Soul echo

Chapter 100 Fortune (6)

Chapter 100 Fortune ([-])

Zhong Ye quickly caught up with the team. At this time, the leader of the guards had already found all the scattered carriages, and Lilian was among them.

She couldn't control the horse under her at all, but the pack horse was tired and stopped by itself.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the pack horse to move until she was found by the leader of the guards.

Seeing Zhong Ye return to the team intact, everyone was relieved. They all noticed the brownish-yellow mucus on his body, and it took him so long to catch up with the team. It is very likely that he had already had an incident with that big spider. battle.

When Zhong Ye took back the bag from the servant who was hit by the backpack, the servant did not complain to him, on the contrary, his eyes were full of admiration and gratitude.

If it wasn't for Zhong Ye, maybe he and they would all be killed by that big spider.

The team has regrouped, but they don't have much time to rest.

After Zhong Ye returned to the team, the guard leader ordered the team to set off again.

No one complained about this order, even though they all felt tired, but the fear of the big spider lingered in their hearts, driving them away from the valley.

The team started their journey again, and the leader of the guard also had some free time. He rode to Zhong Ye's side and asked nervously, "How is it? Did you kill that big spider?"

He hoped so much to get an affirmative answer from Zhong Ye, but saw Zhong Ye shook his head.

"I haven't beaten it, but I used a little trick to cut off its two legs, so I can't catch up."

When he heard 'never hit', the guard leader's heart was in his throat, but what Zhong Ye said later made him feel relieved.

"It's fine if you can't catch's fine if you can't catch up..." With that said, the guard leader returned to the carriage.

At this time, the speed of the team was not fast, because after the fright and running just now, all the horses were exhausted and needed time to recover their strength, but they couldn't stay in place all the time, so they made a compromise and let go. Go slow, but keep walking.

After the guard leader left, Lilian came over again and asked in a low voice, "Teacher, can't even you beat that big spider?"

"I can't beat it." Zhong Ye frowned slightly, "That spider is quite powerful, neither 'Moonlight' nor 'Blue Bird' can break through its defense—even if I have already used 'Qi'—and it He knew where his vitals were, and never let me get close.

"It's hard for me to hurt it, but as long as it hits me, I will die!"

A look of astonishment appeared on Lilian's face, it was the first time she heard Zhong Ye admit that there was something she couldn't beat.

Whether facing the monster in Belgrade, or the false god of that town, the giant king of Vitus, he has never shown timidity-of course, he has not yet.

Only then did she suddenly realize that she had always regarded Zhong Ye as an 'invincible' existence.

Afterwards, Lilian sank down and stopped talking.

The team moved forward in silence, and not long after, someone was surprised to find a pile of wreckage of the carriage in front of them.

The broken rope loops fell to the ground, the carriages lay in a mess, and the goods were spilled out, and no one cleaned them up.

It seems that a fierce battle has taken place here, and traces of the battle can be seen everywhere.

As the team approached slowly, they found that there were still a few muskets scattered in the grass, and a large pit appeared in the center of the battlefield, which seemed to be formed by an explosion.

In addition, there are traces of burning in this forest, but it seems that the flames were extinguished as soon as they started.

Looking at these things, the guard leader looked serious.

Judging from the traces, the battle may have happened in the past two days.

At such a time, who would come to this valley and carry so many weapons?
Anyway, the leader of the guards can only think of those killers!
"It's the spider."

Zhong Ye's voice came from behind, and the guard leader turned his head in surprise, and saw him walking beside him.

Looking across every corner of the battlefield, Zhong Ye confirmed his guess, and said again: "They fought with that spider, and then everyone and horses were taken away by that spider—whether they were alive or dead. "


Hearing this sentence, the leader of the guards thought of what happened just now, and couldn't help but gasp.

Looking at this miserable situation, if Zhong Ye hadn't stopped the spider, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out...

Having figured this out, the head of the guard turned serious and raised his hand to tap his chest, "Thank you, Your Excellency Zhong Ye! When we arrive in Venice, we will pay you an additional [-] gold coins!"

Zhong Ye was not polite, "Get people's money, and get rid of disasters with people."

After packing up the supplies that could still be used, the team continued to walk.

They were not far from the valley, and before evening, the team left the dreaded valley, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


"All cheer up!"

The guard leader shouted loudly: "We can reach Asparatos today, we can rest there for a day, and then set off for Venice! When we get to Venice, this mission is over, you can relax as you like Relax, no one cares about you!

"But until then, everyone can't let their guard down!"

The leader of the guards was the first person to wake up besides Zhong Ye. Early in the morning, he woke up everyone from their sleep, and with dark circles under his eyes, he shouted at them half-commandingly and half-encouragingly.

His voice is very loud, even if someone is still sleepy, half asleep, he will wake up after being spoken by him.

The guard leader stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes. He hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days, and the closer he was to Aspalatos, the worse his sleep quality was.

Although no new killers came to attack the convoy after that valley, it was also because of this that he couldn't sleep well.

In the past few days, he spent most of his time thinking about what method the killer would use to assassinate him. After all, after entering the town, he couldn't keep people in the carriage all the time. That would be more suspicious and dangerous.

So he was very helpless, he could only raise people's vigilance, wait until Asparatos, and then ask Zhong Ye if he can provide personal protection, if he can, no matter how much money is added, he will admit it.

After waking the people up, the guard leader did not let them set off immediately.

The journey was exhausting, and everyone was tired. At this time, asking them to rush on the road would only have the opposite effect. Otherwise, let them eat and drink first, so that they would have the energy to deal with difficulties and obstacles.

After breakfast, the team set off for Aspalatos.

Aspalatos, opposite to Split on Earth, is now the capital of the province of Dalmatia.

Because of its excellent geographical location and coastal environment, this city has become the link between the Dalmatian province and the essence of Yitrul. If people from the surrounding provinces want to go to Venice and Rome, they will definitely come to Aspen. Palatos, whether it is starting here or transiting here, has improved the status of this city.

The captain of Asparatos has figured out the sea route to Venice and Rome, and can guarantee that the road is safe. From more than 100 years ago to the present, no sea ship belonging to Asparatos has been in Yad The Asian Sea sinks.

This was the safest and fastest route the Guard Chief could find.

—Crossing half of the province of Dalmatia, from Aspalatos to Venice.

The team set off early in the morning and successfully arrived at Aspalatos before the sun rose.

On the way, they encountered many teams, but just like Zhong Ye back then, none of the teams approached them.

Even so, the guards remained vigilant.

They didn't let down their vigilance until they entered Aspalatos.

However, just as they stepped into Aspalatos, they saw many people surrounding them.

Dozens, hundreds, those people not only filled the street, but kept crowding!

"Who are you?" A guard stood up holding his weapon and asked sharply.

Their current identities are not the servants of the nobles, and the identity of the person in the carriage cannot be revealed, so before those people do it, they can't do it in advance.

"We are here to welcome Your Excellency Zhong Ye!"

One person answered excitedly, and the others responded one after another.

Everyone was stunned, and couldn't help turning their heads to look at Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye covered his face with his hands, speechless.

These are... players!
(End of this chapter)

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