Soul echo

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Lilian was still looking back, Zhong Ye tightened the belt of the bag, "Let's go."

Hearing this, the girl turned her head and looked forward, patted the horse's neck, and the motionless horse immediately stepped forward.

They stayed in Valais for two days. During this period, besides Savage, they also came into contact with some people. The people here are not hostile to them, but wary of strangers. After discovering that Zhong Ye is actually very kind ’ After that, they let their guard down.

Zhong Ye summed up many things from their churches that are conducive to opening up business routes, but he didn't find any information related to 'cultists'.

The lord of Valais is strange, leaving his castle only a few days a year, and even his soldiers leave the castle more often than he does.

There seemed to be no servants in the castle. The servants and soldiers were all Valais natives, and they could get permission from the lord to leave the castle to help the family during the busy farming season. Such a lord was probably the only one in the entire Westland.

No one felt the eccentricity of the lord here, because the people of Valais grew up here and did not know the virtues of the lords outside. normal.

Apart from this information, they didn't get any more information about the lord, they only knew that his surname was 'Ahash', which means 'mist in the mountains'.

And this information, they inquired about it on the first day, and there was nothing else to gain after that.

Although there was no time limit, Zhong Ye still decided to leave Valais on the third day.

If you don't use outrageous means, it may be difficult to find out the situation of Lord Valais, but there are not many accidental deaths in Valais, and there are very few disappearances, and there will be no case in a few years-this information is Zhong Ye learned about it from Savage.

It seems that Valais should not be in any danger now.

The Ahash family has ruled Valais for so many years. There have been no accidents in this city-state. For the time being, it can be tacitly accepted that the Valais lord is not a cultist.

Therefore, Zhong Ye wanted to go to Montreux first to confirm whether the caravan was a cultist or related to a cultist.

On the map he newly purchased, there is a marker for Montreux, and there is indeed a lake named 'Lemenus' next to it.

Montreux is located on the edge of Lake Lemonus, across the lake from the Kingdom of Gaul, and the dividing line between the Hallstatt City-State Union and the Kingdom of Gaul is near here.

Savage is not accurate enough. Montreux is actually located in the north-west direction of Valais. If you go all the way to the northwest from Valais, you can reach Lake Lemonus, but you need to pass through the Kingdom of Gaul. territory.

Therefore, they can also go to Montreux by boat from the city of the Kingdom of Gaul on Lake Lemonus.

But the Alps spanned a small half of the Western Continent. No matter which route you take, the time spent should be about the same. You need to climb over many mountains and mountains. The only difference is that one route has supplies, and the other does not.

During the lunch break, Zhong Ye spread out the map, drew two routes on it, and told Lilian the difference, letting her choose.

Looking at the map, Lilian fell into deep thought.

She blocked all the barrage and started thinking with her little brain.

"...we should go this way."

With his gloved right hand, he dashed across the map, connecting Valais and Montreux.

"Reason?" Zhong Ye asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhong Ye's question, Lilian was secretly happy. She turned off the barrage just now because she thought that Zhong Ye would test herself, and it turned out!
The girl pursed her lips, organized her thoughts and words, and said, "Because you said, teacher, that you really want to open up this trade route, and not just to get ridiculed from Savage. In this case, collecting information along the road is a must. of.

"If the caravan in 'Xiyong's Lake' is indeed related to cultists, we need to find other caravans to cooperate with. We must get enough 'evidence' that can attract them. If the route needs to go through The territory of the Kingdom of Gaul may be charged a lot of taxes, so it may not be so attractive to them."

Zhong Ye looked at her, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Is there anything else you want to add?"

Lilian was slightly startled, was there anything else she hadn't thought of?
She frowned and thought for a while, then slowly shook her head, "No more..."

"A caravan consumes a lot of people eating horse chews every day, so when developing a new trade route, they need to check the supply points on the road. While being taxed, they can also bring The goods needed for those territories in the previous part are sold and replenished all the way, even if there is a loss before entering the mountains, as long as the loss can be earned in the mountains, then the loss is not considered a loss, but can be regarded as part of the cost."

Having said that, Zhong Ye paused for a moment, affirming Lilian's idea: "Of course, your idea is also good, because taking the route of the Kingdom of Gaul requires additional renting of ships, and after arriving at the place, the carriage of goods is also a problem The specific cost is only known to them, I just want to sell a possibility, and the route to take depends on their choice."

After receiving the compliment, Lilian suddenly became happy, and her joy was beyond words, turning into two shallow dimples on her lips.

Zhong Ye took the map back and made a decision: "Then let's go directly across the mountains and find a trade route that can allow caravans to pass and is enough to attract them!"

Lilian immediately held her breath in surprise, and when Zhong Ye got up to make the horse feed, she couldn't hold back her excitement anymore.

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it all? Hehehe, I set the policy for this operation!"

When facing the camera, she is not as cautious as facing Zhong Ye. Anyway, when she has nothing to do during the trip, she often interacts with the audience, and they already know what kind of character she is.

——[Yes, yes, you are amazing]

——[Looking at Lilian being cultivated by Zhong Ye from a timid and incompetent person to a decisive person who dares to speak boldly—he is really warm and powerful , God, I feel like I really fell in love with him]

——[It seems to be the same, Lilian has really grown up a lot]

——[Shouldn't this be said that the illusion technology is very strong?I think the interaction between Lilian and Zhong Ye is like watching her communicate with a living human being. There are no bugs. Of all the games on the market, the artificial intelligence application of "Echo of Soul" is the most powerful, right? 】

——【Hey, speaking of it this way, I feel that there is no need for humans to record textbooks in the future. I will directly create an artificial intelligence teacher like Zhong Ye who is willing to teach you and will work hard to teach the next generation of children. Wouldn't education greatly accelerate the progress and development of society? 】

The audience freely expressed their thoughts in the barrage, but Lilian's attention drifted to Zhong Ye.

It was also mentioned by the barrage, she looked back at her appearance a few months ago, only to realize that she had changed so much!
At the beginning, most of her cheerfulness was pretended, just to prevent her mother from worrying. She knew that her mother would watch her live broadcast, so even in the game, she would not appear depressed.

But since becoming Zhong Ye's student, she has grown up slowly and slowly under Zhong Ye's company and teaching.

Although not every day is happier than yesterday, and not every day has grown, but she has indeed become more cheerful and brave...

It's no longer pretending, but truly optimistic and open-minded from the bottom of my heart.

Lilian was staring at Zhong Ye's back and thinking about it, but she didn't know that Zhong Ye had already noticed her actions.

——From a few months ago to now, almost every interaction between her and the audience has been seen by him.

Other aborigines will be confused by the "disguise" set by the gods, but he is not an aborigine, and his true identity is also a "player".

With his back to Lilian, Zhong Ye couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled patiently.

Of course, when he turned back to face the little girl, he would recover.

(End of this chapter)

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