Soul echo

Chapter 138 Hope (3)

Chapter 138 Hope ([-])

Standing in front of the door, Zhong Ye was silent for a moment, then turned his back to the door of the abyss, and faced the turbulent distortion.

After opening the gate of the abyss, it is no longer something he can destroy. In this case, before the demons of the abyss arrive, he must try to kill the deformed body as much as possible.

"Hide in the house and avoid the mutants!"

The aberrations were coming for him, and they aimed only at him, but they would destroy all that stood in their way.

Once a survivor appears in their path, they tear the survivor apart.

Zhong Ye only had time to give a warning, because the swarming mutants had already arrived in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, let the breath circulate in the body, the blood filled with extraordinary factors drives the body, and as the muscles swell one by one, the surging force gushes out, swinging the heavy moonlight sword, and slashing at the deformed body that arrived in front of him.

More than a dozen slender tentacles pierced from all directions, but the big sword swirled and chopped off one by one.

Immediately, the number of paths changed, and he slashed horizontally with his sword, beheading the deformed body in front of him together with the other two deformed bodies behind it.

Zhong Ye strode forward, stepped over the three corpses, and walked towards the rushing monsters.

Swinging the big sword, even the wind of the sword can deflect the attack of the deformed body, and the deformed body facing the blade didn't even have a chance to scream. How many pieces are divided into.

The heavy sword was as light as a feather in Zhong Ye's hands. In the past, he could still lift it as lightly as possible, but now, he can only lift it as lightly as possible.

Seventeen points of power were all exerted on the deformed bodies, the flesh and blood were scraped off by the steel, the bones were broken by the sword, and the distorted life was cut off.

The aberrations came on command, to meet death.

After Zhong Ye killed dozens of mutants one after another, there was finally movement at the door facing his back.

A flash of lightning suddenly flew out from behind the door, and Zhong Ye, who had been prepared for a long time, jumped sideways. The lightning struck one of the deformed bodies, and spread from its body to the other deformed bodies crowded together with it.

Their bodies instantly turned into coke, and then they were pushed down and crushed by the deformed bodies behind them.

Shrill laughter poured out from behind the door, and a group of child-sized monsters ran out of the abyss door. They not only looked like children, but also had similar personalities to children, only they were worse , more brutal.

The first thing these demons do when they appear on the physical plane is to shoot fire from their hands, igniting everything in sight.

Whether it is a house or an aberration, in their eyes, they are things that need to be destroyed.

——And Zhong Ye, even more so!

Following this group of little demons flew out of the gate of the abyss was a group of manta ray-like things. Zhong Ye had seen them in Laurel City before. They rode the wind of magic and followed the killing.

There were enemies in front and behind, and from this moment on, Zhong Ye was under attack from both sides.

—what can he do?
——Only by himself, what can he do?
Zhong Ye breathed, the heavy breath came and went from the throat, the lungs and the diaphragm agitated, and the deliberately accelerated breathing drove the heart, making this muscle group intensify the contraction and expansion.

A large amount of blood is pumped into the atrium, through the valve, and injected into the ventricle, where the extraordinary factors that enter the blood from the alveoli are shunted for the first time and integrated into the surrounding myocardial cells to enhance the cardiopulmonary capacity.

As the ventricle contracts, the blood will spurt out, rushing to all parts of the body along the blood vessels, and the supernatural factor will be pressed into all the cells passing along the way.

This power that does not belong to the ordinary world will rush to the next cell after one cell is saturated, and when the previous cell becomes hungry again, it will fill itself into it in the next blood circulation, and this cycle goes on and on, becoming the metabolism. a part of.

With a heavy step on the sole of the foot, the muscles of the feet and legs were instantly twisted, and the muscles of the waist and chest were also activated.

There were a few vacancies in the energy filled in the body, but they were quickly filled under the action of deep breathing.

Zhong Ye's figure flickered suddenly, and the crowded formation of demons who were like children shattered.

Following Zhong Ye's reminder, Lilian, who had already hid in the house, could only see through the gap in the window that the body of the little devil who was casting flames suddenly shattered together with the flames, and a chain reaction occurred immediately.

It's like a billiard ball—the fragmented demon limbs collided with other demons, and the demons hit by the limbs also exploded, and the power continued to pass until Zhong Ye's figure appeared behind the little demons, with the big sword in his hand and his body Smeared with blood, the shocking and suffocating situation is not over.

The little demons were slaughtered, and the manta ray demon who had just roared down from the sky hurriedly waved its wings, trying to jump into the sky.

But Zhong Ye didn't give them this chance, and jumped up suddenly, the height of the jump was far higher than the height of the manta ray demons now.

The eyes on the back met a pair of eyes full of coldness, and the brutal and vicious manta rays were all terrified.

Zhong Ye didn't use a weapon, but stomped on the group of demons, kicking them to the ground before they had time to use their energy.

The body collided with the ground and broke into countless pieces in an instant.

In just half a minute, Zhong Ye cleaned up dozens of demons, but the door was extremely huge. When he killed dozens of demons, nearly a hundred demons poured out from behind the door.

And the demons that appeared later were no longer limited to the previous two types, taller and more powerful demons were constantly coming out of the gate of the abyss.

They have just appeared on the stage, and when they raise their hands, they cast all kinds of magic to transform the surrounding environment.

Driven by a vulture-headed demon holding a wooden staff, the corpse of the little demon on the ground split to form a smaller demon.

It didn't intend to configure souls for these demons at all, so the soul fragments that stayed here were automatically introduced into each demon's body, some got more than half, and some only got a little bit.

After all, they are just cannon fodder.

A large amount of blood, flesh and blood flowed to the gate of the abyss under the summoning of the demon, and gathered together to form a blanket.

As flesh and blood continued to gather, the blanket became bigger and bigger, not only covering the ground, but also climbing up the walls.

In addition, there was a demon that shot out psychic lightning and suddenly killed more than a dozen mutants. No one knew what it was thinking.

This is a chaotic and distorted battlefield. Facing these powerful and numerous demons, Zhong Ye can only rely on himself.

If it was in the past, he might choose to retreat, and then find other ways to defeat these enemies and close this door.

But now he can't do this, not only because there are hundreds of survivors in this block, but also because he has become the 'tall man' when the sky fell.

Once he retreats, no one can stop the demons from invading; once he retreats, demons can flood into the world without any scruples; once he retreats, the odds of winning will disappear.

Without too many thoughts, he only stopped to rest for a moment after landing, and the warrior strode towards the demon, and the next moment, his figure disappeared.

[The body transformation is complete, congratulations on successfully casting an 'extraordinary body'! 】

At this moment, the eyes of all the demons were attracted by Zhong Ye. They saw a powerful body and a bright soul.

The two are relatively independent but closely connected, and together constitute this human being named 'Zhong Ye'.

The forging and casting of the body also came to an end at this time, and Zhong Ye felt a little uncomfortable with the far more powerful attributes than before, as if he was not using his own body.

This state is extremely unfavorable for fighting, but Zhong Ye has no other choice. In order to defeat Lamit, he can only think of all methods. If he does not have this power, how can he fight against the group of demons in front of him?

A demon opened its beak and shook the staff, and the dazzling electric light condensed on the head of the staff.

It pushed the staff, screamed, and the lightning suddenly shot out.

The electric light jumped in the air, spreading out a streak, but it didn't hit anything.

Before the demon had time to wonder, its head flew up.

At the moment of death, the angle of view turned backwards allowed it to capture a little of Zhong Ye's figure, and the scales and half armor quickly faded away.

——It was just an afterimage.

(End of this chapter)

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