Soul echo

Chapter 409 The End of the Plague

Chapter 409 The End of the Plague
The sky suddenly darkened, the lights in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the cultists around the table disappeared.

The naked woman lying on the table before was being dragged by two people towards the shore of the lake.

The surrounding scene had changed from the inside of the house to a dark street. With the faint moonlight, Zhong Ye watched the two people walking all the way to the lake and to the exit of the sewer.

When they came here, the two of them blocked their noses, stooped and walked in.

Zhong Ye wanted to follow in, but at this moment, the surrounding scenery changed again.

This time, it was completely dark.

Zhong Ye raised his hand, but he couldn't see his fingers.

Smelling the indescribable stench, Zhong Ye finally confirmed that this was Constantia's sewer.

This was Kadiana's dream, and it was impossible for him to see what she hadn't seen. That is to say, after being thrown into the sewer, she probably never saw what the surroundings looked like.

Zhong Ye remained silent. Although judging from what she had done before, she was not worthy of sympathy, but out of empathy, he couldn't help but feel a little pitiful for her.

A flame jumped up suddenly, Zhong Ye looked up in surprise, and saw the female druid leaning against the dirty wall panting rapidly, her whole body was red and her face was ugly.

However, it was also at this moment that this 'phantom' from the past was replaced by the present self-awareness, and Kadiana turned into that numb and lifeless look again, still chanting that sentence in her mouth.

That sounds like a name, who is it?
However, this female druid is quite disgusting with humans, maybe this is the name of a certain beast, or even the name of the king of the lake.

Just when Zhong Ye was about to leave, Kadiana changed again.

Self-awareness was overwritten by past memories, and a painful expression appeared on that pretty face again.

She raised her hand tremblingly, uttered a spell, turned her fingers to wood, and then... carved words on her body.

"Druids" originally meant priests of Celtic culture, but "people who talk to God", but with the development of the times, the Celts developed writing and kingship, and it is no longer necessary to record history. Druids, doctors, judges and other powers were also divided, and druids gradually became similar to today's priests, but still in charge of power.

However, the belief of the Celts is closer to the god of nature. In the process of serving the god of nature and its deity, the Druids gradually had contradictions and conflicts with the mainstream civilization of the Celts.

If civilization wants to develop, it needs too many things, most of which go against the philosophy of Druids. Therefore, Druids and Celts officially parted ways.

They walked into the wilderness, no longer a member of the Celtic civilization, no longer would they sacrifice their lives for the Celtics to communicate with the gods, and for the inheritance of civilization.

They have become servants of nature, defenders of the environment, and 'savages' outside civilized society.

But also because they were once part of the Celtic civilization and were in charge of the culture of the civilization, they also had their own words.

Zhong Ye didn't know the meaning of the words Kadiana wrote on his body, so he memorized those words by rote, deep in his mind, and after this matter was over, he went to ask those druids.

Bloody words appeared on Kadiana's skin one after another, and she was sweating, but she didn't dare to stop.

The female druid gritted her teeth tightly, and as the words gradually became clearer and more numerous, rustling sounds came from around her.

Cockroaches, centipedes, and mice crawled over, and cats and dogs also walked around the narrow place, gathering around Kadiana.

They stayed in place quietly and did not attack each other.

If it didn't happen in the sewer, this scene would definitely be an eye-opener.

Zhong Ye watched silently, and suddenly noticed that in a corner, a centipede suddenly twisted its body and attacked the cockroaches beside it.

Its sudden attack caused restlessness among the animals, but they didn't have the IQ to avoid the centipede.

Not satisfied after eating a cockroach in two or three bites, the centipede set its sights on a cat this time.

It turns out that a centipede is no match for even the leanest cat.

The centipede was torn into several pieces by the angry cat, and after the head was crushed, the first half was swallowed into the cat's stomach.

The commotion did not stop there, the plague of living corpses broke out among the animals, and more and more animals were attacked by other animals.

This made Zhong Ye realize that the plague of living corpses had already spread underground in Constantia, but these animals solved it by themselves.

However, this only delayed the outbreak of the plague of living corpses.

