Soul echo

Chapter 146 Decisive Battle (End)

Chapter 146 Decisive Battle (End)

"...You said it yourself!"

Even in this chaotic and noisy battlefield, Zhong Ye's voice was loud enough that the people on the city wall could hear it clearly.

After killing the two demons in embarrassment, Wilco, who began to feel exhausted, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Turn the muzzle and aim at that gate for me!"

Everyone knows what Zhong Ye is talking about, but without Wilco's order, the soldiers never dared to turn their artillery on Zhong Ye. They still have a lot of respect for Zhong Ye—especially when they noticed Zhong Ye It took more than ten minutes for one person to block so many demons in front of that door.

After receiving the order, the soldiers struggled to lift the cannon and turn the muzzle. They squatted down halfway, trying to keep their eyes level with the muzzle, and aimed through the sight on the centerline of the cannon.

Although they fired at an elevation angle, they had to aim before firing.

At this time, the clouds swirled and the thunder rolled.

Hearing Zhong Ye's words, the two big demons saw another big demon coming out of the door, and shouted anxiously: "Stop him!"

The big demon who had just walked out of the gate was attracted by their shouts before he could get angry. He turned his head to look above the gate, and saw a human standing there, holding a big sword high.

What is this for?
The great demon was puzzled, but he still vibrated his wings and flew up from the ground.

Zhong Ye sensed the energy flow in the air calmly, any event would have a warning before it happened, and lightning was no exception.

He sensed the arrival of another big demon, and immediately withdrew his big sword.

Just in time, the great demon appeared in front of Zhong Ye, just to ensure its own safety, it chose to stay away a little bit, and reached a certain height to ensure that the human being would not hurt it.

Just as it was about to release the spell in its hand, Zhong Ye's eyes, as if looking at a dead person, entered the pupils of this great demon.

The big devil finally felt something was wrong, because the metal ring it was carrying was sizzling.

Looking up at the sky, it screamed, "What have you done? You idiots!"

Accompanied by screams, lightning shot out, piercing through the body of the great demon from top to bottom.

Compared with other big devils, this big devil is more cautious and life-saving, so most of the magic props it carries are protective spells, but in the face of the powerful force of nature, these things only save its life.

The great demon screamed and fell down.

It fell into the crowd of demons and knocked down a few low-level demons to the ground. It barely opened its eyelids that were a little sticky, and saw a dazzling flame appearing in the sky.

Before he even had time to swear, the front half of the great demon's body was scorched black by the flames not long after his appearance, and the high temperature that poured into his body instantly killed his body.

Electrons swimming in the air become more active after a lightning strike.

Of course, this is also the result of the efforts of the two priests.

Because of this, thunder and lightning are more likely to be caused around the gate of the abyss!
It's just that, it's impossible to let the thunder fall, and it's impossible to destroy the gate with the power of divine arts alone, so Zhong Ye stood here.

——He wants to use his body and the big sword in his hand to attract lightning!
Three layers of protection bloomed on his body at the same time, and a magic spell for continuous recovery of injuries also began to take effect.

At the same time, the five cannons were activated at that time, and the shells roared, riding the strong wind and galloping towards them.

Because there was no test firing, only three shells landed on the back of the abyss door, causing the power of the abyss to surge, and even Zhong Ye who was standing on the top of the door was affected.

Violent tremors came from under the feet, and countless souls imprisoned by the door screamed and stretched out their claws, and were released by the door of the abyss.

They were originally victims, but now they stand with the perpetrators, helping the evildoers, and inflicting hatred and resentment on others together.

These so-called 'demon spirits' howled and sobbed while grabbing Zhong Ye's boots and trouser legs and climbing up.

They were like clouds of mist, surrounding Zhong Ye's body, accompanied by ice, quickly climbed from the trouser legs to his shoulders, and an invisible claw had already touched his throat.

Freezing and frost were also spreading rapidly, and the cold air overflowed, covering Zhong Ye's body in an instant.

Zhong Ye didn't know that this would happen after the Abyss Gate was attacked, but he didn't move his body because of it.

Because the thunder and lightning have descended——

Before the sharp claws of those demon spirits blinded his eyes, Zhong Ye closed his eyes, feeling the power of the atmosphere condensing in the sky, and the wisps of electricity falling down on the big sword, connecting the sky and the earth.

Then the lightning flashed, and the thunder resounded. The dazzling thunder fell from the sky and hit Zhong Ye's body. The electric arc burst out along the bones, completely killing all the demon spirits.

