Soul echo

Chapter 155 Valai's Adventurer's House

Chapter 155 Valai's Adventurer's House

Unlike the Adventurer's House in other cities, Valai's Adventurer's House is just an ordinary stone house, and the only staff member is the former adventurer named 'Savic' in front of them.

After entering the stone house, Lilian found that it was surprisingly spacious inside, but the light was not enough.

The former adventurer stumbled to the fireplace, lit the excrement inside, and then closed the iron plate of the stove to prevent the smell from spreading into the house.

Zhong Ye didn't step forward to help, because he could see that although Savage seemed careless on the surface, he didn't care about his disability, and even used it as a capital to show off, but in fact, this behavior was because he cared too much. So much so that I don't want others to discriminate against him-a story that sounds very 'honorary' is enough to cover up the bad impact of disability on him.

Because of this, if he stepped forward to help, it would make Savage feel discriminated against.

Valais in late autumn has become cold, even Lilian had to wear a few more clothes, and only Zhong Ye was still wearing a single shirt to resist the cold wind.

Until now, Lilian didn't know how powerful her teacher was.

After lighting the oil lamps hanging on the pillars to light up the whole room, Savage walked to Zhong Ye and sat down opposite Zhong Ye and the others. With an excited and eager smile on his face, he said, "Are you going to stay? The price list sent to us by the above, one day's accommodation includes food, I should charge you a copper coin."

He wasn't excited because he was able to make money by 'opening up his business', but because he was excited because adventurers finally came to Valais and could receive outsiders.

——In Valais, there are very few places where coins can be used.

"However, we don't have any other business here except food and lodging. You can see from the outside that outsiders don't come to us very often, and there are very few things happening locally, and the locals don't accept 'adventurers. The concept of "home" is not very familiar to us, so we don't have any tasks that can make you money for the time being.

"But we also have a lot of rare things here, things that the outside world doesn't have. As long as we can transport these things outside, we can make a lot of money..."

Savage sat opposite Zhong Ye and the others, using gestures to match words, talking endlessly.

I don't know how long he hasn't talked about these things with other people. After talking for a while, he realized what he was doing and stopped talking immediately.

The former adventurer patted his thigh and tried to relieve the embarrassment with a laugh, "Hahaha, I'm really sorry, because I rarely talk to other adventurers, and the locals don't like me very much except for some children The things you said..."

"Understood." Zhong Ye nodded.

Only now did Lilian clearly realize how tormented it is to choose to listen when faced with a chatterbox.

Other chatterboxes may require her to speak occasionally, but Savage can probably talk from day to night alone, without stopping all day and night.

But when the room was really quiet, she used the light to see clearly the appearance of the former adventurer in front of her.

He looked a bit burly before, but that was just an illusion after the leather jacket on his body was supported by the skeleton. In fact, he was thin.

Savage has a big frame. If the skin was filled with muscles, he might not be much shorter than Zhong Ye, but now, even the muscles of his face are sunken, and dark circles can still be seen vaguely around his eye sockets. The traces are only very faint.

If you look closely, you can see that the roots of his short-cut hair are gray, and the white hair forms spots one after another on his head.

The superimposition of these appearance features makes it easy for people to think at a glance that he once had a decadent life, but now he has found the direction of life again.

——Those black eyes looked very bright under the light.

Savage noticed Lilian's gaze, and couldn't help joking: "Miss, if you look at me like this, I will be shy."

The girl's face turned red, and she hurriedly turned her head away.

Smiling, Savage turned his gaze back to Zhong Ye.

Anyone who is not blind can tell that among the two, this man is the dominant one.

After hesitating for a while, he asked the question he had asked before: "If possible, can you tell me what you came to Valais for? Of course, I don't force it, I just want to provide some help."

He looked sincere in his eyes, as if he really wanted to help Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye folded his arms and pondered for a moment.

Although human beings are easily corrupted, it has only been a few months since the Adventurer's House started its business. For a place as special as Valais, the person in charge should be carefully selected...

"...I came here to look for cultists." Zhong Ye said slowly, "Someone has collected information that there are traces of cultists here."

"Wallet? A cultist?"

Savage tried his best to widen his eyes. In his cognition, these two words have no connection at all.

"Yes, cultist." Zhong Ye nodded seriously, "Although I doubted the authenticity of the information after coming here, since I've come here, I'll come in and take a look."

"I don't see many outsiders here all year round. It's been a few years since I retired from the military. I don't even know there are any cultists here..." Savage raised his hand to his forehead and sighed helplessly, "You must have been betrayed by your information. People who have been cheated, how can there be any heretics in Valais?"

When he heard the word 'cultist', his first reaction was absurd, the second reaction was unbelievable, and the third reaction was dumbfounding.

Where did the heretics come from in Valais? The people here don't even know what a cult is, and they live a simple and simple life day after day.

If there were cultists, a city-state like Valais would have fallen long ago.

"Let's take a look..." Zhong Ye also shook his head, "I will stay here for two or three days, and if I don't find any trace of the cultist, I will leave."

Looking at him, Savage sighed again: "It's up to you..."

After saying that, he stood up and led Zhong Ye and the others up to the second floor.

He took out the key, unlocked the door locks of two adjacent rooms in front of Zhong Ye and the others, and handed them the lock and key. Savage pointed to the two rooms and said, "This is your room. A copper coin, although a bit expensive, but I promise, you can eat delicious food that you can't eat outside!"

There is a bolt behind the door, no lock is needed, and there are not so many outsiders in this city-state, it is not so chaotic, and there is no need for too many precautions.

Lilian struggled to bring her luggage into the room, put it away and tidied it up, then left the cramped space and went downstairs.

When she went downstairs, she found that Zhong Ye was already sitting in the hall, chatting with Savage.

At this time, Savage happened to talk about why he wanted to return to his hometown and set up an adventurer's home here. The former adventurer scratched his head and was silent for a while.

"……how to say?"

Looking up at the dark ceiling, Savage crossed his arms and couldn't help sighing: "I was not a peaceful person before. My parents died of a cold when I was young. I lived with my grandfather since I was a child. My grandfather He is a strict and stubborn person, and he treated me the same way, but at that time I was very rebellious and always liked to go against him. He wanted me to inherit the farmland, cattle and sheep at home, but I yearned for the story in the story The world outside the mountains.

"During a quarrel, I left Valais in a fit of anger. After a few months, I finally got out of the mountains and went to other city-states. It was only after I went to the outside world that I realized that Valais was so poor and so poor. monotonous……

"I was fascinated by the outside world, and I didn't want to be bound, so I often wandered in some villages, pretending to be an adventurer, so I made a little money, and met real adventurers and mercenaries, confused After several years, I realized that I really seemed to be an adventurer."

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Adventurers at that time were not as standardized as they are now. As long as you are an individual, you can be an adventurer if you go out with a weapon. This is not a good word at all, it is similar to a local hooligan. .”

Lilian was fascinated by this, and couldn't help asking: "What happened later? How did you come back later?"


Savage froze for a moment, lost in memory.

(End of this chapter)

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