Soul echo

Chapter 412 Winterthur

Chapter 412 Winterthur
The plague believers in Constantia didn't seem to think that their plan would fail. Therefore, not only did they not dismantle the altar under the farm, but they didn't even destroy the letters stored there.

Today's church internal communication network was established after the God of Plague rebelled against the world of Dan, and plague believers did not have this technology.

Even if they knew how to build such a communication network, they couldn't build it, because it would require churches, and it would require a lot of clergy.

Although plague believers can bring great damage to this world, they are just silverfish hiding in the gutter, and there are not many of them.

Therefore, if the plague believers want to communicate, they need to pass letters.

After finding those letters, the priests used divine magic to trace the source and confirmed that these letters came from Winterthur.

So, Zhong Ye and the others came to this city.

After entering Winterthur, Zhong Ye and the others found that the residents in the city were panicked and nervous.

After a while, Zhong Ye heard from two residents standing on the side of the street talking. It turned out that the residents of Winterthur knew that there was a plague in the north. It was just because they were not well-informed and did not know that the plague had been brought under control.

After the plague of living corpses broke out in the northern border of Hallstatt, the church in Winterthur conducted a city-wide search. Although no infected person was found, it also caused panic in the whole city.

Even now, the residents of Winterthur are still worried about the plague in the city.

But Zhong Ye and the others knew very well that the plague probably wouldn't appear in Winterthur.

Winterthur is so close to Constantia, the reason why the plague didn't spread may be because of something the plague worshipers in Winterthur did.

If the plague believers in Winterthur really prevented the spread of the plague of living corpses, then they must have a deeper and more harmful conspiracy. Otherwise, how could these guys who are responsible for spreading the plague prevent the spread of the plague?

It was already noon when Zhong Ye and the others arrived in Winterthur. They found the Adventurer's House in this city, checked in and had lunch along the way, and then set off for the church in Winterthur.

As a large city with a large population, the church in Winterthur is naturally stronger.

There are three main beliefs in Winterthur: the Goddess of the Earth, the God of Artisans, and the 'Oneiroi'.

Oneiroi is not a mainstream belief. Except for the church in Winterthur, he relies on the churches of the Goddess of Family and the Church of God of War in other places. Therefore, He is generally regarded by others as the two The gods belong to the gods, but this is wrong, the Oneiroi is actually an independent god.

Seeing the Church of Oneiroi in Winterthur, Zhong Ye was slightly surprised.

Not long ago, he used the power of Oneiroi, learned a lot of key information from Kadiana, and deduced the whole picture of the Constantia plague incident.

But now, they encountered the Church of Oneiroi.

Although the Church of the Earth Mother is the most powerful church in Winterthur, since he has seen the Church of Oneiroi, he naturally wants to go in and take a look.

Not only in Constantia, before that, he also used the power of the Oneiroi to hone his martial arts to the extreme. After all, he accepted the favor of this fallen god, even if the Oneiroi has fallen, he You can also take proper care of His church.

Zhong Ye asked Lily and Lilian to wait outside the door for a while, and then walked into the church of Oneiroi. When he walked out of the church, the money bag tied around his waist disappeared.

Lily noticed this for the first time, and looked at him suspiciously, "You are..."

Zhong Ye smiled slightly, and led them to the church of Dimu Church, "Donated."

While walking, he talked to them about how the Oneiroi helped him.

"The Dream God...has fallen?" Lily's eyes widened, and she tried her best to lower her voice, almost exclaiming.

She looked back at the church behind her. Although there were not many people entering and leaving the church, there were still a few.

The church is still in operation, and the believers don't look different, which shows that they haven't noticed this.

In other words, in the eyes of the Oneiroi believers, the Oneiroi has not fallen, he is still alive...

But compared to those believers, Lily trusted Zhong Ye's statement more, because Zhong Ye would never lie to deceive them.

"Then when did he fall?" Lilian asked curiously with a blink of an eye.

For her, the gods are the background setting of the game world. The reason why a god will fall is definitely because the screenwriter wants to do something, so naturally it is impossible to have a big reaction.

"Probably on my way to Belgrade." Zhong Ye sighed softly, "Do you still remember what happened in Belgrade?"

Lilian raised her eyebrows, "Of course I remember! I remember that the teacher killed a monster and saved the whole city!"

"That monster was created by the evil god using the fragments of Oneiroi's power, so it can force the people of the whole city into a dream. Once the soul of the whole city is eaten by it, it can hatch out of the cocoon. At that time ...It can probably become a great demon?"

Zhong Ye recalled what happened at that time, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

If it weren't for his firm will and not being affected by the dream, Belgrade might really be in danger.

Of course, it's not that the gods can't take action, but if they do, it may cause other problems, so the gods didn't say anything until he killed the beast.

While talking, Zhong Ye and the others came to the door of the Dimu Church.

The door of the church was open. Passing through the foyer, Zhong Ye and the others saw many people scattered on the benches set up in the middle hall.

Most of the believers lowered their heads and prayed sincerely.

The priest's apprentice standing in the aisle noticed someone coming in and turned his head to look.

Blinking his eyes in doubt, the apprentice walked towards Zhong Ye and the others, "You three, it is not allowed to carry weapons in the church..."

"We came to discuss things with the pastor of the church." Zhong Ye slowed down his voice and said in a harmonious voice, "We came from the northern border to support you. I think you should have received the news."


The apprentice opened his mouth slightly, didn't the plague just broke out?
But looking at Zhong Ye's appearance, it didn't look like he was lying.

The apprentice frowned in distress, and pursed his lips, "Then, then I will ask the instructor, please wait here for a while and don't move around, because in principle, churches are not allowed to carry weapons."

After speaking, the apprentice ran away directly.

Her series of actions made Lily couldn't help but patted Lilian's shoulder involuntarily.

Lilian looked confused, and heard Lily chuckle: "That little girl should be about the same age as you, I didn't expect to be so confused..."

Listening to Lily's laughter, Lilian was a little puzzled, what's so funny about it?Isn't her smile too weird?
Seeing Lilian's bewildered face, Lily laughed even more cheerfully, but she needed to suppress her laughter in the church.

Zhong Ye turned around helplessly and patted her forehead, "Don't bully Lilian."

Lily let out a low cry, covered her forehead and gave Zhong Ye a hard look, then turned her head to look in another direction, but the corners of her mouth were still raised high.

What is it all about... Lilian became more and more confused as she watched.

Before Zhong Ye could explain to her, the little apprentice who had just run over hurriedly ran back.

"Three, three, please follow me."

I don't know whether it was because of panting or excitement, the little apprentice's face was flushed, and he looked at Zhong Ye with admiration, "My lord bishop wants to meet you."


Zhong Ye's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that the Earth Mother Church still attached great importance to this matter.

Originally, any pastor would do the handover. Now that the power of the clergy in Winterthur is empty, the bishop must have more things to deal with than before. Even so, the bishop of the Earth Mother Church decided to meet with them.

Of course, it is also possible that the problem with this matter is more serious... I just hope it is not such a possibility!
(End of this chapter)

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