading the business, Only in the last three years did the final step of the plan begin!
"15 years! For 15 years, we were just doing ordinary business. How can you see through our disguise?!"

It was punched by the bishop, and its whole body hit the wall.

Even though it was coughing up blood, it was still laughing: "The plague has spread—the plague has spread!"

A holy light summoned by the bishop pierced the head of the plague believer, killing it completely, and then looked around gloomyly, only to find that the other plague believers had been killed.

And the person who killed them was none other than Zhong Ye!

"Zhong, why are you shooting so fast? I haven't killed a few plague believers, and you have hacked all the other plague believers to death." Lily walked over with an ax and gun dripping with blood, and couldn't help complaining.

She wears an ugly full-wrap mask on her face, which is to prevent the plague believers from unleashing the plague.

Some plagues are useless to be cured simply. When they are infected, they have already caused damage to the body. At this time, it is much more troublesome to treat them.

Therefore, it is best not to be infected with something like the plague.

Zhong Ye did not respond to Lily's complaint, turned to look at the bishop, and asked, "What happened?"

"...We just came in, and when we saw them, they immediately transformed." The bishop clenched his fists with an ugly face, "Maybe he knew that we had suspected their identities, and they also knew that they could not stand the investigation, so Transform directly to fight with us."

However, the situation is as seen now, this group of plague believers are vulnerable!
Even without Zhong Ye and the others, the power of the few churches in Winterthur is enough to wipe out this group of plague believers.

The reason why this group of plague believers did not possess great power may be related to the plan they carried out.

They did not work hard to spread the plague, did not work hard to create death, but have been doing business in an ordinary way, and they did not start to spread the plague until three years ago.

Doing so would certainly have a great impact, but as a price, this group of plague believers would not be able to receive the gift of the God of Plague, and would not be able to possess great power.

Zhong Ye originally thought that he would experience a fierce battle when he came to Winterthur, but he didn't expect this incident to 'end' so easily.

The death of the plague believers does not mean the complete end of the whole incident, they have left a huge impact on the world.

If the plague believer is telling the truth, then there may be a famine in the areas it just mentioned...

They don't need many people to buy the seeds they sell. They only need some people in an area to buy the seeds to achieve the purpose of spreading the plague.

Today, the plague has spread!
 happy New Year to all

(End of this chapter)

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