Soul echo

Chapter 406 Action Begins

Chapter 406 Action Begins

Three days had passed since the battle that took place in Constantia. The druids came and went. Not only did they not help, they even caused a lot of trouble.

But it was also from them that Zhong Ye learned part of the truth about the plague in Constantia.

A druid called 'Kadiana' followed the plague believers and came to Constantia, but I don't know what happened. Maybe she was defeated by the plague believers, or maybe she was killed by the plague before she could do anything. In short, she was infected with the zombie plague and became the ruler of all animal corpses in the city today.

At the same time, it is not clear why Kadiana, who turned into a living corpse, did not let the living animal corpses rush to the surface and directly destroy Constantia.

——Judging from the abilities displayed by those animal corpses, they are fully capable of destroying Constantia.

Zhong Ye had some vague guesses about this, but he couldn't be sure.

In these three days, after the animal corpses hunted all the human corpses, they fell into silence, as if they were brewing something, and there was no more action.

It was like the calm before the storm, eerily quiet.

Zhong Ye has been guarding around Constantia, and even Lilian and Lily had to go to Kreuzlingen several times during this period to remove and suppress the spread of the virus in their bodies.

Over time, the clergymen who came to support gradually came into place. Among them, the medical church dispatched hundreds of clergymen to ensure that each town is equipped with at least three clergymen to prevent the plague of living corpses. Large-scale outbreaks in other towns made their epidemic prevention work fall short.

The help of the players is also crucial. If it weren't for the players who were summoned, this plague would not have been able to be ended in such a short period of time.

The plague has been brought under control in all places except Constantia.

The druids, who knew that they had almost done them a disservice, no longer acted on their own, but joined the church's action queue, helping the church remove the living animal corpses in the wild, and working hard to purify the water sources in every place.

Today, in the entire north of Hallstatt, only the plague of Constantia is still out of control.

Because winter is about to pass, the temperature is gradually warming up, and people no longer need fuel oil, firewood, and charcoal. When the priests bought these things at a [-]% premium, they emptied their inventory without hesitation.

——Anyway, the coming days are unlikely to be too cold. Even if it turns cold again, a few more sets of clothes can make it through, and the money from selling fuel can be invested in next year's production. It is a good thing for everyone.

Therefore, during the three days, combustible materials such as fuel oil were successively transported from other towns and villages and piled up around Constantia.

These things cannot be ignited directly. If they are ignited directly, I am afraid that the entire city cannot be burned down, and naturally all the living animal corpses inside cannot be destroyed.

Next, they will conduct a surprise operation, breaking into Constantia, dumping and placing inflammable materials such as fuel oil and firewood in appropriate positions.

Now the living animal corpses in Constantia have probably completed several evolutions because they devoured all the living human corpses. Perhaps their individual strength is not as good as that of humans, but their huge number alone is terrifying enough.

Before the operation started, Zhong Ye and the commanders of this operation gathered together to confirm the plan again.

"After the operation starts, I will immediately rush to the ruler of the living animal corpses and attract them all."

Zhong Ye pointed to the marked points on the map, and said: "The points marked in red must be placed with flammable objects, and the other points are only drawn with a circle, so they don't need to be placed, but it is better to put flammable objects. Just in case.

"However, if your lives are threatened, you can evacuate directly. After all, these points are just 'suggestions', not mandatory requirements."

In other words, even if your life is threatened, even if you have to pay the price of your life, you must put inflammables on the points marked in red!
The other people present silently nodded, expressing that they had made it clear.

Among them are the mercenary group hired by the church, the armed forces of the church itself, and players.

Under the threat of the plague, they gathered together to completely wipe out the living animals in Constantia.

"After the matter is completed, in addition to the remuneration agreed by the church, I will also give you an additional share in a factory around Paris. Although it is not yet profitable, the business situation in the past two years has been very good. I have already put their losses Fill it in, and it only takes one or two months for that factory to return to profitability.

"I am only responsible for giving you shares. How to distribute the shares is up to you to discuss."

After saying that, Zhong Ye turned around, waved his hand, and walked out of the tent.

After leaving the tent, he met Lily and Lilian who were waiting outside.

"Zhong..." Lili looked at Zhong Ye worriedly, but hesitated to speak.

Before she could continue to speak, Zhong Ye shook his head, "I can only do this, and I am the only one who is sure to survive the siege of those living animal corpses."

Of course Lily knew about these things, but she just felt extremely helpless.

"What about you? What else do you want to say?" Zhong Ye turned his gaze to Lilian.

Lilian smiled triumphantly, "I'm a small captain now!"

The corner of Zhong Ye's mouth raised slightly, and he patted her on the shoulder, "Do it well."

After speaking, he walked past Lilian and the others, and walked towards Constantia amidst people's greetings and greetings.

The church didn't intend to open the city gate of Constantia, so a few mages were brought in to shape a few stairs leading to the top of the city.

Zhong Ye climbed up the city wall along one of the stairs, and looked at the city that had been silent for a long time.

After a while, he heard many voices from the camp outside the city.

Clothes rubbing, armor colliding, getting up, walking, walking back and forth...

Zhong Ye took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

After about a few minutes, a person shouted from under the city wall: "Your Excellency Zhong Ye, the operation is about to begin!"

People carried flammable materials on their bodies and gradually climbed up the city wall from several stairs.

Zhong Ye opened his eyes, once again taking the dilapidated Constantia into his eyes.

Without saying a word, he jumped up from the city wall and crashed down.

The shock and loud noise woke up the city of living corpses, and countless animals hidden in the corners became active and appeared in the sunlight.

Cockroaches, centipedes, spiders, and moths poured out from the corners one after another, like black tides surging one after another.

Zhong Ye drank the 'Dragon's Breath Potion' in advance, and when they appeared in front of him, he spit out a mouthful of long breath.

The raging fire devoured countless insects, and even mammals such as mice and cats were ignited.

The screams became one, sensational.

Then, Zhong Ye stepped forward and disappeared from the spot with a bang.

People couldn't see his actions at all, they could only see a series of afterimages that quickly dissipated. These afterimages formed a straight line and extended deep into the city.

Without being dragged down by others, after fully displaying his own strength, Zhong Ye showed a jaw-dropping strength.

"Drop the rope!"

The guardians were the first to act. With the help of others, these fighters wearing airtight fully enclosed armor fell down the ropes to the ground, attracting the attention of the living animal corpses.

They threw potions in all directions, only to see that the potion bottle had just landed, and the flames suddenly rose.

The guardians used the flames to quickly clear an open space, and more people entered Constantia.

Just when they were about to set off for the location marked on the map, all the living animal corpses suddenly turned and rushed towards the same direction.

Watching those tides recede quickly, people seem to feel somewhat unrealistic and absurd.

But soon, they realized——

——Zhong Ye has already started a war with the ruler of the living animal corpses!

 I helped the family with a day's work today, the update is late, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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