Soul echo

Chapter 110 Power (3)

Chapter 110 Power (Part [-])

The road between Milan and Venice is unobstructed, and there are several villages and towns along the road, but Zhong Ye didn't stop there.

Departing from Venice in the afternoon of the first day, I was on the road all day the next day, and finally arrived in Milan on the morning of the third day.

While on the road, Lilian put her soul fragments into her level while she was bored, and successfully upgraded to the second level. Then she was surprised to find that after the level was raised, the system automatically planned four upgrade routes for her.

According to other players in the game forum, they can only plan the upgrade route by themselves, and according to the "Upgrade Instructions", as long as they make a wrong step, they will not be able to reach the rank of extraordinary at the tenth level.

The only difference between me and them is the 'inheritance' - she is a student of Zhong Ye, and has his 'inheritance', if it is put into the combat system, it may correspond to the upgrade route.

Strength, constitution, agility and perception, four upgrade routes, each upgrade route should have unique skills and traits.

The essence of 'inheritance' is the knowledge and skills owned by Zhong Ye, that is to say, the four upgrade routes extended from this 'inheritance' are all things that Zhong Ye already knew.

Thinking of this, Lilian couldn't help turning her eyes to Zhong Ye's back.

She knew that Zhong Ye was very powerful, but she didn't expect Zhong Ye to be so powerful—he is indeed a man with all kinds of martial arts!
But after looking at Zhong Ye, some doubts appeared in the girl's small head.

This teacher of hers seemed to be preparing to do something. She seldom took the initiative to speak in the past two days, and often answered questions only when she asked questions.

Did they rush from Venice to Milan because something was going to happen here? in Belgrade?
Zhong Ye remained silent, and brought Lilian to the door of the Adventurer's House in Milan, then let the girl wait outside the door, and went in to ask some questions.

When he walked into the Adventurer's House, the air in the entire hall sank, and the voice of the conversation instantly became much quieter.

For some reason, the adventurers and mercenaries sitting in the hall chatting and exchanging information suddenly shut their mouths, and some with keen perception turned their heads to look at the gate.

"what happened?"

"Shh, it seems like a superhuman..."

The mercenary with a sharper perception took a look, then quickly looked away, and at the same time asked his companion to shut up, not to pay attention to the matter of the visitor.

In their feeling, that adventurer is like a volcano about to erupt, brewing with anger.

"Hello, what help do you need?"

When Zhong Ye walked to the front desk, the receptionist raised his head and smiled.

The Adventurer's House has been fully open for nearly a month, and both the staff, adventurers, and mercenaries are gradually getting used to this organization.

The receptionist can already chat with any adventurer very smoothly, and the adventurers have also learned a little bit of politeness.

"I want to ask, where is the Grand Duke of Milan now?"

The receptionist was stunned by Zhong Ye's question, and then he smiled wryly and shook his head, "I'm sorry sir, we can't talk about this kind of thing, if you can explain why you are looking for His Excellency the Grand Duke, maybe we can ask the Grand Duke for you Your deacon, see if I can make an appointment for you."

Hearing this, Zhong Ye didn't continue to question the receptionist, but turned to look at the adventurers in the lobby.

"Does anyone know?"

"... sir?" The receptionist blinked dully, "Did you hear what I said?"

"I know I know!"

The adventurer, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, raised his eyebrows excitedly, and said loudly: "Our dear Grand Duke should be holding a banquet in the manor outside the city. I saw it when I went out this morning! Oh, By the way, he also brought his own army outside the city, and you will know where he is when you see someone patrolling outside the manor!"

Zhong Ye took out a gold coin from his pocket and flicked it over, "Thank you."

The gold coin traced a perfect parabola in the air, and fell into the hands of the adventurer with precision.

The entire hall was silent, and everyone was staring at the gold coin in the adventurer's hand.

Looking at the gold coins, cold sweat oozes from the adventurer's temples. He swallowed nervously and looked around. Others avoided his sight in unison.

Seeing this, the adventurer hurriedly jumped up from his chair and ran towards the gate.

After a while, he walked back dejectedly.

Facing the horrifying eyes of his companion, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a mournful face, "I seem to have gotten into trouble..."

——Who would tip a gold coin casually? !
With Lilian's mind full of doubts, Zhong Ye took her out of the urban area of ​​Milan again.

Before leaving the city, Zhong Ye asked passers-by about the location of the Duke of Milan's estate...

More and more doubts piled up in Lilian's mind, Zhong Ye was mysterious and didn't know what he was doing.

She saw that someone was discussing whether to follow them in the bullet screen, but this stupid bullet screen was quickly refuted - Zhong Ye's perception ability is so strong, who can follow them?

The audience was discussing what Zhong Ye wanted to do. After all, Zhong Ye was like a disaster star, wherever he went, disasters would happen.

Follow Zhong Ye, or guess what he wants to do, and you can get in touch with more plots.

After leaving the urban area for a certain distance, Zhong Ye walked towards a fork in the road.

There are no pedestrians, carriages or horses on this road, so I don't know where it leads.

Zhong Ye brought Lilian to the middle of the road, pointed to the jungle on the side, and said calmly: "You wait for me here for a while, I will be back in a while."

Not only Lilian herself, but even the audience in the live broadcast room realized that something was wrong.

In other words, something was wrong with Zhong Ye these past few days, but they didn't really realize it.

——[He doesn't want to seek justice for those civilians, does he? ! 】

Those civilians?Which civilians?
Looking at the bullet screen, Lilian was also confused for a moment, and then remembered that there were indeed some civilian casualties in the battle at Aspalatos.

In order to bypass Zhong Ye and assassinate the youngest son of the Grand Duke, the killers kidnapped a troll cub, lured a group of trolls to Aspalatos, killed the troll cub again, and let more than a dozen trolls go to Aspalatos at the same time. Go berserk.

Filled with anger and hatred, the troll broke out of the ground and destroyed the buildings in the city-many civilians suffered innocent disasters.

Lilian raised her head suddenly, but Zhong Ye's back was nowhere to be seen.

His actions were extremely fast and decisive, and he left here immediately after speaking.

In the distance, several teams were patrolling around a manor.

Zhong Ye remained silent and walked over quickly.

"Stop, who are you?"

Outside the gate of the manor, Zhong Ye was stopped by a sentry standing on the arrow tower.

Zhong Ye raised his head, did not answer, but asked instead: "Is His Excellency Grand Duke Milan in there now?"

The sentinel frowned, "Why are you asking this? Leave quickly, this is not a place for people like you to approach!"

As he spoke, he raised his musket, "Go away!"

It should be here...

The warrior took a deep breath, raised his left leg, and kicked suddenly!

The door burst open, and the door panel flew directly along the door shaft and hit the walls on both sides.

The arrow tower also shook, and the sentry's eyes flashed with panic, and he pulled the trigger.

Zhong Ye didn't even look at it, the bullet didn't land on his side at all, but turned sideways.

"Wait a minute! You can't go in!"

The sentry hastily reloaded the bullets, sweating profusely, but when he loaded the gunpowder and bullets and lifted the musket, he found that the man was too far away to shoot with his own shooting ability.

Dazed for a moment, the sentinel quickly rang the alarm bell.

"Someone invaded! Someone invaded!"

The bell rang quickly throughout the manor, and the patrolling team gathered in the courtyard.

Zhong Ye remained unmoved, and walked steadily into the depths of the manor.

It's just that the eyes are getting colder...

(End of this chapter)

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