The current continued to flow down, pouring into the gate of the abyss, making the gate tremble!

Zhong Ye let out a bad breath, and felt that all the muscles in his body seemed to be condensed into a ball, and his internal organs were also under a great load.

However, under the influence of the healing spells and his already strong physique, he is gradually recovering.

However, the second thunder came soon after!

This thunderbolt was not under the control of the two priests. Seeing that beam of light, their expressions changed instantly.

This bolt of lightning is far stronger and more violent than the previous one!


It failed to bombard the door!
A shield appeared above the gate of the abyss in time, not only protecting the gate, but also Zhong Ye.

The spells of the two great demons were still chanting, obviously, this shield was not cast by them.

Click - click!

With a series of strange sounds, the gate of the abyss trembled slightly. Amos looked gloomy, and saw a giant black hand slowly protruding from behind the gate.

"...Big Devil!" The witcher squeezed out the somewhat treacherous word from between his teeth.

The size of this abyss gate cannot allow a big demon to pass through, even with just one hand, it is quite reluctant.

Amos felt the trembling of the horse under him, and Rapunzel involuntarily raised its hooves and scratched the ground. The reason why Amos didn't move was because Amos hadn't spoken yet.

Even the pegasus on which Sifrin was riding could not contain the fear, and retreated into the distance without order.

The entire battlefield was silent, whether it was humans, demons, or mutants, they all stopped at this moment.

In this silence, only Zhong Ye gritted his teeth and twisted his limbs. Boundless pain radiated from every muscle and every cell in his body, destroying his nerves and brain.

The plan was interrupted, so I had to make another plan...

[...node...both sides...]

A message suddenly popped up on the retina, making Zhong Ye stunned.

It's just that this message keeps flashing, which is a bit similar to the poor contact of the electronic components of the display in the last century.


Node, sides, outside, corner... outside door corner with nodes on both sides?
Below, the giant hand had dragged the wrist out from behind the door.

Zhong Ye took a deep breath and made his heart speed up slowly.

——Success or failure, in one fell swoop!
The legs and waist suddenly exerted force, pulling up the footsteps, and exercising the muscles as stiff as stones.

With a ferocious face, Zhong Ye turned around and straddled his legs. The soles of his raised feet fell heavily, imprinted on the door frame made of flesh and bones, pushing his body, and ran towards the corner of the door of the abyss.

Even if the eyes didn't see it, even if only one hand came into this world, the big demon reacted immediately.

A violent wind suddenly blew up, rushing from the void facing Zhong Ye.

The storm hit Zhong Ye's body, and the wind like a knife directly scraped off the scorched skin from his face, exposing the pink and red muscles and blood vessels to the air.

Forehead, shoulders, arms, ribs, waist... If Zhong Ye hadn't sensed the strangeness of the gust of wind and raised his arms to protect his neck in advance, he might have been beheaded.

Even so, one of his eyelids was cut off, and a large piece of muscle in the arm blocking the front of his neck was shaved off by the 'wind blade'.

Fortunately, the 'door corner' is ahead.

Zhong Ye braved the continuous storm and ran to the corner of the door. At this time, he no longer had the strength to swing the big sword, so he turned around and switched the other half of his body, which was unharmed, to the front. His arm muscles tensed, and he swung the big sword Plug it in!
The big sword was successfully inserted into the door frame, but the skin, muscles and blood vessels of the other half of his body were being peeled off rapidly. This phenomenon started from the palms and arms and spread to the body.

"Another! One! Side! Ah!!!"

One ear was torn off by the strong wind, and Zhong Ye couldn't help but yell out in pain.

Before the others could react, Amos raised his hand and fired six shots.

The moment Zhong Ye started to move, he noticed it. Seeing Zhong Ye successfully inserted the big sword into the door, he knew that they were the final victors of this war!

The two nodes of the Gate of the Abyss slammed into pieces, even if there were other nodes, it would not help because it could no longer support a complete structure.

The moment the node shattered, the door collapsed.

The power of world separation directly chopped off the entire palm of the big demon, and the storm that rushed to cut Zhong Ye's body also slowly subsided, but Zhong Ye had already fallen to the ground with the collapsed gate.

When Zhong Ye was about to land, the prop masters of the Thieves Guild took him away together with the weapon. So far, they had no scruples.

"Kill them!!!"

The witcher couldn't hold back the anger in his chest any longer, and roared loudly.

How many disasters and pain these guys have brought to this city!
——It must be repaid with death!
(End of this chapter)

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