Soul echo

Chapter 108 Power (1)

Chapter 108 Power ([-])

It took three days to go from Asparatos to Venice, because the guide helped them contact a merchant ship, and there was still loading and unloading of goods on the way, otherwise, it would not even take a day.

Ships in this era cannot sail at night, and even in the endless sea, ships may run aground.

——At night, the line of sight cannot see through the sea surface and see things hidden below.

The two-masted sailboat floats quietly on the sea, and there is no land in all directions. The young people who went to sea for the first time could not sleep for a long time because of the pain on their bodies, so they crowded around the only two portholes in the cabin. Small talk, trying to suppress the pain.

But they don't know that the more they do this, the more spiritual they will be, and the pain will become clearer.

The more experienced guards did not move or speak, and leaned against the plank of the ship, trying to make themselves fall asleep.

There is no way for those young people to understand the lesson by words alone. Let them experience it for themselves, and then they will understand why the elders ask them to do these things.

"Mr. West, I have something to ask."

The voice came from the side, and the guard leader opened his eyes and looked to the side.

Of course, he couldn't see anything in this darkness, but he could hear that it was Zhong Ye's voice.

Everyone in their team is crowded into one cabin, which is also to protect the grand duke and young son.

"If you have any questions, just ask." The guard leader also said in a low voice.

The eldest son and the youngest son were sleeping next to him. In order not to wake him up, the guard leader lowered his voice as much as possible.

"Did all the heirs of the Grand Duke of Milan die by accident? After their death, who is the beneficiary?"

Hearing this question, the guard leader was taken aback for a moment, and opened his mouth slightly.

What does Zhong Ye want to do?Why did you ask this kind of question suddenly? Didn't he never care about these things before?
The leader of the guards vaguely sensed that something was wrong, but he didn't realize that there was anything wrong. Perhaps Zhong Ye was just curious about this matter after experiencing those things.

"...I dare not say that all the grand duke's heirs died by accident." The guard leader shook his head, "Although the publicity and investigation results are all accidents, but... I don't think it will be such a coincidence. The grand duke didn't Brothers and sisters, if he dies, the beneficiaries should be his distant relatives, or his wife's nephew..."

The guard leader mentioned a few names—he didn't know much about these things, he was just a weak guard, and he might be able to hear some things from the rumors, but most of those things were far-fetched.

After listening, Zhong Ye said 'thank you', then closed his mouth and said nothing more.

The night was silent, and the leader of the guards felt the slightest coldness. He took out a piece of cloth from his backpack and covered the body of the eldest son, then closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

After seeing Zhong Ye's strength, he could finally relax and let himself have a good rest.

Not only is Zhong Ye powerful, but he also keeps his promise with integrity. The guard leader is willing to completely trust this adventurer.

Among all the choices he has made in his life, the one he is most proud of may be the fact that he hired Zhong Ye back then.


The three-day sea journey is very boring, even if they can go up to the deck, it is still very boring.

After watching the sea for three days, they finally arrived in Venice at noon.

This city built on water naturally has a romantic atmosphere, which makes many artists like to visit this city and create works based on it.

In addition, this is a city that implements an aristocratic republic, and it is an excellent place to settle for artists who do not like to be restrained by the aristocracy. Over time, Venice has become the "city of art" in the Kingdom of Yitrul and even the entire Western Continent. .

When the merchant ship docked, Zhong Ye and his team pulled the carriage and walked off the ship. Everyone was carrying big bags and small bags, because the team only rented three cabins on the merchant ship, one was used for rest, and the other two were used to store the carriage. And the horses, even then, couldn't hold all their stuff.

Therefore, the team could only give up some of the carriages, horses and objects, and squeeze the rest of the things into the cabin.

The captain of the merchant ship stood by the side of the boat and waved to them enthusiastically. He only made money on this trip. If possible, he certainly hoped to make money again, but he didn’t know if these people would return from Venice again. Sparatos.

Venice is known as the "City of Water". Transportation often depends on boats, but it is not without land routes. This coastal city actually has a lot of land routes.

After all, people in the city also need to make money. The road can be used by vehicles and horses, and the transportation volume is also larger. There is no need for Venice to struggle with money and people's livelihood for the title of a "water city"-"water city" can be a feature, But not all.

Venice was probably the destination of their trip, and the mission of the guard leader was to escort the grand duke and young son to this city, and the subsequent missions might not have much to do with them.

The team's destination was in the city, a bit far from the port, and it took about half a city to pass through.

But it may be because the task is about to end, everyone is in a relaxed mood, sitting on the rickety carriage, or following along, strolling leisurely in this colorful and fantasy city.

Artists show their talents to the fullest in the city. Paintings and long poems are painted on the walls of the streets and alleys, and the buildings are even more varied. Every house seems to be filled with the whimsy of the artists.

Not to mention young people, even mature and experienced guards have never seen such a wonderful city scenery, and they couldn't help opening their eyes wide.

Lilian also couldn't help looking left and right, and the camera lens turned with her gaze.

Venice in reality is not like this, and the Venetians in the live broadcast room are also yelling.

Since the sea level rose and the seawall was built, many ancient buildings in Venice had to be demolished to prevent damage to the city when they collapsed. People can only see what the long-famous Venice looks like from past video materials.

The Venice players learned the lesson of the Aspalatos players and didn't go to watch Zhong Ye just after he came to Venice.

Anyway, they all knew that Venice was the end of Zhong Ye's mission. After the mission was over, he would definitely rest in Venice for a while, and then just pretend to meet again.

The team passed through a small half of the city, and came to the door of a mansion. The leader of the guards handed over a seal to the gatekeeper. Not long after, the gate of the mansion was opened and the team walked in.

Finally, finally...

The leader of the guards lifted his spirits, turned around and tidied up his appearance for the prince and young son, and then led the team into the mansion.

This mansion is the property of the Grand Duke of Milan in Venice, and it is now handed over to a housekeeper, and that housekeeper is also the connector of the guard leader.

The guard leader asked the team to rest first, and when he looked at Zhong Ye, he hesitated.

After thinking for a moment, the guard leader gritted his teeth and made a decision: "...Your Excellency Zhong Ye, please come with me too!"

Although he knew that the hope was slim, he still wanted to introduce Zhong Ye to the Grand Duke—Zhong Ye's strength was enough for him to make such a presumptuous behavior.

The leader of the guards led the eldest son and Zhong Ye to the small reception room under the guidance of an attendant.

The reception room was empty, they waited for a while, and the butler for the Duke of Milan, who took care of his property in Venice, arrived late.

"El West?"

The well-dressed housekeeper frowned and looked at the three 'sloppy people' standing in front of him.

"It's me, Oren is in charge!" The leader of the guard walked over excitedly, holding the hand of the grand duke's youngest son, and gently pushed the boy in front of him. "I have completed the task and brought Lord Tim to Venice! Now..."

"Yes, you have completed the task." The butler nodded, "Master Tim has returned to Milan, and you have completed your task very well."


(End of this chapter)

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