Soul echo

Chapter 126 The Door (End)

Chapter 126 The Door (End)
"Tomorrow is Anna's birthday, she has always wanted to go to the top of the tower to see Milan..."

"I met a girl today, her name is Anna..."

"Today is the first time my father took me to the clock tower's clock floor. Those gears and shafts are much larger than those we usually repair..."

"Anna is the apprentice of Master Virgil, that is to say, she will become a Master Master in the future, but I am just the son of a watchmaker..."

"Anna can draw, and she can draw very well, my God, it's amazing..."

"Uncle Riley's dog next door died..."

"I heard that Nair was slapped by Anna, and I don't know how he got angry with Anna. If I was there at that time, I would definitely teach him a lesson..."

"Anna said that she likes Milan very much, and wants to go to the top of the clock tower to draw a picture for Milan, but the key is in the hands of her father..."

"I was scolded by my father when I went home today, but I didn't get angry, and I didn't talk back, because Anna was very happy today and gave me a painting..."

"Father fell down, and his body was fine, but his leg was injured, and it was very difficult to climb up the stairs. We asked Mr. Miguel. Seeing that his father had dedicated so many years to the clock tower, Miguel Master Geer handed over the duties of managing the clock tower to me, thank you Master Miguel for his trust..."

"Anna failed the exam to become a teacher. She cried all day, but I didn't know how to comfort her..."

"Jewelry is so expensive, whether it's gold or silver, it's so expensive! But Anna seems to like the ruby ​​one very much..."

"After saving money for several months, I finally bought it, although it was also partly funded by my father..."

"Tomorrow, I plan to take Anna to the pavilion of the clock tower, and propose to her there..."

The pieces of paper filled with words fell from the sky like snowflakes, and Zhong Ye captured those words with his extraordinary perception.

The paper with words written on both sides swirls and falls slowly, and with a sweep of the eyes, you can read the undamaged pages.

This appears to be... a diary?
The notebook that was damaged by the explosion split into countless individual sheets in the air, and landed on the surrounding streets.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Zhong Ye couldn't help but look back at the place where the bell tower pavilion fell.

Is it the owner of this diary?
There is no date written on the diary, and the order seems to be haphazard, making it difficult to distinguish the specific time arrangement.

It's just that, unlike other pages, only the page where the 'Marriage Proposal' is located has a lot of blank space...

Zhong Ye remained silent, took a deep breath, and hurried on his way.

He jumped on the roof and followed the direction in his memory.

It didn't take long for him to discover the group of deformed bodies that had gathered, but this time they were no longer harmonious, no longer harmless, but fiercely fighting each other, not because of anything else, but because of hunger.

The mutants killed each other and devoured each other. In order to fill their hungry stomachs as soon as possible, they no longer specifically searched for human beings, but attacked the "families" around them.

As a result, the number of aberrations has been reduced, but even crazier mutations have also begun!
Standing on the roof, Zhong Ye could see that after eating a little 'leftovers' secretly, an extremely weak deformed body suddenly underwent a terrible mutation. Countless bone spurs protruded from the body, and the bones and muscles were stretching rapidly, enveloping the body. His skin couldn't bear this kind of torture, and after being stretched to the limit, it cracked one after another.

Without waiting for the mutation to complete, the deformed body rushed into the battlefield and fought with other monsters.

Zhong Ye remained silent and continued on his way.

He was approaching the location of the attack in his memory, and the number of aberrations crowding the streets increased accordingly.

They catch each other and fight each other, keep getting stronger, and then continue to fight.

At first they might just fight for food, but as they get stronger, they stop fighting just for food.

——Of course, it is also possible that mutations consume a lot of energy, and they can only keep eating.

The closer you get, the more tragic the scene will be.

At this time, Zhong Ye finally saw what "blood flowed into a river" looked like. At first he thought it was just an exaggerated adjective, but he didn't expect to see it with his own eyes one day.

Remnants, broken arms and offal floated on the 'blood river', and drifted far away with the flow of liquid.

Amidst the roars, Zhong Ye heard the sound of a horse's hoof trampling on the ground.

A horse galloped down the street, and at the same time gunshots mingled with the sounds—high frequency.

——For some reason, inexplicably familiar.

With some doubts, Zhong Ye ran following the sound of the horse's hooves.

With a long leg, he crossed a street, and Zhong Ye stood on the roof of a house, looking at the street on the other side, and suddenly his pupils trembled.


Hearing the call, the witcher, who was riding on a horse and turned around to shoot, turned his head suspiciously, and was also shocked when he saw Zhong Ye standing on the roof in front of him.

"Zhong Ye?"

The steed below him neighed as well, as a greeting.

Seeing the deformed body chasing closely behind the demon hunter, Zhong Ye didn't continue to say anything. He took down the musket from behind, took aim for a moment, and fired.

No wonder he felt familiar, whether it was the light beam that attacked the aberrant before, or the revolver of Amos, hadn't he seen them all before?

Bullets flew across the street, killing vicious monsters one after another.

Zhong Ye ran in the footsteps of the steed on the roof, and with Amos on the ground to attract attention, he could rest assured that he would shoot coldly at places that the aberrants could not attack.

With a tacit understanding of his comrades at the side, Amos led the mutants around the surrounding streets. Even if a single bullet cannot kill a mutant, as long as it can be knocked down, the mutants behind will trample on it one after another. body, crush it to death.

With the tacit cooperation of Zhong Ye and Amos, nearly a hundred mutants were killed by them one after another.

After confirming that there were no other monsters chasing after her, Rapunzel slowed down. No matter how the witcher scolded it, she pretended not to hear it and refused to speed up. She walked slowly in this slaughterhouse-like street.

Slapping the horse's neck bitterly, Amos took a breath of bloody air, looked up at Zhong Ye on the roof, and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I still want to ask you." Zhong Ye shook his head, "Didn't you go back and report? Why did you appear in Milan?"

"It's been a few months, and the report is over!" The demon hunter shouted, "I came to Milan because I received a report that someone found a lich near Turin. I came to hunt the lich, but Passing by here—it’s you, why are you also in Milan?”

"Seeking revenge!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Ye frowned, "When I was looking for revenge, I happened to bump into a high-level demon, and everything that happened in Milan is caused by it - it is a person next to the Grand Duke of Milan, called Lamit."

Amos twitched his cheeks, "I don't know whether to say you are unlucky or what... Why do you keep bumping into these things? It would be a shame if you didn't come to be a witcher!"

He knew what happened in Laurel City and Belgrade through certain channels. Some people would never encounter the abyss invasion once in their lifetime, but Zhong Ye ran into it several times in just a few months.

Hearing this, the warrior also sighed, then turned his head to look at the center of the city, "I want to continue hunting the mutants, do you want to go together?"

The demon hunter was moved, but shook his head after a moment of contemplation, "No, I protected a group of survivors, and I can't leave now..."

Zhong Ye raised his eyebrows and raised his finger to the gate of the city, "Do you want to join my team? I have three extraordinary people there, and there are also a group of soldiers and mercenaries."

Amos's eyes lit up, and he laughed, "As expected of you! Then it's settled, I'll go tell them, and then you and I will help them open the way!"

Just at this time……

——Heaven, light up!
The dazzling brilliance instantly attracted the attention of Zhong Ye and Amos, causing them to look at the city center together.

The illusory brilliance unfolded above the city center, suspended above the city, and turned into a door!
Looking up at the illusory door in the sky, their expressions became extremely dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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