Soul echo

Chapter 148 New Goals

Chapter 148 New Goals
The context of Milan's abyssal invasion is clear enough that there is no need for further discussion, and why the gods did not move has its own reasons, and there is no need to repeat them.

In the end, if a certain god hadn't provided him with a hint about the nodes, I'm afraid the abyss might really set up a permanently open door in this city.

Compared with those things, Zhong Ye wanted to know how many demons still existed in this world - no specific whereabouts were needed, if there were specific whereabouts and locations, the gods would have sent priests to find them long ago.

He just wants to know how many suspected demons are lurking in this world, and he wants to find them one by one to confirm whether they are 'devils'.

He couldn't imagine what a tragedy it would be if something like this happened on Earth!
Every metropolitan area has a population of millions, and the world's population is close to [-] billion. Once a demon appears on the earth, no matter which metropolitan area it appears in, unless it falls in an ecological reserve, it will be a catastrophe. .

"...Just for this?"

Amos couldn't understand why Zhong Ye was so eager.

Now Zhong Ye's body can't see any injuries on the surface, and all the injuries on the surface and in the dark have been fully recovered under the miracle of the God of Healing, but he once said 'very painful', based on his understanding of him , the 'pain' that he can say is definitely not of an ordinary level.

Zhong Ye nodded, "Just for this."

Amos was speechless, but seeing Zhong Ye's thoughtful expression, he stopped talking.

The two of them passed through a small half of the city, and only met a few scattered people on the road. This originally extremely prosperous city suddenly became empty.

Zhong Ye vaguely remembered that when he went to the Adventurer's House to inquire about the whereabouts of the Duke of Milan, he saw those vendors hawking along the street, motorcades slowing down the street, pedestrians on the road, and gangsters running around in the streets. No matter good or bad, they all constituted A corner of the bustling picture of the city.

But now, there is nothing left here...

Walking into the Adventurer's House, I didn't hear the familiar welcome sound, even though the door was still open.

The hall was deserted, and people drank in silence, even if they communicated, their voices were low.

There was only one receptionist sitting dull behind the front desk, looking slumped, with eyes full of sadness that anyone could see.

The invasion of the abyss has brought great pain to the city. No matter whether it is a local or an outsider, they don't want to think about the things that happened a few days ago.

Just as Zhong Ye took Amos to sit in the corner of the hall, he saw the young receptionist at the front desk suddenly burst into tears for some reason, lowered his head slowly, threw himself on the table, and wept softly.

"Alas..." Even though he had learned a lot, the demon hunter couldn't help but sighed, and lowered his eyes, unwilling to look again.

Zhong Ye withdrew his gaze and opened the game forum.

His "Upgrade Guide" and "Monster Illustrated Book" haven't been updated for a while, and his private messages are full of reminders, but he doesn't have the time and mood to update those things now.

Open a forum at random, send a private message to the moderator, and not long after, he received a reply.

[These things... you'd better not pay attention to them for the time being]

It's that familiar tone again. Behind this moderator's account, there should still be the god who had been in contact with him before.

【And we can now confirm that there are only a few demons that exist in this world, but they are all well hidden, even we cannot confirm their whereabouts】

Seeing this line of text, Zhong Ye frowned slightly.

Even the gods can't track the whereabouts of those demons?
Frowning and thinking for a while, Zhong Ye typed in the chat box: "So, where are the cultists?"

Only a few months have passed, and the comrades who fought side by side with him back then are by his side, Zhong Ye has not forgotten the great enemy 'Nemo'.

At the beginning, Nemo was murdered by them, so he didn't have much concept of "Legend" at that time. He didn't really realize "Legend" until he watched the promotional video of "Echo of Soul" and came into contact with the King of Giants. What a powerful existence it is.

A cultist like Nemo is definitely not an exception, and there may be more secretly hidden.

Although he didn't summon the gate of the abyss, he turned almost all the people in the whole town into puppets, and it was easy to summon the gate of the abyss.

If cultists appear on the earth, they will cause great harm to the earth and their society. The existence of these dogs is no less than the threat of demons to them.

[We can find the heretics...but to be honest, we can't spare them. If you really want to find them, I suggest you ask that demon hunter directly]

Can't spare?

Zhong Ye couldn't help but think of the god who died before. Until now, the news of His death has not been announced.

[If there is nothing else, let’s stop talking here first, and I have to prepare for the next chapter—by the way, the "Upgrade Guide" and "Monster Illustrated Book" you made are very good, and we decided to put them in the next version. They are added to the system]

[By the way, it's late autumn now, when winter comes, we will release the promotional video for the next version, and we will borrow your image at that time, I hope you don't mind]

"So what if I mind? You guys still know how to use it anyway?"

After typing this line, Zhong Ye closed the chat box, turned to look at Amos, and asked, "Amos, do you know where there are cultists?"

The demon hunter, who was sitting on the sidelines and intending to observe how Zhong Ye communicated with the gods, was stunned for a moment when he was asked suddenly, "...What? Do you want to join them?"

Seeing Zhong Ye's calm face, which didn't respond to any changes in his expression, he laughed aloud: "Just kidding, just kidding! But cultists... I'm not in charge of this part, so I can ask you, But what are you going to do with them?"

Zhong Ye calmly spat out two bloody words: "Kill."

"Hiss..." Amos took a deep breath, full of admiration, "Seriously, you also come to be a witcher! I thought I was radical enough, but I didn't expect you to be more radical than me.

"It's okay if you don't want to undergo remodeling surgery. Anyway, not every demon hunter must undergo remodeling surgery. Most of us use different tactics. It is our honor to have one more fighting master.

"By the way, I'm going to Turin. Although I don't know when your body will fully recover, come to Turin to find me after you recover. If the matter can be resolved smoothly, I will be there Wait for you for a while, if things don’t go well, I’ll wait for you to help me when you arrive in Turin—the black market in Turin has a good relationship with us, and I might be able to find the information you want there.”

Zhong Ye took the weapon from the demon hunter's hand and tied it to his body, "You are really rude."

His clothes had been destroyed in the previous battle, and now he was wearing a rough sackcloth and a pair of cloth shoes prepared by the Church of the God of Medicine.

But when he put the weapon on his body, the moment he showed his sharpness attracted some peeps.

The simple clothes couldn't hide Zhong Ye's temperament. The moment he tied the weapon on his body, Amos knew that his friend had recovered from the hardship and became a 'warrior' again.

So Amos asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Zhong Ye thought for a while, "Get used to the 'new body' first, then go to Turin to get information, and help you solve that matter by the way."

Amos immediately widened his eyes, slapped Zhong Ye on the shoulder suddenly, and said loudly: "Good guy! You think I can't solve it alone, right? Just wait and see, when you arrive in Turin, That lich must have been dealt with by me..."

Although what Amos wanted to ask was not what Zhong Ye would do after his body fully recovered, but he knew from his answer...

——If nothing else, after getting the information, he will hunt down the cultists!
(End of this chapter)

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