Soul echo

Chapter 402 Druid

Chapter 402 Druid
After entering Constantia, two-thirds of the druids' bodies began to deform, growing fur and scales, and their limbs dissimilated accordingly. The animal skins that originally covered them also merged with them at this moment.


A giant bear stood up, its height was about the same as the house next to it.

The huge palm slapped the ground, shaking the room suddenly, and countless tiles fell down.

The bodies of the cockroaches that were lying on a dead body and devouring the flesh were smashed, but when the giant bear raised its palm, their limbs were still shaking, and it was not known whether they were dead or not.

The druids transformed into wild beasts rampaged through the streets, while the birds flapped their wings and soared into the sky, fighting with the living corpses of the birds in the sky.

Every time they flap their wings, they can blow moths, flies, and mosquitoes away, so that they can't get close.

The druids didn't intend to get entangled with the living animal corpses, and rushed straight towards the depths of Constantia.

This also made Lily's face extremely ugly. They had just discussed what would happen if they directly killed the rulers of these animal corpses.

But these druids actually wanted to kill the ruler directly?
"What are you doing?"

Lily turned her head to look at the two druids who were also preparing to set off behind her, and roared: "Do you know what you are doing? Just kill the ruler of this group of animal corpses, and they will let them escape from Constantia and let other places plagued by the plague—is this what you call 'atonement'?"


Hearing this, the face of the humanoid druid changed.

"Now the ruler is confining these living animal corpses to Constantia. If it dies, the living animal corpses in the entire city will lose their restraint in an instant. At that time, they will escape from here!" Lily couldn't help it. Screaming, "What the hell are you trying to do? It's fine if you don't want to help, why do you want to help?"

Both druids panicked, they hadn't thought of this possibility at all.

"Go! Go tell the others!"

The humanoid druid slammed his companion on the shoulder and screamed, "We're going to stop them!"

Hearing these words, Lily looked back in disgust.

How can there be such a stupid guy!
Another druid turned into a giant eagle again, hurriedly soared into the air, let out a sharp and clear cry, and told the other druids about it.

The humanoid druid also jumped off the city wall, stretched his body in the air, and then let out a roar, turned into a black wolf and landed on the ground, chasing after the other druids in the direction they were heading.

Zhong Ye and the others could see that some druids who were still running rampant in the street hesitated and stopped slowly after the giant eagle made that chirp.

However, there are still a few druids who continue to rush towards the depths of the city.

Lily stomped her feet angrily, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught Zhong Ye picking up the long knife and stepping on the battlement.


Zhong Ye said coldly: "I think we are in trouble!"

As he said that, he looked at a few players who were eager to try, "Leave two of you here to support, if anyone wants to join me, just follow!"

Then, he jumped out of the city wall and landed with a crash.

Lily and Lilian looked at each other and jumped down.

Sensing a 'living person', the living animal corpses gathered around, and Zhong Ye picked up a bottle of potion at the right time and poured it into his mouth.

The medicine reacted with the saliva in the mouth, first forming a heat-insulating film, and then the heat began to rise.

After breaking through several thresholds one after another, the flame quietly lit up.

At this moment, Zhong Ye took a deep breath.

He didn't open his mouth, but used the nasal cavity to inhale, a large amount of air entered the lungs through the nasal cavity, and before going through a cycle, it was diverted to the trachea and rushed into the mouth.


Flame like a dragon's breath was spewed out, and the street that was more than ten meters long was filled with flames.

The players standing on the city wall hadn't jumped down yet, and just happened to see this scene, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

To be able to blow the flames so far in one breath, how big is Zhong Ye's lung capacity!

Only in this way can it be called 'Dragon's Breath'?

After spit out the last bit of medicine in his mouth, Zhong Ye stepped forward, "Let's go!"

The animal corpses were all ignited by the flames, and they kept rolling on the street, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

It's a pity that many living animal corpses have fur or powder, which are flammable in themselves, or are too small in size. Once burned by the flame, all the internal organs and body fluids in the body are simply evaporated.

Shocking screams sounded from every corner of the street, but Zhong Ye and the others seemed to have heard nothing, and passed by with normal expressions.

After they left the street, the players finally decided who would stay behind to meet them. The two people who were left behind looked unhappy, but the others were overjoyed, and hurriedly slid down from the wall, catching up with Zhong Ye and the others.

There are too many dead animals, and many of them cannot be dealt with with the weapons in their hands.

Killed one or two, but more animal corpses rushed up, it was useless at all.

The weapons in Zhong Ye's hands are all designed to deal with creatures that are comparable in size to humans, and they have never considered dealing with insects such as cockroaches, moths, and centipedes.

Therefore, the only ones they can use are Blazing Glue and 'Dragon's Breath Potion'.

But the quantity of these things is also limited, and it is impossible to use them unlimitedly.

So Zhong Ye and the others were not going to deal with those living animal corpses. Their purpose of coming in this time was to stop the group of druids with sick minds.

"I think there's something odd about it."

While running, Zhong Ye said coldly: "There are so many druids, it is impossible for all druids to be stupid, or because they are druids and live in the wild, they should be smarter than us. Know what a 'ruler' means to the beast."

Lilian took a quick breath and asked in surprise, "So, they did it on purpose?"

"Almost." Zhong Ye looked at the street in front of him, and poured another bottle of Dragon's Breath Potion.

Seeing his movement, the others stopped, ready to deal with the enemies coming from the side and behind.

The flames filled the streets again, devouring the large number of living animal corpses in front of them.

Heat poured into every void, and even the insects that were crushed under the corpses of other animals were scorched by the fire and turned into corpses.

Zhong Ye and the others set off again, and while running, he said, "I just don't know what they are doing. They should know that doing so will cause the destruction of the natural environment. As long as the plague of living corpses spreads, not only human beings, but even people living in Wild animals in the wild are not immune to harm."

Lilian's eyes widened in shock, " this a conspiracy?"

"That's my guess."

As they spoke, they overtook the humanoid druid who had transformed into a black wolf, and he was being dragged back by a swarm of insects.

Zhong Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he ran past the black wolf, he swung his long knife and created a strong wind, blowing the group of insects off the black wolf.

Hei Lang glanced at Zhong Ye in disbelief, saw the team he led running past him, hesitated for a moment, and followed Zhong Ye's footsteps.

"Thank you...but why?" Hei Lang asked suspiciously, "Why did you save me?"

"Because I'm different from you." Zhong Ye kept looking straight ahead, "I've always done things upright, and even if there's any grudges, I'll put them later.

"Now, we're going to save the towns around Constantia, and you're helping too—as long as you don't mess it up."

Hearing this, Hei Lang couldn't help grinning.

If it weren't for the fact that he is now in the shape of a beast, he might have turned red all over with embarrassment...

Turning a corner, Zhong Ye and the others caught up with the druids who had stopped.

- They have parted ways with another group of druids!
(End of this chapter)

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