Judging from the actions of these animals fighting each other, even if other animals can defeat those animals that turned into living corpses, they themselves are actually infected with the plague of living corpses, and the plague will break out among them sooner or later.

"Huh, huh..."

Kadiana gasped, her arms drooping limply.

She personally carved a series of incantation-like words on her body with wooden fingers, so her front was already a bloody mess.

The moment the female druid finished her spell, the animals turned to look at her, infected or not.

From this moment on, she is the 'King' of the Constantia Sewer.

At this time, the surrounding light gradually dimmed, and the scene shifted again, and this time, they returned to the farmhouse at the beginning.

The lights came on again, harsh laughter and cheers came to the ears, and Kadiana, who was lying on the table, changed back to the appearance of losing herself.

Zhong Ye lowered his eyes and sighed. Just as he was about to leave, his position changed again.

He watched as Kadiana was dragged to the sewer again by two plague believers and thrown into it.

Immediately, the environment became dark, and they came to the sewer again.

Then the fire light came on for the second time, and Kadiana continued the 'last time' action, engraving a spell on herself.

Only this time, time sped up a lot.

Zhong Ye suddenly realized something, and stopped moving, but stood aside and watched silently.

The action accelerates, the scene changes, again and again.

Kadiana is like a ghost trapped in a time loop, reliving events from the past over and over again.

She comes from the past, and only exists in the past, and has no future.

Perhaps, the sewer scene that Zhong Ye saw was the last moment of her life.

Every time you go through it, the 'play speed' of the next time will increase.

Nightmares from the past imprisoned Kadiana, dragging her bewildered and desperate soul into a trap where she would never wake up again.

This is Kadiana's dream and her subconscious mind.

She's still alive - just in the form of a 'zombie'.

But Zhong Ye could also vaguely feel that she was going to die - just wake up from this dream.

The dream was still speeding up, the laughter from the cultists had become sharp and distorted, and the movement of the female druid carving spells on her body was also extremely fast.

The blink of an eye is a reincarnation, Zhong Ye couldn't even see what those people did, the movement of the female druid carving the spell on her body was as fast as a phantom.

Finally, after a certain reincarnation, the speed returned to normal, but the female druid who was tied to the table also returned to normal.

She looked around in horror, and suddenly her eyes froze, staring blankly at Zhong Ye.

"……Who are you?"

As a result, the surrounding environment fell apart and instantly turned into pure white.

Then, Zhong Ye opened his eyes.

Animal corpses were flying from all directions, and the one closest to him was already within ten meters of him.

Zhong Ye turned his wrist and swung the long knife.

The torn air bombarded the tide of corpses, tearing a gap that existed for a short time.

Zhong Ye jumped up at the right time, rushed out from the gap, stepped on the air pedal, ran in the air, and jumped out of the encirclement of living animal corpses.

It was also at this time that the huge living corpse woke up.


Accompanied by its cry, the living animal corpses that were chasing Zhong Ye suddenly froze and fell from the air one after another.

If Zhong Ye felt something, he landed on the roof of an uncollapsed house not far away, and looked back at the huge living corpse.

The hundreds of tentacles hang down limply, and the eyes sandwiched between the two pieces of fat try to widen, wanting to take another look at the world.

In the distance, flames suddenly shot up into the sky, which seemed to be a signal. After the first fire ignited, the second, third, fourth...everywhere there were flames shining in the sky.

At this time, it was time for Zhong Ye to withdraw.

"Ah... woo... um..."

The giant living corpse seemed to want to say something, but its language ability had degraded, making it unable to express its will clearly.

Looking at those flames, it didn't feel angry. On the contrary, tears of blood filled its eyes and slid down along the folds of its face like bark.

Zhong Ye looked at it silently, then turned around and left suddenly.

The living animal corpses stopped, and even though Zhong Ye walked past them, they only moved their jointed limbs slightly, without any other movements.

In just a few moments, the continuous fire engulfed most of the city.

Zhong Ye walked out of the flames. At this time, the living animal corpses remained motionless, being licked by the high temperature, silently reduced to ashes.

The plague of Constantia came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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